RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (Full Version)

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Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 14:06:21)

Yes, I know, but those all seem to be NPCs. The thing is, when you look at the WarpGuardian Armour it is fairly obvius that a Drakels head could not fit inside the helmet, and due to the way Drakels are built, they couldn't fit properly inside most armours designed for humans or elves either. (mostly due to their legs and feet) So either they're going to be lazy and make some sort of really human-looking Drakel race, or they're going to take on a whole lot of extra work by making at least two versions of all armours. (alternatively, they could just go "screw making sense" and stuff Drakels inside those human armours anyways)

general greivous -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 14:18:00)

Oh, so the ship is likely named Alteon... nice!

Also, in that screenshot it says Virin, not Viren.

Also, that sword looks like the BoA a bit :D

Also, instead of a Guardian Dragon, we could perhaps get a Summon the WarpGuardian GIANT SHIP FIRING LAZZERZZ!!!1... just an idea.

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 14:29:32)

sounds good but no suggestions

Mo -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 14:43:24)

It seems like a good concept and all, but to me, the buttons in those screenshots really ruin it for me. The blue seems to destroy the look of it. Maybe try different buttons?

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 14:45:15)

I personally like the Blue buttons :/
I was stoked when I saw they were blue XD

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 14:52:50)

Blue definitely fits the theme - the usual red ones really wouldn't fit as well in a sci-fi themed game. :3

Blue Revenge -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 14:56:31)

Oh, yeah, I have a question, although I'm not sure if it's been answered in the past.
This story-line is about hunting down the Network and destroying them, right?
My question is if we will be able to capture each and every Network force, or if it's just a vast infinite number of creatures/humans/etc.

Also, what classes will be involved in WF?
Are they going to be the regular Paladin, Wizard, Mage, kind of fantasy class or a more spacey kind of classes?

Gaurdian of Light -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 15:00:04)

I hope the game would be awesume. ^-^ [:)]

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 15:03:02)

To The Network question, The Network is very large...:o

as to the classes dunno, it'll be interesting to find out.

Quick Taco -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 15:21:56)

I think that this game is almost exactly the same as AQ. It just seems to have a different feel and new plot line. I've always happily bought AE's upgrades, but unless this new game is different from AQ, I probably wouldn't get it. Why would someone pay for a copy of a game they already bought? Needless to say, I might just get the upgrade anyway. [:D]

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 15:23:30)

Its essentially a sequel Quick Taco...
You're saying you would buy ______ 2 when you really enjoy ______?

Erason -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 15:37:39)

I am so looking forwards to this! I hated AQW, but this I think I'll love this! I'm certain that if its going to be as Good as it looks, then the staff a One more certain Wrap Guardianship.
But I hope its going to be different from AQ, at least a little bit.

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 15:47:19)

Oh it's different alright...Blue buttons!!!111!1!!!1oneone!1! xD

Scourge -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 15:54:34)

This is like MQ + AQ = Warp Force however since my least favortie games of AE Are AQ and MQ I most likely won't like this game but, no way am i going to say no to an AE game without giving it a shot. =D Since I have membership in all 4 other games I imagine i can get in the beta. This will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Slave of music -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 16:01:11)

Interesting. What i don't understand is why you gusy would stay to the original basic style layout of AQ when you have much
shineyer effects such as the glass over on the buttons in DF and MQ. Don't get me wrong it's not bad but why not make it more
of an updated version of AQ at the same time? Obviously you guys can't update AQ with the newer style graphics for every monster,
\that woyuld take more then a year. Instead why not do it here in WP instead? much eaiser then writing a new program style layout when
you already have some from the other games :D.

spellmaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 16:04:58)

I love the screen shots. It's aq but with some mq in there.

Dariex -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 16:08:21)

Fal just got me with that pic he posted. How much is guardian ship in this game gonna cost? $20.00 right?

Solin -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 16:11:09)

Ooh. I was toying with the idea of upgrading and getting founder status, but these screenies convinced me. One more WarpGuardian for sure here. And I knew that that Viren was some sort of symbiote! Now it'll be interesting to see if they're the main enemies of the first story arc.

EDIT: Oh, and I made a WF sig if anyone wants to use it. It's really not the best, but whatever.
WarpForce Sig

Awsome! -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 16:38:52)


it seems when major movies come out AE is coming out with a new game

it was transformers and then MQ was coming out.....

and now it was star trek and WF is coming out......

lol MQ is a good game so i bet WF will be a good one too

GO AE!! [:D]

frogboy52295 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 16:44:22)

i beilve The Hollow is and elf....

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 17:24:45)

I'm gonna be a Drakel in this new game. I can't wait until July 3rd!!

frogboy52295 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 17:33:03)

it seems like WF will use the effect system alot more

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 17:58:33)

I think I'll either be a dwakel or an elf.

I enjoy both adventure quest and I really enjoy mechquest a lot. So I'll probably really like this game too!

Genoclysm -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 18:41:58)

A Dwakel is a dwarf Drakel. I don't believe Dwakels have been mentioned in the context of WarpForce.

Hagen -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 18:42:30)

My main will probably be an elf.
I think I'll call him Oromee Pituu.
(Well, who can guess where it's taken from? No, no Tolkien...
Hint: may be the secondary would be a female drakel called Uukee Boo.)

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