RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (Full Version)

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Genk82 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 15:35:11)

'Gratz on the AK-ship.
I can haz cookie?
/me gives a cookie
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck norris?
A TON of wood!


LordAidan -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 15:45:20)

1. Its wierd seeing you as AK when I remembered you as helpfull O_o
xD I'm still gettin used to it O_o
2. Is cake a lie?
Totally lies!
3. Do you like answering questiond
Some of the time [8|]
Thats all. See ya later!

Grimmjows -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 15:48:24)

Hey Tflo I knew you woulda make it
I made it? Yayz!
Ahh want a breath mint...
I don't have any sorry :/
Just to tell you that mint is made out've bear skin
Not my skin I hope -_-
/me torturetacklesnugfliesback
would you dare try to eat my fish bosco
Yes i would :P
whos the better judge jeff or bosco
Jeff all the way!
would you want some gummie bears
If they are Gummy, yes.
don't you dare become a digimon...
But why D:
well anyway grats tflo
Thanks Z

Myra -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 15:53:19)

Hi tflo!
Hiya MR
Is "tflo" an acronym of something?
Well, some know me as 'The Floor Laughing Ominously'. Some play a video game called True Fantasy Live Online o_O
If yes, what does it mean?
It actually stands for the first letter of my first name (T). The last 3 are ever other letter of my last name. Do not question mah all powerful mind :P
If not, can you make one up?
It standz for Mysterious Ranger :D
Congratulations and good luck! [:)]
Thanks, you too ;)

.Shadow// -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 16:27:36)

dotshadowslashslash :o
Congrats, man! :D
Thanks much!
See, what'd I tell you? It was inevitable. My prediction on AQW was right :D
I am Newbie Help xD
    1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. What does it say? What was the book?
    It is a math forumula describing basic Physics :o
    2) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
    My computer and my tv :)
    3) Before you started answering questions, what were you doing?
    Hmm...Playing Xbox?
    4) What is the last thing you watched on TV?
    I believe it was Rules of Engagement.
    5) Without looking, guess what time it is. Now look at the clock. How close were you?
    I was off by 3 minutes :'(
    6) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
    The TV my brother is watching Spongebob xD
    7) When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
    I was playing lacrosse!
    8) What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
    A word document.
    9)If you could meet one famous person, who would it be? Why?
    Hmm Will Ferrel.
    10) What is the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
    I went to skewl <_<

See you in AQW!
Yea cya!
.S// Out.
~tflo O-U-T

thewinnar -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 17:09:25)

hey tflo!
Hiya Jjjellyroll!
1.congratz on AK ( i knew it)
2.izz meh jjjellyroll :P
Yup, I know :p
3.Whats you up to?
Homework and this stuffz.
4.If you were the cookie monster which leter would you eat first?
I would eat Cookies not letters D:
6.Do not read 7th question
7.i told you not to read >:Q
Sorry :/
8. will i see you back in AQw one day?
Yup, for shure :)
See ya keep on helping people and good luck for the future
I'll try, thanks!

Reni -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 17:13:52)

Hey Tflo, gratz and all. :D
Thanks Reni...and all :D
Isn’t it awesome or what being in circe’s horde of souls?
It's kewl :)
I think so, anyway. =P
Me too :P
Fav part of your new powahs?
Hmm...Locking threads, it's ossim!
Um. That’s all for now, can’t think of any other questions to ask. D:
Oh noez D: at least you know me in AQW :)

Cya round, congratulations again. :)
For sure, thanks Reni good luck to you as well ;)

AQ Madness -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 17:15:20)

Oooh~!!! Ohh!!! Congratulations!!!!!
Ummm let see 5 questions!!!
Just 5 :D
1. Do you remember me?
Of Course, your Jacob14/AQ Madness!
2. Why bear? Why not llamas?
Easy Bears > Llamas
3. Do u like llamas?
They are kewl :)
4. Congratz...........[:D]
Thanks :D
5. Read#4 Sthuper!!!!

Eukara Vox -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 17:31:06)

I. If a train is traveling 70mph through the snowy mountains in the winter and it begins to rain, what is the likelihood that the chickens will have a party?
Depends on how many chickens, if any are in the Train o_O

II. In the following religious mythologies, which deity do you relate to the most?
Greek:If I said Circe would it be a cliche? xD
Egyptian:Anubis because he is kewl lookin.
Norse: Hermóðr cause War spirits are kewl :D

III. If you ever came face to face with a real life dragon, what would you do?
Depends how big it is, fully grown and I'd RUN.

IV. Where would you rather go scuba diving? The Great Barrier Reef, around Papua, New Guinea, Bahamas, Hawai'i or Ireland? Explain why :P
I've already gone Scuba Diving in Hawai'i, but I would like to see the Great Barrier Reef because it would be cool to go to Australia and I could watch the toilets flush backwards too :D

V. Which is better? Dragonflies or Zergs? Explain.
Well, they both are or resemble bugs and r powerful so can't they work together and be happy D:

VI. If you could design a weapon for the game, what would it look like and do?
It would be a Shorter version of the Ivy Blade, but it would have two parts to it, like the Crude Twin Dagger. It would make ppl itchy >:D

VII. What is your favorite smell and why?
I like the smell of Freshly Cut Grass. Ya gotta admit, it smells goooood :)

VIII. Do you own any silly socks? If so, please list them in preference of likablility and describe them. If you do not own any, then proceed to describe 3 pairs of silly socks that you have seen others wear.
I own a pair of wacky soccer socks from all the years I played soccer. They are multi colored and I wear them in my weights class in school :)

IX. Which would you rather have: Pink fluffy shackles that sparkle in the daytime or dark brooding shackles that make the weak tremble at night?
Pink and fluffy I don't want none of this Dark Brooding business D:

X. What is your favorite winter holiday decoration item? Why?
I would have to say the ornaments that go up because I do that with my brother and we always get along then :)

the reaper121 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 17:56:08)

1.hi just gots a few questions
2.what came first the turkey or the bear?
The turkey, you see, the bears needed something to eat ;)
3.have you ever heard of me?
I believes so.
4.who invented the micro wave oven
Good question o_O
5 thatl be all adios
[:(] i dress up as a turkey and i dont want no bear eating me
hey look who my posts are between

Elnaith -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 19:07:58)

Glad you're here, dude!
Glad to see you as well :)
Nice of me to give you the colour tags, right? ftw xD
Also please be aware your shackle rent fee is due in 10 minutes.
:o *goes to get my money*
So is your cell rent.
I'm gonna be broke D:
Chips or Fries?
Hmm Fries are nice.
If potatoes are like turnips, what colour would carrots be?
Orange? Maybe?
How's your PINKy finger?
Cheers mate :D
Cya El!

Circe -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 19:22:41)

teeeeeeeeflo! Welcomewelcome! :D
Ciiiiiiiiiirce Hiyas :D
We're super glad to have you here, it's going to be fun!
Yayz! /me lieks fun :)
Your edit color is prrrrrrrretty! Lot like mine! :D
/me agrees :)
Have fun with the shiny hammers. Stay out of trouble. :P
Can I bash teh Viking and Glacier with them? :p

~JW~ -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 19:22:53)


I Told You I Would.

nice :p

Khelios -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 19:23:28)

20 questions - isn't that a game?
Yes, a game I do not like D:
Zomg it's a tidal wave flowing through the forums :o
And his name is tflo?
Congrats again :D
Thanks Personater!
Are you still waiting for that AQW rockstar video we did to be uploaded? :P
Yes I am...about that :p
What's your take on the stance that incorporating fraud into the political sanctions in the remote geographic sectors of the Laurentian Abyss?
Um...I cannot vote!

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 20:09:23)

Hi tflo!
Hiya .*. .*. .*. !
Congrats to your new position! :D
Thanks very much :)
I don't have any questions but I might poke you at IRC! :D
I'll be waiting :)
Enjoy and don't forget to have fun! :D
I'll try!
/me waves
*waves back*

Syrena -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 20:53:50)

Hiyas tflo!
I'm thinking of a number between one and ten what is it?
11? xD um 7!
Would you rather eat a stinky sock sandwich or clean Cysero's room?
He really does need to clean that room. I'm not about eating socks so i'll take cleaning ;)
How are the chains?
They're fine :)
Whose your roommate?
Icy ;)
Would you rather ride a 80 story rollercoaster or do a super long term paper?
Rollercoasters are fun!
Whats your opinion on my suggestion? click siggy
Pretty cool, Quest ideas are my favorite ;)
I think thats it....for now. Congrats!

Walt -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 20:54:12)

Tflo when did you become an ak XD?
Yesterday xD
Remember me from b-1
Yup [:)]
Hard job?
Nope...for now...
Are u obsessed with lamps or fried twinkies or something like some other aks?
Eh my thing is bears, but that is subject to change ;)
Me throws two bananas of a cliff. Then a giant boulder breaks in half. How many fish are in the lake?
However many there were minus the amount of fishies that I ate and the amount the bananas and boulder killed.
U must be popular XD
?siht daer u naC
lolwut D:
have u ever been fishing?
Yes I have, In DF and in RL :)
Catch anything?
Yup, I caught a Shark and a Barracuda once :o
Well im off

~ tflo ~

RyuRoni -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 21:07:06)

congrats on akship
how are the shackles?
Not too loose, not too tight, but just riight ;)
well thats all so again congrats
Thanks again ;)

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/4/2009 21:24:21)

I iS bAcK wRiTiNg WiTh YoU cOlOr AgAiN!
Not anymore >:D
PSSST, I know how to unlock your shackles. wanna know how?
If only you could find me D:

The Cutscene is at /join otto

That wasn't what I was asking XD
Can i post here again?
Sure :D
Shall i dare to break your rules?
Hmm if you dare >:)
Does your roommate almost freeze you to death?
Almost? It's fafaraheezing in here D:
who are you?
I am tflo! Who are YOU :o
OMG i see a spaceship outside my house!
FOREALZ!? Nowai!
Did i run out of stuff to say?
I dont think so o_O
I think i did, o'well.
Awww :'(
Shall break into your cell?
Well, you wouldn't know where it is, I don't even know where it is Dx
Thats all for now.
Kk Cya :)
P.S. Me feels a competition between you and Icy.
/me feels me winning :p

BladeCrusher -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/5/2009 0:02:58)

Hi ArchBear!
Hi Bladecrusher!
Congratulations on the AKship
How are your shackles?
Eh gettin a bit tighter :/
Are they fluffy or full of thorns?
Fluffy :D
Would you prefer Fried Twinkies or Pie?
Hmm never tried Fried Twinkies o_O
Defeat Gravelyn or Drakath
Hmm Drakath!
Icy or Burn
Me of course. :P <----Orly? :p
But in all seriousness, he can't answer that question. ~Icy

Eh, both are pretty cool dudes :)

Scottrick95 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/5/2009 0:05:42)

wow tflo, Super gratz on AK ship!!!!
Hey thanks!
No questions from me so....
Aww :|
gratz again!
Thanks again!

The Game -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/5/2009 0:38:12)

Heya tflo!
Heya TG!
If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?
I would guess white o_O
If a Canoe is going downhill at 70 Watts per hour, and a Bowrider sinks in quicksand at a rate of 10 Coulombs per minute, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck sells seashells by the seashore?
Congratulations, and good luck!
Thanks TG!

Agrecard -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/5/2009 1:16:35)

Hey tflo......Ure an AK?!!!???
Nowai! I guess I am o_O
lol...its about time too...
Don't have any questions just posting to congratulate u^^.....but since u are the question man...
When was I nominated the questions man >:O
who are u and wat have u done with the REAL tflo?!!
He iz lost in a cell ._.
Wat came first, the zard or the egg?
The egg i guess o_O
Wat is the meaning of life/universe?
To live your life to the fullest, at least, that's my belief.
have u figured urself out of the shackles by now?
Nope, I think they are escape proof o_O
Will u be doing AK business in just the newbie help or in the AQW ones too?
Right now, I'm in Newbie Help, but who knows?
Final Question.......Who am i and wat am i doing here? xD
Only you can answer that D:

gratz again .'P
Thanks again :)
~ tflo ~

ty2toon -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/5/2009 6:48:49)

Yo Tflo!
Yo ty!
Remember me?
Yup ;)
What's your fav AK.... thing?
Not sure yet o_O
Are you backed up on work with the Axe Polishing?
That's what V_J thinks >:D
So, what is your new thing after.... Bears?
Eh for now :p
Well, nice to talk to ya Tflo, see ya for now!!!
See ya!

Metroiddragon -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/5/2009 7:03:25)

1. Do u like pokemon?
It's kewl.
2. if so, wat?
Hmm there are quite a few that i like.
3. Do u like Soul Eater?
Never heard of it o_O Sorry.

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