Koree -> Anomalous Armor Z (6/22/2009 1:42:45)
Anomalous Armor Z «Neutral Light/Darkness armor. If you have enough SP, you can choose between Normal, Light, and Darkness attack.» Also see other Contradiction armours ( Anomalous Armor Z, Mystery Mail, Enigma Ward Z, Contradiction Cuirass, Paradox Plate), Nonsense Uniform, Riddle Regalia Location: Mystery! AQ Live Element: Neutral Z
Level 15Z
PowLvl 47
MPLvl 39
Price 700
S <48h 630
>48h 350 COMBAT DEFENCE Melee 30
Ranged 30
Water 85
Wind 85
Ice 85
Earth 85
Energy 85
Light 75
Dark 75 ATTACK Hits: 1 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» BR% 241
Stat% 410.2
BTH 5 EFFECT You receive Armor Lean x1. If you have at least 11 SP, you can choose between Normal, Light, and Darkness attack. If you don't, then you automatically use the Normal Attack. SKILL SPCost 11 Light Attack!* Hits: 2 Type: «As Weapon» Element: Light BR% 125.5
Stat% 213.7
BTH 5 Darkness Attack!** Hits: 2 Type: «As Weapon» Element: Darkness BR% 125.5
Stat% 213.7
BTH 5 *Infuse your weapon with Light and attack! 11 SP! **Infuse your weapon with Darkness and attack! 11 SP! DESCRIPTION This armor possesses the power of both light and darkness, forever in conflict! [image]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/owa_727/Paradox-1.jpg[/image] Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu Analysis The armor attack starts off as a neutral armor attack: Z
Level 15Z
PowLvl 47
BR% 241
Stat% 410.2
EleComp 1.04180 The skill receives the listed multiplier to damage as an elemental compensation. Updates June 13, 2009: The armor was released. March 9, 2014: The armor was updated.