RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (Full Version)

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barewood -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 18:45:41)

OMG!!!! im about to become a warp guardian, when it comes out of course lol ^^

spellmaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 19:25:59)

What should I name my female elf? I have a good mage name, but not an elf name.

Master Number 300 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 19:28:40)

Man its gonna take some work to get my parents to upgrade me in a 3rd game[X(] Bu maybe i wont quit this like i did AQ.

But other than that it looks amazing!

spellmaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 19:30:13)

Nevermind I found from a female elf generator :p. I shall call my main Amahar.

Balthier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 19:42:44)

I'm really excited for this. I think with the release schedule it could pump out the best content out of all the games.

ChrisX -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 19:57:40)

Warp Guardian....Awesome Name!

PowerFusion50 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:00:35)

I honestly don't know weather to laugh or cry. I really don't.

I'm a Guardian, Dragonlord, and former member of AQW. AQW is still so new, and so young, and very underdeveloped right now. I think it was quite foolish start a project like this at this point in time. With the new features on scedual for AQW. However, based on the teaser and screenies, and forum DNs by Falerin, it does seem very promising.

But it's another upgrade. Oof! As promising as it looks, I hope I hate it as much as I hate MechQuest. (In which case I'll curse the day it was created.) That way I won't have an excuse to pay. But at the same time, I'm exited about it, and at the same time I'm kind of doubtful of it, and at the same time I'm have a feeling I'm going to love it as much as AQ (my favorite of the AE games.)

It's an emotion rollercoaster, is it what it is for me. AE can do anything, I was confidant that they could pull AQW off, and they can pull this off. It just that their timing really really sucks.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:00:58)

I dunno, I kind of agree with a previous poster. I like WarpLord; it flows more. If the staff is set on Warp Guardian, though, then so be it. I must say, that makes sense: assuming the Warp is some kind of engine or portal or something, then we would be its Guardians, not its Lords. Ah well.

Ash The Phantom -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:06:26)

It's nice to see another AQ-based game engine. I like it a lot more than walkaround games like DF and MQ. This game's gonna be great, I can just feel it! WarpForce Beta, here I come! :D

Nidmantis -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:08:35)

I liked Warp Guardian a lot :).By the way.What do you people expect to see as Weapons..Pets.Armors... ETC?

I expect to see some Laser stylish swords.That could go level by level with names like Laser Sword,Beam Sword,Fluorescent Laser Sword Etc. Probably we might get to see a Laser Polearm? :)

As for pets...Robots.I think Robots would fit very well...

The only bad thing about this.Is that I already upgraded in all AE Games(Exept for AQW).I guess I'll get Warp Guardian for Children's Day(I think that's the name).Or as a late resource.Christmas...Since my Birthday was the 30th of April...I wouldn't wait a whole year xD.

TreadLight -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:27:26)

Hmm... I think the whole "Guardian" thing should stick with just AdventureQuest. I mean, it is cool, but it's been used oh so much. How about Warp Sentinel? Warp Defender? Warp Keeper? Warp Protector? Well, think 'bout it. We'll like any name you'll call it, anyway. :P

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:35:13)

Will there be Alpha/Beta rare items?
Hopefully I will remember it. Hehe. .


David Henry Cooldude -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:37:22)

I doubt that a single person will play as a human, lol.

Aaronrules380 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:40:08)

I'm gonna play as a human for my main. ANd according to past threads, many others will too. Plus, people might have multiple chars

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:41:31)

Don't tell me this will be another MQ. . .

P.S.- I'm going to play as a human, I think.


Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:42:01)

Perhaps surprisingly, we're not all incredibly cliched. I'm playing as Human.

tobi728822 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:43:53)

Ya I'm gonna be human too.

asakau -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:47:21)

Think i will not play as human i play as elf

TreadLight -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:47:25)

I'll most likely be Drakel or Human... It depends on how exactly they differentiate.

Drakel are a really cool race, but on the other hand, I am human.

Shadz -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:47:51)

What are the races again?

TreadLight -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:48:33)

^Shadow^, the known ones are Elf, Drakel, and Human.


CHARACTER CREATION: Choose from Human, Drakel or Elf races. Features new faces, new body styles and new animations.

Shadz -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:53:09)

Im thinkin elf for me, <3 bows

Darius -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:55:45)

The plot point that I most want to hear about, is how we got warp-capable starships in the middle ages. More importantly, though, how did Elves, the least technologically savvy of all fantastical races, get warpdrive technology?

tobi728822 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:57:19)

@ Darius same as always. Magic

PowerFusion50 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (5/24/2009 20:59:03)

I'm only doing one character, like in all the other games. And I'm definatly DEFINATLY 100% playing as a human. I was never too into Drakels, and Elves are little whimps. Having a race option is a bit interesting though.

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