Sea Scourge (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> Sea Scourge (5/10/2009 22:45:18)

Sea Scourge

(Also see Swashbuckler's Raiment.)

Level: 30
Price: 3,000 426
Sellback: 1,500 213
Location: Pirate Class

Melee: 32
Ranged: 30
Magic: 28

Fire: 100%
Water: 83%
Wind: 83%
Ice: 95%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 95%
Light: 85%
Darkness: 85%

  • ClassLevel is your current Pirate Class Level
  • SkillLevel is your (scaled) Skill Level. It is chosen by clicking on the Pirate logo in the Skill menu.
  • EffectiveLevel is your effective Level. It is equal to 30 + 4*ClassLevel
  • ScaledEffectiveLevel is your scaled effective Level. It is equal to 30 + 4*SkillLevel.

  • *All Combat Defences are increased by +(ClassLevel*2/3) each, rounded normally
  • Elements increase based on Level:
      Fire: None
      Water: - round(0.4 + ClassLevel*1.75)
      Wind: - round(0.4 + ClassLevel*1.75)
      Ice: - round(ClassLevel/2 - 0.4)
      Earth: None
      Energy: - round(ClassLevel/2 - 0.4)
      Light: - ClassLevel
      Darkness: - ClassLevel
    Wear this armor if you want to take on the Pirate Class, and use special abilities such as Keelhaul, Grog 'n Flog, Davy Jones' Locker, and Plunder! Sea Scurge pirates have a peg-leg, eye patch, and hook-hand.

    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: [round(0.475*ClassLevel^2 + 5.41*ClassLevel + 119)% Base, Random and Stats
    BTH: floor(3.5 + ClassLevel/2) plus Stats



    Level 1: Swab the Mob
    Monsters are usually quite dirty- time to clean this one up a bit!
      Hits: 2
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      **Base: 0.5*round(0.5 * [4 + 0.5*ScaledEffectiveLevel +0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2]) damage
      **Random: 0.5*round(0.5 * [13 + 1.25*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2]) damage
      ***Stats:0.5*round(100 + 8.8*ScaledEffectiveLevel)%
      BTH: floor(ScaledEffectiveLevel/4) plus **Stats
      Cost: round(0.01125*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2 + 2.3375*ScaledEffectiveLevel +38.1) MP

      *Stat bonus to damage is STR/10 + DEX/40 + LUK/20
      **Stat bonus to BTH is DEX/8 + LUK/20

      This counts as a spell.

    Level 2: Summon Petey
    Summon your faithful (and entertaining) parrot Petey to help belittle, and battle your enemies.
      Summons Petey. Cast again to dismiss him.
      Cost: Free

    Level 3: Swash Defense - Toggle
    Your Pirate training means that you're quite handy with a blade! You can parry incoming melee attacks.
      While active, you get +ClassLevel to your Melee Defence, to a maximum of +5. This costs 3 SP per turn. You cannot have both this and SeaLeg Swagger active.

    Level 4 - Keelhaul!
    A double hit attack that will show your enemies just who is the master of the high seas!
      Hits: 2
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: round(0.475*SkillLevel^2 + 5.41*SkillLevel + 119)*80% each Base, Random, and Stat each
      BTH: floor(3.5 + ClassLevel/2) plus Stats
      Cost: [ round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.01125*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2) * 0.97125 ] MP, rounded normally

    Level 5: Jolly Rotten Roger
    Hoist the black flag! The Jolly Roger comes to life for a fearsome 3-hit attack with a ghostly skull and cross-swords that can leave your foe trembling!
      Hits: 3
      Type: Magic
      Element: Darkness
      **Base: round(4 + 0.5*ScaledEffectiveLevel +0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.2396 damage
      **Random: round(13 + 1.25*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.2396 damage
      **&Stats: round(100 + 8.8*ScaledEffectiveLevel)*0.2396%
      BTH: floor(ScaledEffectiveLevel/4) plus &&Stats
      Cost: round(0.01125*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2 + 2.3375*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 38.1) MP

      &Stat bonus to damage is STR/16 + CHA/16
      &&Stat bonus to BTH is CHA/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20

      This counts as a spell. If at least one hit connects, it attempts to make the monster Afraid (4 rounds, 25% chance.)

      Level: ScaledEffectiveLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      The monster gets +[20 - L - F - T] to its save, where:
      L is floor( [the number of hits that connected]*SkillLevel/4 )
      F is the "Flog Bonus" (see Grog 'n' Flog).
      T is SkillLevel, if and only if your current class title is "Pirate"

      After this attack, the "Flog Bonus" is reset to 0.

    Level 6 - Cannon Fodder! - Guardian Only
    Bring out the big gun! Blast your enemy with a cannon ball for great fire damage!
      Hits: 1
      Type: Ranged
      Element: Fire
      **Base: round(4 + 0.5*ScaledEffectiveLevel +0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*17/16 damage
      **Random: round(13 + 1.25*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*17/16 damage
      **+Stats: round(100 + 8.8*ScaledEffectiveLevel)*17/16%
      BTH: floor(ScaledEffectiveLevel/4) plus ++Stats
      Cost: round(0.75 * [0.01125*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2 + 2.3375*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 38.1] ) SP

      +Stat bonus to damage is STR/10 + DEX/40 + LUK/20
      ++Stat bonus to BTH is DEX/8 + LUK/20

      Counts as a spell.

    Level 7 - SeaLeg Swagger - Toggle - Guardian Only
    You weave like you're on a ship deck on a heavy storm, and your unpredictable movements leave your foe unsure where to aim with their ranged attacks!
      While active, +6 to Ranged Defence. Costs 3 SP per turn. You cannot have both this and Swash. Defence active.

    Level 8: Grog 'n Flog - Guardian Only
    A flaming bottle of booze and a whip come to life to "grog 'n flog" your enemy for fire and wind damage! can set your foe on fire, leave him bleeding, or both!
      Hits: 2

      Hit 1:
      *Type: Ranged
      *Element: Fire
      **Base: round(4 + 0.5*ScaledEffectiveLevel +0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.55*47.7/99 damage
      **Random: round(13 + 1.25*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.55*47.7/99 damage
      **Stats: round(100 + 8.8*ScaledEffectiveLevel)*0.55*47.7/99%
      *BTH: floor(ScaledEffectiveLevel/4) plus Stats

      Counts as a spell. If it connects AND the monster is not Fire-Element AND the hit deals >0 damage, then it attempt to Burn the monster for five rounds. The Level of the burn is ScaledEffectiveLevel:
      Level: ScaledEffectiveLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Level: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      Hit 2:
      *Type: Ranged
      *Element: Wind
      **Base: round(4 + 0.5*ScaledEffectiveLevel +0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.55 damage
      **Random: round(13 + 1.25*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.55 damage
      **Stats: round(100 + 8.8*ScaledEffectiveLevel)*0.55%
      *BTH: floor(ScaledEffectiveLevel/4) plus Stats

      Counts as a spell. If the attack succeeds and deals >0 damage, then the monster is "flogged". This sets up a "Flog Bonus" equal to current SkillLevel. If the monster is "flogged" a second time, then either the "Flog Bonus" remains the same (if your current SkillLevel is less than the old "Flog Bonus") or the "Flog Bonus" becomes equal to your current SkillLevel (if your current SkillLevel is greater than or equal to the old "Flog Bonus").

      Cost: round(0.01125*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2 + 2.3375*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 38.1) MP

    Level 9: Plunder - Guardian Only
    Every pirate knows how to get what they want! use this for a chance to get multiple potions from the enemy!
      Hits: 1
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Damage: round(0.475*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2 + 5.41*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 119)*0.8*0.75 Base, Random, and Stat
      BTH: +floor(3.5 + ScaledEffectiveLevel/2) plus Stats
      Effect: If the attack connects, then the monster makes a save. It takes -17 to this save:
      Level: ScaledEffectiveLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: YourDEX vs MonsterDEX
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      If successful, you gain one HP potion and one MP potion.

    Cost: Free

    Level 10: Davey Jones' Locker - Guardian Only
    Call forth the legendary "creep of the deep", Davy Jones to deal 4 powerful hits of water damage that can really trip up your foe!
      Hits: 4
      Type: Magic
      Element: Water

      First 2 hits (Locker hits):
    • Damage:
      **Base: round(4 + 0.5*ScaledEffectiveLevel +0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.25 damage
      **Random: round(13 + 1.25*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.25 damage
      **Stats: round(100 + 8.8*ScaledEffectiveLevel)*0.25%
    • BTH: floor(ScaledEffectiveLevel/4) plus Stats

      Last 2 hits (Tentacle hits):
    • Damage:
      **Base: round(4 + 0.5*ScaledEffectiveLevel +0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.25*47.7/99 damage
      **Random: round(13 + 1.25*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 0.005*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2)*0.25*47.7/99 damage
      **Stats: round(100 + 8.8*ScaledEffectiveLevel)*0.25*47.7/99%
    • BTH: floor(ScaledEffectiveLevel/4) plus Stats

      If at least one of the "tentacle" hits connects, then the monster can be Entangled. The monster takes -0 to the roll and -20 DEX (if one "tentacle" hit connects") or -5 to the roll and -40 DEX (if both connect).

      Level: ScaledEffectiveLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: ScaledScaledEffectiveLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      Where ScaledScaledEffectiveLevel is the formula used for InflictMajor Statistic

    • Cost: round(0.01125*ScaledEffectiveLevel^2 + 2.3375*ScaledEffectiveLevel + 38.1) MP

    Note: While wearing this armor, after you drink a potion, you throw the empty bottle at the enemy.

      Hits: 1
      Attack Type: Ranged
      Element: Earth
      **Base: 0%
      **Random: 0%
      **Stats: 100%
      BtH: 0 plus Stats (does not get bonus from weapon)
      Trigger: If the monster's Earth resistance is 0 or less, then the damage is set to 0. This prevents you healing the monster after you heal yourself.

    Image from feral__john. Skill tree and ability descriptions from fenmeisterkronos. Level from xDeathlordx. Corrections from Besjbo and Asenbesen. Guardian requirements from Rhowena.

  • Crimzon5 -> RE: Sea Scurge (5/10/2009 22:45:40)


  • All percentages are rounded to the nearest convenient number, for convenience's sake.
  • All damages and stats are per hit, not total.
    Normal Attack
    Level	0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10
    BRS     119     125     132     140     148     158     169     180     193     206     221
    BTH     3       4       4       5       5       6       6       7       7       8       8
    Resistances %
    Level	0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10
    Wind/Water      83      81      79      77      76      74      72      70      69      67      65
    Ice/Energy      95      95      94      94      93      93      92      92      91      91      90
    Light/Dark      85      84      83      82      81      80      79      78      77      76      75
    Level	0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10
    Melee   32      33      33      34      35      35      36      37      37      38      39
    Ranged  30      31      31      32      33      33      34      35      35      36      37
    Magic   28      29      29      30      31      31      32      33      33      34      35
    Swab the Mob/Jolly Rotten Roger/Grog n' Flog/Davy Jones' Locker
    Level	0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10		
    MP      118     131     143     156     169     183     197     212     226     241     257
    Swab the Mob
    Level	0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10
    Damage  6-20    7-22    8-25    9-27    10-30   11-33   12-36   13-38   14-41   15-44   16-48
    Stats   182     200     217     235     253     270     288     305     323     341     358
    BTH     7       8       9       10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17
    Level	0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10
    BRS	95.2    99.91   105.38  109.33  118.59  126.34  134.85  144.12  154.14  164.94  176.48
    BTH     3       4       4       5       5       6       6       7       7       8       8
    SP      107     118     129     141     152     165     177     190     204     217     231
    Jolly Rotten Roger
    Level	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    Damage  6-19    6-21    7-23    8-26    9-28    10-31   11-34   12-36   13-39   14-42   15-45
    Stats   87      96      104     113     121     129     138     146     155     163     172
    BTH	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17
    Cannon Fodder
    Level	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    Damage  25-83   28-94   32-104  36-115  40-126  44-138  48-149  53-162  58-174  62-187  67-200
    Stats   387     424     462     499     536     574     611     649     686     723     761
    BTH	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17
    SP      89      98      107     117     127     137     148     159     170     181     193
    Grog n' Flog
    Level 	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    Damage  13-43   15-48   17-54   19-59   21-65   23-71   25-77   27-84   30-90   32-97   35-104
    Stats   200     220     239     258     278     297     316     336     355     374     394
    BTH	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17
    ***NOTE: Listed damage and Stats are for each Wind hit; Fire hit damage is equal to this*(47.7/99)
    Level	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    BRS	71      75      79      84      89      95      101     108     116     124     132
    BTH	8	9	9	10	10	11	11	12	12	13	13
    Davy Jones' Locker
    Level	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    Damage  6-20    7-22    8-24    8-27   9-30     10-32   11-35   12-38   14-41   15-44   16-47
    Stats   91      100     109     117     126     135     144     153     161     170     179
    BTH	8	9	9	10	10	11	11	12	12	13	13
    ***NOTE: Listed damage and Stats are for each Locker hit; Tentacle hits are equal to this*(47.7/99)

  • Crimzon5 -> RE: Sea Scurge (5/10/2009 22:46:43)

    Sea Scourge

    Level: 25
    Price: 1500
    Sellback price: 1000
    Location: Pirate Class Shop

    DESCRIPTION: Wear this armor if you want to take on the Pirate Class, and use special abilities such as Keelhaul, Grog 'n Flog, Davy Jones' Locker, and Plunder! Sea Scurge pirates have a peg-leg, eye patch, and hook-hand.

    DEFENSE MODIFIERS (Before Class Level 3/Before Class Level 7/After Class Level 7)
    Melee: 24/28/32
    Ranged: 20/24/28
    Magic: 16/16/20

    ELEMENTAL RESISTANCES (Before Class Level 3/Before Class Level 7/After Class Level 7)
    Fire: 108/104/100
    Water: 84/84/80
    Wind: 92/92/88
    Ice: 100/96/96
    Earth: 104/104/100
    Energy: 104/100/100
    Light: 100/96/96
    Darkness: 88/88/84


    Normal Attack:
    Damage: 125% Base and Random
    BtH: +0

    LEVEL 1 - Swab the Mob!

    Monsters are usually quite dirty-- Time to clean this one up a bit!

    MP Cost: 32
    Hits: 2
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Element: Water
    Damage: 75% Base and Random per hit
    BtH: Your weapon's BtH + 10

    LEVEL 2 - Summon Petey!

    Summon your faithful (and entertaining) parrot Petey to help battle your enemies!

    MP Cost:56

    LEVEL 3 - Defensive Bonuses

    Increased Defences and Resistances!

    Melee, Ranged: + 4 each
    Fire, Ice, Energy, Light: -4 each

    LEVEL 4 - Keelhaul!

    A double-hit attack that will show your enemies just who is the master of the high seas! This ability becomes more powerful at level 6!

    MP Cost: 72
    Class Level 4-5
    100% Base and Random per hit
    BtH: +10
    Class Level 6+
    125% Base and Random per hit
    BtH: +15

    LEVEL 5 - Cannon Fodder!

    Bring out the big gun! Blast your enemy with a cannonball for good Wind damage and a chance of stunning your foe!

    MP Cost: 88
    Hits: 1
    Atack Type: Ranged
    Element: Wind
    Damage: [10 + (3 * Class Level)] to [10 + (3 * Class Level)] + [20 + (4 * Class Level)]
    BtH: Class Level + 5
    Special: If this attack connects, there is a 10% chance it will attempt to paralyze the monster for 1 turn.

    LEVEL 6 - Jolly Rotten Roger!

    The Jolly Roger comes to life for a fearsome 3-hit Darkness attack with a ghostly skull and cross-swords!

    MP Cost: 96
    Hits: 3
    Atack Type: Magic
    Element: Darkness
    Damage: [6 + Class Level] to [6 + Class Level] + [12 + (Class Level)*2] per hit
    BtH: 2 * (Class Level -6)
    Special: If the monster is not Darkness based and:
    the first hit connects, the monster loses 1 point Melee Defense.
    the second hit connects, the monster loses 1 point Ranged Defense.
    the third hit connects, the monster loses 1 point Magic Defense.
    If any of the monster's defenses is 0 or less, then that Defense will not be lowered.

    LEVEL 7 - Defensive Bonuses

    Increased Defences and Resistances!

    Melee, Ranged, Magic: +4 each
    Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Darkness: -4 each

    LEVEL 8 - Grog n'Flog!

    A flaming bottle of grog and a whip come to life to "grog 'n flog" your enemy! Fire and Wind Damage with a 32% chance of paralyzing your foe!

    MP Cost: 104
    Hits: 2
    Atack Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire, Wind
    Damage: [16 + (Class Level - 8)*4] to [16 + (Class Level - 8)*4] + [16 + (Class Level - 8)*4] per hit
    BtH: Class Level * 4
    Special: If the second hit connects, there is a 32% chance it will attempt to paralyze the monster for 1 turn.

    LEVEL 9 - DJ's Locker!

    Call forth the legendary "creep of the deep", Davy Jones, to deal 4 powerful hits of darkness and water damage that will heal you a little!

    MP Cost: 112
    Hits: 4
    Atack Type: Ranged, Melee, Melee, Melee
    Element: Darkness, Darkness, Water, Water
    Damage: [12 + (Class Level - 9)*4] to [12 + (Class Level - 9)*4] + [20 + (Class Level - 9)*4] per hit
    BtH: +0
    Special: The player is healed by 1/4 of the damage each hit does to the monster. Each hit heals independently of the others.

    LEVEL 10 - Plunder!

    Every Pirate knows how to take what they want! Use this for a chance to get multiple potions from your enemies and to do extra damage based on an enemy's gold!

    MP Cost: 152
    Hits: 1
    Attack Type: Magic
    Element: Water
    Damage: 48 to 80 + (Monster's Gold * 7.5%)
    BtH: 32%
    Special: If the attack is successful, there is a 20% chance the player will receive 1 HP potion and 1 MP potion, not exceeding the maximum amount possible. If both HP and MP potions are full, the player will no longer receive potions from this skill.

    Note: While wearing this armor, after you drink a potion, you throw the empty bottle at the enemy.
    Hits: 1
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Element: Earth
    Damage: [(Character Level/26) +1] to [(Character Level/26) +1] + [(Character Level/13) + 2]
    BtH: +0
    Special: If the monster's Earth resistance is 0 or less, then the damage is set to 0. This prevents you healing the monster after you heal yourself.


    Images courtesy of feral__john and Sora Aeragorn. Paralysis from .*..*..*..

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