RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (Full Version)

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XargenTelNada -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/6/2009 18:45:54)

Ohaider :)
This is my first post on the forums after being an AQ member for 4 and a half years =D
Nice, welcome to the forums ;)
Do you feel privalaged?
I do feel privelaged that you chose my MtAK to be your first post :)
Are you lying to make me feel better?
/me doesn't lie
Is the luster of a brand new AKship starting to wear off yet?
Nope, it never will :)
Are your shackles polished regularly?
They can get Grimy at times, but I usually just let them sit :/
Do you get fed gruel
Nope and I'm thankful or that O_O
Should I check the forums more often and make a name for myself?
Most definitely!
If I'm really nice, do I get a cookie?
Oh yes you do ;)
Do you fear the greatest enemy off all time ever... THE TUMBLEWEAVER!?
Tumbleweaver? O_O
Take care, and enjoy yourself =D
You too ;) Happy foruming :)
P.S. One of these isn't a question, honest =o
You're fine ;) ~ tflo

zeke50100 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/6/2009 18:46:07)

Hai tflo!
Heya Zeke!

I R Can seez u in places! *coughMQGDcough* Can j00 seez me?
I seez you now :D

Normally, I have better questions for new AKs. I'm busy today, however :( Apology accepted?
It's oky, just repost :)

Cn i b a m0dz0rz?
No >:O

Cn i b a b4ndz0rz?
Yes :D

Wai not? D:
Cause I said so >:O

Favorite smiley?
Good Question, Its this one right here: [sm=Floyd.gif] because everyone's got a little 'Trouble/Trobble' in them :p

Favorite BoF/AEF (Battleon/Artix Entertainment Forum) board? (i.e. NH, FI, GGDs, etc.)
I post in all the ones I like. I like MQ, NH, AQ, AQW, DF, and FI...basically all the game boards xD...but really only the General Discussions and Q&A Stuff.

Who is your favorite forumite whose name starts with Z and ends in 50100? *prepares for disappointment*
YOU! Don't be disappointed :D

So, I guess this is the end of my questionare. Thank you for participating! On your way out, refrain from editing underneath the sign-post below; to the void it leads, and no escape!
Yayz I'll try not to...Where I am...there is already no escape [sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif] <-- Second favorite smiley ;)

~ tflo

Neopie -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/6/2009 19:27:55)

dont usually come to this forum but i like mt aks so
Awww you should :D
Favorite vid game
Call of Duty...4&World at War atm. and Gears of War II
Favorite book
The Eragon/Inheritance Trilogy.
Percyjackson or harrypotter
Percy Jackson :D
Annabeth or hermine
grover or ron
Ron, ron, ron, ron WEASLEY
Tyson or luna,nevel.
Nevil ftw!
favorite movie
Hmm I like a lot of movies ._. My favorite kind is action/comedy/horror.

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/6/2009 22:51:45)

Now, Tflo, /I/ will be asking this question. Raccoons, or foxes?
Foxes most definitely.
Foxes or coyotes? =O
Conker's Bad Fur Day was quite possibly one of the most amazing games made for N64. Such a pity that Nintendo sold Rareware to Microsoft shortly afterwards. =/
Yes it was...I think I'll play it tomorrow n_n
Do you enjoy jazz?
On the occasion :)
I can't think of anything else to ask you. Bye!
Thas all? kcya!

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/6/2009 22:54:18)

Flower Puff Boy! :D
What is your pokemon going to be?
Hmm Mew sound good?
Care to partake in a BeyBlade Revolution? *winkwinknudgenudge*
/me joins it
Dear AK/Mod, if 2+2 is equal to the equivalent of the capacity of Munchy's stomach, how many watts would it take to swim in a glacier?
A lot [sm=icon_mrgreen.gif]
How's that AKing?
Iz kewl :)
How's polishing my axe?
I'm still polishing that thng? Why can't Cow_Face or The Legendary Hero do it :/
Well, that's all from me! :)
~ tflo

The Chaos Slayer -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/6/2009 22:59:10)

'llo Flo!
Remember me? I somehow doubt it.
Oh I do, no worries :)
Just saying to V_J up there, I think you mean DIGIMON. Right?
/me hasn't picked a pokemon yet :/
We should hang out more, if you know what I mean.
O_O for sure
By that, I mean we should talk more, and play some AQW together.
Yup, I figured ;)
If you remember me, that is.
/me does ;)
That's it...for now.
Kk later!

~ tflo

Resolute -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/6/2009 23:06:33)

1 question. Why bears?
Bears are almost as kewl as Cronker, who is a squirrel :D
~ tflo

the reaper121 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/7/2009 5:55:07)

i am back.......... cookiez
Cookies?? Where?
if you wernt a squirell or bear what would you be?
A Chipmunk or a walking, talking stack of money.
where would you hide if a turkey attacked your house?
I would hide in mah room.
why would you hide there?
It iz safe there.
what is the 17th planet i made up?
Not shure o_O
if yuo were the president what would you change?
I would try to get us out of the Depression...easier said than done though.
if you had to be a digimon what would it be
Dracomon ;)
if you had to be a pokemon what would you be?
Not shure :/
if you made your own tv show up what would it be called?
Rules of Engagement...whoops!
can i be ur personal assistant lolz
thats all adios amigo
Kk bye ~ tflo

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/7/2009 16:28:38)

How are you taking it being AK?
It iz awesomesauce.
Must be fun
It iz pretty kewl.
/em gives pat on the back
/me patpat's back.
/em punts
Hey >:O
thx for being helpful

~ tflo

ripshred -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/7/2009 17:33:24)

what up
nmu? ~ tflo

Predatoree -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/7/2009 17:52:16)

Ohai! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Ohaider :)


What would you do if I ROFLOLMAOPWN1337OVER9000'd you?
I would jk jk jk jk lolol



CD -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/7/2009 21:37:53)

Hey man! Congratz, you earned it.
Thanks CD!
Who asked you to be an AK?
Circe asked me :)
Are we still friends?
Of course!
Have you ever been rickrolled?
You almost got me, but I saw right through that :p
And that's all, for now.
O.k cya later/ingame!

wpack10 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/7/2009 23:10:23)

tflo....hmmmm never heard of him lol
But I'm tflo...ya know...the sichotic Squirrel.
How ya been buddy?
Pretty gewd
^I have been Rick rolled.
No I have not >:O
I think i deserved AK more lol jk.
How the forums been since i left?
They've been gewd.
Any in-game perks?
Ttyl! Congrats Tflo
Cya later! Thanks!

CD -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/8/2009 3:54:46)

Back with moar questions.
Moar? D:
Have you ever been duckrolled?
Don't think so :/
How many valence electrons does Ununseptium have?
Imma guess 2?
1, 2, or 4? CHOOSE WISELY.
For the Valence Electrons? Im gonna guess 1 this time [:)]
Was it merely a passing fancy you had to have a squirrel for your forum avvy?
Cronker is Kewl >:O

Neopie -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/8/2009 16:58:32)

Pie or ice cream?
Ice Cream :)
Ice cream or cake
Ice Cream still.
Is the cake a lie if GlaDos gives it to you is all lies!
Am i fat?
"Package tflo, sign here please"

"hands tflo chain breaker8273456928745902843750983247508923570984375890206y90834750982648907345098723509832460982347598236450893247509238475098
It's not strong enough ._.
"Hides in bunker"
Get out of there soldier!
THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Battleon!

I like pizza
Me too!
Pizza icecream cake or pie
meh, Ice cream.
This is tflo
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish!
N.p cya later!

legomaster00156 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/8/2009 20:42:20)

Looks like you and Icy graduated Member University together, and became ArchKnights! Congrats, and good luck with your duties!
Looks that way...and yea thanks!
1. Wanna cookie? I baked 'em in surplus.
Sure I do :)
2. Here ya' go!
3. There is no 3. Mysterious! :P
:o no question 3? Blasphemy!

speedy fighters -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/8/2009 21:43:32)

That was a bunch of halabaloo >:O
itchy foot eatable in mingy tingy now?
Hmm :/
howabouta da hugabear.
Hugabear, I'ma squirrel :D
But you can hug a bear, give them bear hugs ;)

*offers a picanic basket"
*takes and thanks*
Chainsaw's mic elven bread!
Chainsaws rewl
*starts attacking you*
*starts defending himself*
this is your brain....
I has a big brain :D
this is your brain on my foot *raises foot*
Looks gewd :D
strange public service announcement, huh?
For most definitely :o

p_buhl -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/8/2009 23:01:02)

Hey congratz on AKyness and what not.....To bad nobody will find you here =D (not a question see no question mark).
Thanks! People go here all the time ;)

1. Why can't I ask 100 again?
Nope sorry :/

2. So many AK's have this real random thing like lamp or fried twinkies or viking plushies so um....what is yours?

3. Who captured you and how was it even possible?
Circe caught me...supreme master ninja style.

4. What does the aardvak represent in African fokelore?
Not sure o_O

5. Why the squirl....seriously....I mean come on a squirl??? You can do better than that right?
Nothing is better than Cronker the Squirrel!

6. Why don't you ever put me on your friends list?!?!?!??!???
Because it's full sorry :/

7. You have heard the instuctions what do you choose, the red or blue cupcake, the fate of the world depends on your choice?
Depends what the instructions say ;)

8. What is your favorite emote thing a ma bob?
/facepalm :)

9. If you knew that I know something you knew that I know about you knowing I know it about you, what would you do?
I would /feign

10. Do you swear to not let this AKship get to your head? because if it does you will expect a world of pain, misery, and witty comebacks from yours truely.
I don't think it has o_O

Well that is it (NOT, considering I will probably post like 2 or 3 posts later with more questions....) so good luck and what not with the Newbie help!
~ tflo ~

foohy890 -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/9/2009 12:39:30)

I read what Lord Aidan said about you being in a cell. True?
Yup ._.
~ tflo ~
Then how are you able to access a computer and play AQWorlds? (Or go on GIMP.)

The Galin Killer -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/9/2009 13:31:26)

Hiyas TFLO(i knew u were gonna be the next AK....i sorta bet on it O.o)
Orly? How much didja make :D

So how are things going?

Ninjas or assassins?
I fought for the Ninja's in AQ [8|]

Do u like pie?
On occasion.


i herd u liek assassins......
I hurd you liek Mudkipz

well congratz anyway
~ tflo ~

Dragyfyre -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/9/2009 16:13:53)

This is a new page, so can I ask questions again?
Sure, if ya like!

necromancr captan jj -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/9/2009 16:17:35)

Hello, tflo!!!
Congrats on becoming AK-ish!!!
ish D: I ish an AK!
On a scale from 1 to 18,76, how EBIL are you???
1 because I am good :)
That`s all from me!!!
Kk, cya!
We shall meet, yet again...
We shall? :o

~Necromancer Captain JJ
~ tflo ~

Indeed we shall...

p_buhl -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/10/2009 8:15:35)

See I'm back like I promised =D
Nice :D
1. Did you get lucky and get a cell to yourself or do you share one?
I'm with Icy it's really cold :/
2. Do you play pokemon with all the other AKs? And if so what is your favorite?
Haven't chosen one yet :/
3. What is your favorite of the 4 AE games?
4. Why does it say tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help if you are an squirl? (HAHA GOT YA)
Because I didn't change my title for this thread =P
5. Have you been trained in the art of being sneaky and finding loopholes in questions and stuff yet like all the other AKs?
Nope :/
6. Weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Cabbage Casserole...bleh
7. Besides AE games what is your main source of entertainment?
I like to hang out with my friends.
8. What would you do if I put one more of these [:D][:D][:D]?
Delete one of them >:O
9. Favorite class (any game)?
Probably Physics, though it is the hardest, it is the most rewarding :)
10. Do like being an AK?
It's cool.
Well that is all I am restricted from asking more questions so good luck and see ya in game!!!
Kk cya ingame!

LordAidan -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/10/2009 11:00:49)

Mwahahahahahaha Im back!
Oh teh noez!
Have you ever read either of my Moglins gone Wild stories?
Nope :/ I'll give them a looksies though!
Can I haz cookies?
What kind? I got a lot from other people :D
Does AE use both AK and moglin slave labor or just Moglin?
They have enough labor with us AKs ._.
Can I haz pie?
Can I haz 3.14159?
I just gave you pi >:O
Can I haz cake?
I don't have no cake D:
^Im greedy!
Congratz again! (Hahaha. I'll see how many times I can say congratz before tis ends!)
Just once on this post =P
~ tflo ~

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =MtAK= tflo the ArchBear of Newbie Help! (5/10/2009 23:46:42)

sorries for the lateness! :D *snugglehugglepounces* nearly forgot to wish you well and say hi here too :D
Aww it's o.k AG :)

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