RE: Classes/Abilities (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/16/2011 23:03:11)

Er... Can someone please add what I said above about SoulSynch?

Also, Zardbie has new stats. - No longer disregards your stats. - Now 3 hits of 66.6(6)% damage each for a total of 200% damage. - Now hits of 50% damage each. - Now hit of 116.6(6)% damage. - Now 100% damage. - Now 100% damage. The DOT is Evil element, 33% damage. - Now 100% damage. - Now 1 hit of 150% damage with guaranteed Crit. - Now 1 hit of 150% damage. - Now 1 hit of 85% damage with increased accuracy.

Niki -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/17/2011 2:01:41)

I wonder if we should modify the current Zardbie Class Armor with the permanent version, or should we leave the temporary as is and create new entries for the permanent and its abilities.

The permanent is the one that should stay, the temp (over powerd) version is no more.

Peachii -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/17/2011 2:24:03)

The Zardbie Class Armor is just like the Dread Pirate Armor, so it should be made permanent (since it's now found in the Armor Closet).

I’m trying to get a staff verification that the temp over powered version is gone for good. I don’t want to change all the details just to create them again the next seasonal event. [Niki]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/20/2011 10:41:47)

Dragonlord Armor needs several links fixed.

The Align symbol on top of the page does not link to the actual page. Link

Correct link for Dragonlord Regenerate. (Currently links to Dragonrider Regenerate.) Neither of the links on the page links to the correct page.

EDIT: Same mistakes apply to Evolved Dragonlord Armor as well.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Dragonlord Regenerate requires new link with a picture.

Baron Dante -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/21/2011 20:47:30)

GPS (I) has been renamed. It is now known as Gnomish Personal Steamtank Vr 1.0

Mordred -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/21/2011 21:10:01)

From the above link:

The original still retains the glitch but after the database is updated again it will cease to function.

I'd remove the bolded part, as the database has been updated and it still functions, and I'm sure that the staff have no intentions of essentially having their players waste 1.5k DCs for an armor that no longer works.

Dracojan -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/23/2011 15:42:47)

fma spirit of giving - 9 hits of 25% dmg.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/23/2011 17:34:40)

The above......with a link


is correct its 9 hits.....not sure about the damage

It seems to do more than 200% so I updated it to 25% per hit. [Niki]

Edit: In this Q&A Armakuny say it is 8 9. [:)]

Mordred -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/5/2011 19:04:44)

Ultima Combo could be cleaned up by removing the unimportant posts!

Done, thanks. [Niki]

nightslayer321 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/6/2011 3:41:01)


Ultima Combo could be cleaned up by removing the unimportant posts!

About this: in all the encyclopedia there are those unimportant posts. Can they be removed or no?
I can do a list if they can.

Eventually they all should be removed and merged into the main entry. Sorting by Replies can spot most of them. It is just a tedious task that takes time. From time to time you can give me a SHORT list and I can do it (please don’t spam me with huge lists). [Niki]


Sorting by Replies can spot most of them

U read my mind Niki. [:D] ok i will do it.

Joe10112 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/6/2011 14:42:29)

Um, the blue box somtimes Stuns I think, because I used it today against Jacques (the dragon in dragesvard dragonslayer training quest), and it said "Jacques resisted Stun" or sumthin (the usual).

So the blue box somtimes stuns i think....although its never stunned (for me).

Also, after the second attack, it says "Resisted". Always. I dont know what that means. It always says "resisted" but doesnt always say "(monster) resisted stun!"

Just something I would like to add.

EDIT: "Jacquest resisted stun!" and Jacques is stunned.....WITHOUT me using my stun it does stun sometimes. (blue box trinket).

Silver Xoven -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/9/2011 4:41:07)

My Fae class needs her button images, and as I am not that good in editing, could someone get/do them for me? Same images will be used in the skill entries. [;)]

Peachii -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/10/2011 0:57:13)

No problem, Silver! :)

Here's the button images for Fae's skills:

Land On Her Feet:

And at the top of Fae's entry:

Done by owner. [Niki]

Silver Xoven -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/10/2011 3:37:14)

Thanks, Peachii. Added and credited. [;)]

Abdo -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/22/2011 17:08:26)

Retribution skill does 14 hits of 15% damage each(value rounded up)

Peachii -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/24/2011 0:52:28)

Here's the current remaining replies that needs to be deleted and/or information added to the original entry! ^_^

Gnomish Personal Steamtank - Boiling Point
Dragonslayer - Dragon Blind
Ninja Monkey - CharliesNinjas
Necromancer - Mystify
Paladin Armor
Paladin - Song
DragonRider - Burn
DragonRider - MegaBurn
Guardian - Guardian Dragon
DragonSlayer - Pierce

Yushinoki -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/16/2011 5:01:12)

[image][/image][image][/image]Boom Voice Brew
140% Dmg, small chance of stun

Armor Required: BOOM-Voice Brew (Trinket)
Level unlocked: N/A
Effect: 140% damage, 1% chance to stun

Mana Cost: 0
Duration: 0
Charge Time: 30


Appearance: Character states "This" "Is" "My" "BOOMVOICE!"

Done, thanks. DM tag is not needed here. [Niki]

Z -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/16/2011 5:58:42)

For Soul Slice, the Annihilation effect takes place only if the monster's HP is below 15% at the start of the turn, i.e. the monster won't be Annihilated if its HP reaches 15% *after* any of the hits from Soul Slice.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Peachii -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/20/2011 2:11:06)

Boom Voice Brew Appearance - it's the same as drinking a potion, but nevertheless, here's the image if it's needed.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/29/2011 23:59:36)

Guardian seems to be needing some pictures:


Done, thanks. [Niki]

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/3/2011 19:35:19)

Since Gigi asked so kndly for us to do this, I figured I might as well try it out. If I may say, the image looks weird being by itself there:

Original Entry

KnightLite Class Armor

Location: The End?
Price: N/A
Level/Quest/Items to unlock: N/A
Sellback: N/A

Level: 1
Rarity: N/A
Category: Armor
Equip Spot: Body

Default Weapon: Longsword

Defenses: Melee: 6, Pierce: 6, Magic: 6, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Light: 5, Darkness: 5

Fire Magic

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 7

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 1
Element: Fire
Attack Type: Magic


Ice Storm
Ice Magic

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 6

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 1
Element: Ice
Attack Type: Magic


Lower Enemy Dmg

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 5

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage; -10 Boost to Enemy for 2 turns

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 9
Element: As Weapon
Attack Type: As Weapon


Accurate Hit

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 4

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Possible increase in Bonus for the attack

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 1
Element: As Weapon
Attack Type: As Weapon


+50% Defense for 5 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 3

Effect: +50 Block for 5 turns

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 4
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


Mel’s Rush
Ash picked it up from Mel

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 2

Effect: Three hits of 50%Weapon Damage each. Requires a successful Stabbity to use

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 4
Element: As Weapon
Attack Type: As Weapon


Reduces Enemy's to hit by 50%.

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 1

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage, -50 Bonus to enemy for 5 turns. Requires a successful attack to use

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 4
Element: As Weapon
Attack Type: As Weapon



Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Light bomb
Light Magic

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 1
Element: Light
Attack Type: Magic


Energy Magic

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 9

Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 1
Element: Energy
Attack Type: Magic


Destiny Strike
Pierce Attack

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10

Effect: Two hits of 100% Weapon Damage each. Converts Melee and Magic to Pierce

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 2
Element: As Weapon
Attack Type: Pierce


Triple 100% Dmg

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10

Effect: Three hits of 100% Weapon Damage each

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 4
Charge Time: 2
Element: As Weapon
Attack Type: As Weapon


Unlocks ArchKnight Strike

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10

Effect: Unlocks Ultimate Light Soul Flare

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 5
Charge Time: 4
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


Ultimate Light Soul Flare
ArchKnight’s Ultimate Attack

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10

Effect: Twenty hits of 100% Weapon Damage each. Requires a successful Unlock to use

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 4
Element: As Weapon
Attack Type: As Weapon



Thanks to
--Stephen Nix for a correction
--ArchMagus Orodalf for original skill entries

ZanpakuTo, both this one and the Young Hero look like what we are looking for. Feel free to post it and let me know when you do, so I can clean up what needs to be done. Thanks! ~superjars

Done. [Niki]

Niki -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/4/2011 12:00:28)

In general it looks Ok, here are a few notes:
  • If you are using exiting materials (images, entries, info... ) you are required to add a "Thanks to" with all the acknowledgments.
  • Location should either be the quest name or the place/NPC that give access to that armor. There is no need to put the whole path.
  • I don't see a point to duplicate the quest name in "Level/Quest/Items to unlock". It should be there only if the "Completion of" a quest unlocks it for access in other quests.
  • "Bonus: , Boost:" should be "Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%".
  • A link to the original class entry should be added (just the class not the abilities) to save us the time searching.

  • ZanpakuTô -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/4/2011 19:11:06)

    All done. I can't do much about the AK button. I'm not sure who else to thank. Stephen Nix gave a correction and Archmagus made most of the original skills. I suppose you put all this into the post?

    ZanpakuTô -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/5/2011 14:59:34)

    Here is Young Hero too. I'm not sure how you want to incorporate his normal-attack variations.

    Young Hero

    Location: Slushroom Princess
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: N/A
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: 1
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Longsword

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Light: 5, Darkness: 5

    Fire Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 7

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Magic


    Ice Storm
    Ice Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 6

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Ice
    Attack Type: Magic


    Lower Enemy Dmg

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 5

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage; -10 Boost to Enemy for 2 turns

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: As Weapon
    Attack Type: As Weapon


    Accurate Hit

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 4

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Possible increase in Bonus for the attack

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: As Weapon
    Attack Type: As Weapon


    +50% Defense for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 3

    Effect: +50 Block for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Mel’s Rush
    Ash picked it up from Mel

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 2

    Effect: Three hits of 50%Weapon Damage each. Requires a successful Stabbity to use.

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As Weapon
    Attack Type: As Weapon

    Appearance 1
    Appearance 2
    Appearance 3

    Reduces Enemy's to hit by 50%.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 1

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage, -50 Bonus to enemy for 5 turns. Requires a successful attack to use

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As Weapon
    Attack Type: As Weapon



    Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Chance to throw weapon for a two-hit attack of 100% each or a ten-hit attack of 100% each; chance increases as his HP lowers

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Light bomb
    Light Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: Magic


    Energy Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 9

    Effect: One hit of 100% Weapon Damage. Converts Melee and Pierce to Magic

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Magic



    Thanks to
    --Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf for the image, location link, and original skills
    --Thanks to Sasuke Uchiha for corrections and weapon throw chance
    --Cyclone Slash and Stephen Nix for additional corrections

    Done. [Niki]

    nightslayer321 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/14/2011 14:22:20)

    This is the original entry for Warrior and this is the rewrite:

    Warrior Armor

    Location: Character Creation Screen
    Price: N/A
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: 1
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Longsword

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Crit: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Light: 5, Darkness: 5

    +75% Dmg Attack

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 9

    Effect: Perform one hit of 175% damage

    Mana Cost: 6
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Attack and +20 to hit for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

    Effect: Performs a normal attack and adds 'Bonus 20%' (chance to hit) to you for 5 turns (including this turn)

    Mana Cost: 7
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Stop a foe from running away.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 7

    Effect: Performs a normal attack and adds 'Trip: -100 flee' to the enemy for 20 turns, preventing them from running away

    Mana Cost: 3
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Ranged Attack +75% Damage

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 6

    Effect: Perform one hit of 175% Pierce damage

    Mana Cost: 3
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Attack and Stun for 3 rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 5

    Effect: Perform a normal attack and, if it hits, adds 'Stunned' to the enemy for 3 turns

    Mana Cost: 17
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Defensive Stance
    +140 to Defense and +50% to Damage for 2 turn

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 4

    Effect: Adds 'Defense +140 Points' for 2 turns and while the Stance is up, adds 'Stable Stance +50% Dmg' to you, buffing your damage to 150%

    Mana Cost: 11
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Attack and +20% Damage for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 2

    Effect: Adds 'WarCry 20 PowerBoost' to you for 5 turns, buffing your damage to 120% (including this turn) and performs a buffed attack

    Mana Cost: 11
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Different WarCry messages:

    "Battle On!"
    "Cry havoc, and let slip the togs of war!"
    "By the power of #CCCCCC Skull"
    "Leeeeroy Jeeeenkins"


    Level/Quest/Items required: N/A

    Effect: One hit of 100% damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Double Attack
    Available after a successful Attack.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 2

    Effect: Requires the last hit of any attack to have connected to unlock. Does two hits of 75% damage

    Mana Cost: 4
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance 1
    Appearance 2

    Triple Attack
    Available after a successful Double Attack.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 3

    Effect: Requires the last hit of a Double Attack to have connected to unlock. Does three hits of 75% damage

    Mana Cost: 9
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance 1
    Appearance 2
    Appearance 3

    Mana Strike
    Attacks MP instead of HP

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 4

    Effect: Perform a normal attack, but targets MP instead of HP

    Mana Cost: 7
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Multi Strike
    Hits all enemies

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 5

    Effect: Hits all enemies; each hit does 120% damage

    Mana Cost: 14
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Strength Strike
    20% enemy Dmg reduction for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10

    Effect: Performs a normal attack and gives to the enemy 'Dmg -20%' for 5 turns, reducing total monster damage by 20%

    Mana Cost: 7
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Bleed 20% Damage for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 11

    Effect: Performs a 50% attack and adds a Metal melee DOT that does 20% of your damage each turn for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 4
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Final Blow
    Guaranteed Crit +25% Dmg

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 18

    Effect: Performs an attack with +100 Crit; it also does 125% damage before applying the Crit.

    Mana Cost: 8
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image] [image][/image]

    Thanks to
    -- Z.324.
    -- The Legendary Hero for updated skills information.
    -- Jamenja for skill bar images.
    -- ILmaster13 for Female image.
    -- Highlord Sendai for location link.

    Checked, double checked and triple checked. Everything in here is ready for posting. Please do so and PM me when you have so I can make the necessary changes. Thanks! ~superjars

    Done. [Niki]

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