RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (Full Version)

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The Chaos Slayer -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/13/2009 20:43:52)

Weapon Name: Voltaic Grizzly
Picture: Voltaic Grizzly Concept Art
Visual Description: The Voltaic Grizzly is a mix of a shotgun and a portable cannon. The barrel has two spikes on the end and one coming from inside the barrel which may be used to defend yourself when the gun won't fire for whatever reason. Despite the large amount of firepower, the Voltaic Grizzly is wield-able with one hand. The shotgun-like pump is more for show, and to compare it to the common shotgun look. The middle section of the gun is hollow, and inside is a handle which allows the Voltaic Grizzly to be wielded like a sword. There is a control panel on the top of the gun which allows the electron collectors to be switched on and off, among other things. The front end is a dark, dark gold while the rest of the gold is a similar gold, however not as dark.
Backstory: Designed by Armory Unit #2000 for the Warpforce soldiers who wanted a little extra power in their attack. Did we say little? We meant a whole lot of extra power. The crazies who designed it allowed the Voltaic Grizzly to be a single-handed weapon. However, the force is so powerful not many can do it. One man even compared it to be punched by a Grizzly Bear that spent it's life lifting weights. Are you a bad enough dude to wield the Voltaic Grizzly? We doubt it. It's an electric shotgun, for Chuckle's sake.
Special Flavor Abilities: The Voltaic Grizzly is so powerful, it easily stuns enemies, whether from the shockwave or the knockdown power. Also, the three blades can be activated to collect electrons from the air, so even when you're out of ammo, you're never out of ammo.

Reactive -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/13/2009 21:02:07)

Weapon Name: Molten Blade
Artwork: Image
Backstory: This blade was created from a rock found on a foreign planet. It has strange gravitational qualities capable of holding even lava in a solid form.
Special Flavor Abilities: This blade's intense heat can scorch enemies, causing small amounts of fire damage to occur overtime.

Dragonbane Deathsword -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/13/2009 21:25:01)

  • Weapon Name: The darklight multi cordex A

  • Artwork: here!

  • Visual Descriptions: Its basicly this. here!

  • Backstory: The darklight clan took some of the demi cordexes and modified them. this is one of the 10 multi cordexes. (may also be the only one left.) Rumor has it is possible to turn it into a bow. The Darklights had descovored the Demon Cores and, supposebly, put the cores, cordexes, and many wepons, in a Death orb dispeller. they created the cordexes but all but one of the darklights had been destroyed by the power in the cordexes. In the Giant crash, some were destroyed. Soon, the drakals descovored them and, after, attracted positive and negative, and brought the universes closer together.

  • Special Flavor Abilities: can be changed from use of whip, blade, or gun.

Ps. the artwork is somwhat what it will look like. it wont look like that exactly.

5000cloud -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/13/2009 22:52:59)

Eh I'll give it a shot.

Weapon Name: 9000!
Visual Description: It has a basic handle with a ruby on bottom and spikes on the blade.
Backstory: "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?! It's over 9000!"
Special Flavor Abilities: This blade is so awe inspiring that it can paralyze your enemies.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 1:55:53)

Name- WarpForce General Blaster
Visual Description-The gun itself is black, with tinges of either purple around the handle or a dark green. The scope at the top usually has a red target-on capability look to it. The scope can be clicked to transform to shrink to being smaller or larger depending on the individual's preference. The muzzle (located at the front of weapon, aka the tip area) is a deep red color.
Backstory-This blaster was created in a secret bunker deep underneath to avoid detection by the network's spies. Originally a proto-type that has now been assembled to help all warpforce heroic battle on'ers, it was also known to be held by both human and drakel units alike.
Special Flavor Abilities-Besides the clickable scope change, the blaster shoots off energy-rays (red colored) and also can shoot Heat Ray blasts that can do double to triple the amount of damage the enemy takes as well as causing fire-damage over time. The blaster also has a lock-on feature enabling more accurate hits as well as having the added ability to also cause electrical damage due to the energy-rays increase of power during battle.

darkforcebomber1 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 2:12:21)

Name: MK10000 Laser Blaster
In-Game Description: A huge Black Blaster that does devastating damage. Too bad it does'nt work.

Out-Game Description: Its Huge, Black, Detailed & you attack by whacking your enemies with it.

Plz put that in!

Fornever -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 2:36:05)

Weapon Name: Mockingbird
Artwork: Mockingbird

Backstory: The Mockingbird was created as a memorial to the war against The`Galin, and the role of that the Brilhado forces played in it. It was forged to remind the people that enemies (as well as allies) can be fickle, and that anything can turn the tide of the battle. The meaning of the runes on the blade were lost a long time ago, though they still carry some magical power. The gems represent purity and impurity, evil and good, and a general balance between opposites. The 'feathers' on the 'wings' are said to be made in the likeness of those who fell in battle, honoring their sacrifices and carrying their spirits on. The cog in the middle represents the power to keep things moving and in balance, the two blades on either side of the guard showing that nobody should be forgotten, because an alarming amount of people have found themselves attacked by them.

Special Flavor Abilities: There is a very small chance that the runes will activate an enchantment on the blade, increasing damage but taking away some accuracy, or increasing accuracy and decreasing damage. This is determined by the gems set in the blade. The white one is responsible for the first effect, the black one for the second.

Crimzon5 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 4:45:58)

Name: Scarlet Feather

Description: The Scarlet Feather is a combination of the design of a Human cultural weapon and the R.E.D. (Radar Enemy-Detection) System of Drakel Technology. The limbs are gilded blade edges while the projectiles are feather-shaped light-emitting daggers. Often seen as just a mere bow, the Scarlet Feather posseses accuracy as sharp as its bladed limbs.

Flavor Abilities: System Lock-On
Clicking on the center feather, allows you to fire a harmless shot (minimal damage). If it hits, the next time a special occurs, all hits will have immense BtH

TJByrum -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 10:38:45)

* Weapon Name
* Artwork
* Visual Descriptions
* Backstory
* Special Flavor Abilities
* Something else of which the engineers of Armory Unit #2000 might not have thought

Weapon Name: Star Slayer
Artwork: Sorry I do not have it in yet. (Not sure If I will be able!)
Visual Descriptions: A sword, similar to a machete, Blue and white curved handle, and the blade is a tinted blue and silver blade which is slightly curved.
Backstory: This blade was forged by the Gods in a star itself. Imbued with the fire and power of a star, this weapon is able to destroy anything in it's path, including stars! The only problem is, you have to be a God to use it's maximum power.
Abilities: This weapon is able to channel pure blue energy through the blade, which can destroy stars (hence the name: Star Slayer). A mere adventurer however, does not have the energy to do so, so only a God may unlock this power. Adventurers are able to use it's lightning fast slashes to take down enemies.

shadowultimate -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 11:38:44)

Weapon Name: Lunar Paradox
Artwork: Clicky!
Backstory: This staff was mined from the moon of Kerith, forged from the element amalgamite. Not much is known about this weapon, except for its dangerous tendencies. It reverts the weilder into the total opposite of what they were, with this appearing the more times it is used. The weilder is usually sucked in by its power, refusing to be rid of the weapon. Eventually, they shall become mindless abominations, with near limitless power, if the staff has not rejected them that is.
Abilities: This weapon morphs the user into a hideous form sacrificing personality and friends. The power gained from this weapon though increases their power ten-fold.

crusadermarl -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 11:59:54)

* Weapon Name: Gloc-tana 2.000
* Artwork:
* Visual Descriptions: Its The Gun Inside A Bullet Which Symbolizes A Weapon Of A Weapon
* Backstory: Doctor Norm Used Knifes(He Called The Mini Kantana's) For His Surgery When One Day He Got Captured By The Shadowscythe And Locked Up In A Old Forge Where He Had Labor Punishment And Alson Where He Created A Glock .2000 For A Escape.Then He Decided Superglue'd His Mini Kantana He Kept Under His Bed. He Put Down Each Shadowscythe Gaurd With 3 Clabierst Tranquilizing Bullet And Escaped And Is Now A Techsmith
* Special Abilities: It Will Penetrates Only Through Evil Making Them Unable To Do Evil
* Something else of which the engineers of Armory Unit #2000 might not have thought: It Is Unique Becuase It Will Not Kill Your Enemy Just Paralize Them Forever

razackie -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 13:55:52)

  • Weapon Name: Imperial Laurel

  • Artwork: Here!

  • Visual Descriptions: An axe made of carbon fibre to decrease weight. It has the design of wings on the side opposite the blade to represent that the axe can fly at the enemy at tremendous speed.

  • Backstory: An axe that was stolen from zeus by a greek heroe named Everus. Hence his name that sounds likes 'Ever', the weapon has lasted for centuries.

  • Omega1000 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 15:00:28)

    Note: As anyone who has played Dragonfable would know, this weapon is a part of that game, but I have largely edited it, and seeing how this, an AE made design, would be going to another AE game, I thought that it would be within the rules to do so. My scanner is not working correctly at the moment. I have made one drawn version of this blade, and it is rahter bad, making it hard to get my point accros.

    Weapon Name Default Saber, Default Energy Blade

    Artwork Edited:

    Drawn Version

    Visual Descriptions A Free player version on a Warp guardian's saber, a Default saber. Energy Sword, Blade made out of either pure energy, or a energy resistant blade with energy pulsing through it. depending upon which Idea is found to be better. When deactivated, the saber either become just the hilt, for pure energy blade, or the blade has no more energy pulating through it, becoming a normal blade.
    Decativated 1, Energy strengthened blade
    Deactivated 2, Pure Energy

    Backstory No real backstory, just a basic energy blade.

    When Warpforce gets out of it's testing phases, I assume that it would be avalible to all players, therfore i think that this is a good default blade, such as the one in.. well, all of AE's games other then Mechquest.

    Special Flavor Abilities No special abilities, damaging enemy wise, but story wise it would be either hard to break, for a energy covered blade, or impossible to shatter, pure energy blade. the hilt would also be hard to destroy.

    Something else of which the engineers of Armory Unit #2000 might not have thought It will be color customizable, having a choice of many colours otehr then the ones given above, such as silver, purple, yellow, orange, etc. Or you would have a choice of the four above, and possibly some more colors. the first is for if a colour custom system would be made.

    Note 2: As stated above, I did not make this blade, but edited it. This blade was created by the Dragonfable team section of Artix Entertainment. I could have made a design, but this one highely suited my need, and since it is made by AE, it going into another AE game, I belive it would be appopriate to use.

    Note 3: I have made a drwan version to be completely in the rules of the fourm, but would like the blade to appear as it does in the edits, better if possible. I am not great of drawning with a mouse, and as I said above, my scanner is not working correctly.

    Skyline -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 15:47:17)

    Weapon Name: Warped Spirit

    Visual Description: The blue spirit on the blade burns like a fire, but slowly. The amulet at the bottom floats up and down very slowly.
    Back Story: This blade was found in the ancient ruins of a temple, along with many others lying there as if they were prepared to be taken into battle. Some say these belonged to the ruthless army of the ShadowScythe, others say that each blade represents thousands of trapped spirit that was slain by its warping power. The truth about these blades is still unclear, but one thing for sure, the wielders of these weapons will not be easily defeated. Infused with dark energy, this blade can easily devour any creature's soul.
    Special Ability: #1. The user points his/her blade towards the opponent, the blade glows from black to bright white. The screen flashes and your enemy dies, the blade has captured your enemy's soul, leaving its dead body behind. Victory. Very rare to occur. (1%)
    #2 user points the weapon upwards, summoning black clouds over your opponent's head, creates a lighting storm to attack your enemy. Deals energy damage and also paralyzes your enemy.

    Stan -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 16:56:40)


    The manufacturers say: "Don't worry, it doesn't feel a thing!"

    Johtacross -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 17:27:33)

    Weapon Name: The WarpStar
    Artwork: Here
    Visual Description: Different Colored Meteorite Ores Cover The Guard, The Bottom Of The Handle,The Blade, and Hilt. The Ores Are Extremely Sharp.
    Back Story:: This Sacred Blade Was Found On A Meteorite That Fell From Space, And Luckily Landed on This Planet.
    Special Ability: Has a Slight chance to Blind the enemy(Stun) with Its Shiny Ores **About 5%**

    PS: i drew it with a pen and colored it with colored pencils xD

    10power10 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 18:17:18)

    weapon name:special doom blade
    artwork: here
    visual description: a blue hilt with a dark red sword projecting a red to black blade.
    back story: this blade was found under the rubble and bones of a dead draciloth with a castle on its back, it seems to be the favorite weapon of a special doom knight.
    special abilities:1. slight chance to strike fear to stun for 1 to 2 turns, 2. slight chance to dislodge the blade and the blade blows up on the enemy causing a moderate amount of damage and turning the hilt to a dagger, 3. slightest chance to absorb the defenses of the enemy and adding half of it to your own and a smaller chance to take the defenses and stats of the enemy, 4. has the ability for the character to choose on a click of the weapon between darkness or light damage.
    Something else of which the engineers of Armory Unit #2000 might not have thought: it combines the 3 doom blades from other games (aqw, df, and mq) and the artwork to make this blade but this may be the final version but it will need a little art work enhancing, and it is unique due to its abilities and the blade was totally AE made i just added a little differences in the artwork and abilities

    django97 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 19:19:57)

    Weapon Name Unscoped Mark XLVIIb Sniper Rifle

    Artwork The artwork is in progress, I am making this to keep the idea fresh, if you deam this to be Illegal I completely understand that you reserve the right to delete this post, and possibly ban me from this competition...but from what I can tell this wasn't deamed illegal.
    Going out of town, not enough time to finish the artwork. Please disregard this post.

    Visual Descriptions A sniper rifle made from the latest materials, firing a red laser beam capable of reaching enemies thousands of yards away. The gun is made from rare extremely tough and rare alien materials, all of which were either taken from alien planets, or from meteors that hit the earth.

    Backstory (Suggested Description) The Mark XLVIIb (47b) Sniper Rifle is made from alien materials, making it the most accurate sniper rifle in the world! ...Too bad it doesn't have a scope!

    Special Flavor Abilities
    Special Attack -35% accuracy and 5 random shots are fired for 40% damage each. (If possible, while firing player holds thier non weapon hand over their eyes)
    Something else of which the engineers of Armory Unit #2000 might not have thought Shoot and pray!

    legendary Knight -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 19:26:55)

    Name: Frostborne
    Picture: Note that this picture is VERY crudely made. It's just a prototype based on existing weapons.
    Damage: N/A
    Element: Energy
    Type: Melee (Special: Magic)
    Special Attack Damage: N/A Shadow on each launched Shadow Orb.
    In-game Discription: 'Pryed from the very Grasp of the Master Lich'
    Special Ability: Blasts the target with 4 Shadow Orbs (Shadow damage)
    Special Ability 2: Drains 30% of the enemies Mp.
    Special Spoof: Clicking the blade shows Randomized message:
    "Your Friends will turn on you..."
    "There's no return..."
    "This is the only Path"
    "Retribution through Bloodshed..."
    Trivia: The Blade is a spoof on the legendary blade in the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft "Frostmourne", weapon of the Lich King

    A device whose mystery is only exceeded by its power.

    Name: Continuum Transfunctioner
    Picture: This image was done in MS PAINT, so very very basic sketch. For those who have not seen a Rubik's Cube ;)
    Damage: N/A
    Element: Energy
    Type: Magic (Special: Magic)
    In-game Discription: 'A device whose mystery is only exceeded by its power.' (a Quote from 'Dude, Where's my Car?')
    Special Ability: The Transfunctioner Hits the opponent with a strong Blast Wave (Energy damage)
    Special Ability 2: The Transfunctioner (looking like a Rubik's cube) is solved, blasting the enemy for 2 Electric Shocks (Energy damage)
    Visual: A Rubik's Cube, that (during Special attack) has it's layers solved.
    Trivia: In the Comedy movie 'Dude, Where's My Car?' the Continuum Transfunctioner is a featured potencial weapon,
    whose powers are never fully explained, beyond having Powers exceeding it's mystery.

    Angel of Grief -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 19:27:42)

    Weapon Name: Plasma Blade of Envy


    Visual Descriptions: a steel blade, constructed in a manner slightly like the mammoth crusher blade in AQW. it has a greenish glow to it, and has vines and a rose on it.

    Backstory: This blade was once weilded by the Warrior Envy. After he was slain in battle, his comrades took his weapon, and it is now being mass produced and handed out to the recruits....

    Special Flavor Abilities: uh...what? special abilities? gives you a slight health regeneration, but not much.

    Something else of which the engineers of Armory Unit #2000 might not have thought: nope. :P


    frogboy52295 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 20:03:41)

    Weapon Name: Virin Slayer
    Artwork : Virin Slayer (just to reference. use ur crazy WF skills to make it beautyfull)!!!
    Visual Descriptions : The Virin Slayer has a a two pronged blade made from the courpse of a virin. between this two blades flows a current of electricity when it is used on a virin. This electricity deals extra damage agaisnt the Virin race

    Backstory : One day, the warp guardian Frogboy was fighting against a virin. He got an idea to take two of the virin's tenitcles and its "power gem" from its head. He bound them together and a current of electricity started to flow between them.

    Special Flavor Abilities On special, it can paralize a viren creature. Deals extra damge on virin race

    Weapon type: Energy Magic

    Note this is weapon his a Trigged form and Non triggered form. The triggered form will have the gem glowing and the electricity flow between them. Non triggered has the gem is not shining and electricity is no flowing between the blades. It must be triggered to paralize the monster (only virin race)

    Im not sure if they are Virin or Viren....

    Noname The Nickname -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 20:13:49)

    Wow. I suck at drawing weapons, but I just wanted to say that the artwork of the blades, axes, flails, and others are awesome!

    -Sorry if spam.

    gig225 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 20:39:16)

    Name:Mechanized arm

    Description:Metal arm covered with spikes rocket launcher fingers and two laser cannons.

    Special Abilities:Lasers have paralyzing properties

    Back Ground:One night a man camped on an abandoned battle ground and was ambushed by three rogues he locked his self in an old lab and used the equipment to his advantage.

    Coldkick -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 20:43:45)

    Weapon Name: Flux Energy Gun

    Element: Energy
    Damage: 5-10

    Visual Description: At the stock of the gun is its energy source. Using a high power electrical charge stored in a special Non-chargeable dome, it is converted into heat and speed energy when forced through the flux capacitor. There is three barrels and each one has its own charge meter.

    Flavor Text: Created just recently under the supervision of drakel Magiscientists, this gun is the first of its kind to use Flux technology.

    Special Effects:

    Effect 1: Charging
    The guns energy source can charge to different levels. At the lowest level, 1, It does 60% base damage. At the moderate level, 5, it does 100% base damage. At the highest level, 10, it does 150% base damage. The guns damage goes up by 10% per level.

    Effect 2: Hits
    The gun has a 50% chance of doing 2 hits of the charge level and a 15% chance of doing 3 hits of the charge level.

    Effect 3:
    There is a 10% chance that the shrapnel will leave wounds that cause damage over time. This amount will range from 1-5 damage over 3 turns.

    Trivia: The Flux capacitor was used in the Back to the Future trilogy.

    boomies -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest (6/14/2009 20:52:59)

    * Weapon Name: Holy Hammer of Smiting
    * Visual Descriptions: Something around the lines of the hammer Artix picks up in Artix vs Undead
    * In-game Description: Magical Artifact from the FUTURE! Wait, what?
    * Special Flavor Abilities: Chance to stun for three turns, determined by strength equivalent stat. (Maybe something like (50 × STAT) x 0.005)

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