Koree -> RE: Aracknight Z (7/18/2009 8:31:03)
Aracknight Z Also see Guardian Aracknight Level: 60 Price: 3,610 3,025 Z-Tokens Sellback: 3,249 2,722 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; then 1,805 1,512 Z-Tokens Location: The Aracknight! / Z-Token Item Shop Element: Neutral COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 40 Magic: 35 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: 90% Water: 90% Wind: 100% Ice: 90% Earth: 64% Energy: 90% Light: 100% Darkness: 64% If you have at least 19 SP, then you can choose between the Laser Blast, Tarsal Claws, and Weapon attacks. If you don't then you automatically use the Weapon attack. ATTACK 1: Laser Blast Hits: 3 Type: «Melee converted to Ranged, otherwise as Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» Damage: 85% Base, Random, and Stats per hit BtH: +14 plus Stats each Cost: 19 SP ATTACK 2: Tarsal Claws Hits: 2 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» Damage: 143.4375% Base, Random, and Stats each BtH: +4 plus Stats each Cost: 19 SP ATTACK 3: Weapon Attack Hits: 2 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» Damage: 135% Base, Random, and Stats each BtH: +9 plus Stats each DESCRIPTION Choose from 3 different attacks: A laser blast, stabbing with tarsal claws, or attacking with your equipped weapon! [image]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3495/3704430333_f44190055c.jpg[/image] Basic stats from PieLover31416. Picture from dragoncrazyxp. Numbers from In Media Res. Clarification from Blue Revenge. Z-Tokrn location from Knightstar2001.