RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (Full Version)

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moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/8/2009 13:16:32)

Mysterious Strangeface,

Regarding your Stats training,

Just read it over and I found some mistakes:


Q: What are Stats? Where can I train them?
A: For nonGuardians, the Level Cap is 30 meaning you'll have a maximum of 130 stat points to distribute amongst
your character's stats; WarpGuardians have a Level Cap of 45, so 225 points are available. Currently you can train
Stats with Tronzor, and untrain with Roznort in the VR Deck which is located at the bottom of the ship.

Should be 150, no? (Maybe its just a typo, it happens to all of us :p)

For the BeastStriker section, you can also note that weapons won't deal damage at the 'Wow' factor due to the sacrifice of LUK put into CHA.

My personal preference, for the Classic Hybrid, I just like to have 200 DEX up along with STR and INT, with END at 50 (stats are at level 130), but its up to you whether you want to put it on. Its just that 50 END, with good equipment and STR and INT maxed, can get you through almost with any monster (except for the rare uber powerful monster)


L 45 | 75 DEX, 50 END/CHA/LUK | 50 DEX/END/LUK, 75 CHA |

~BeastGunner Section (Oh yeah, you're missing an 'N' there on the gunner :P)

I find this awfully spread out; END at 50? As said above, 50 END is enough for high levels, but this is a mid-low level. Shouldn't it be put down to 20 or 25, and then put into either DEX or CHA for the extra 'oomph'? Even you have mentioned ~more focus on DEX, CHA AND LUK, so END shouldn't be up there with the other stats.

The rest look quite fine, good job!! :D

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/8/2009 15:33:14)

Hmm, nice to get your comments, moneybags! :-)

Typos have been fixed! And almost your preferences have been added! Thanks! :p

I put your name into the titel, I hope you don't mind... STATS TRAINING ~ Made by Mysterious Strangeface & Moneybags ~

Would you like to make your own Stats Training for each build that I can put them at the first option each?
You know, since you almost always give good advices and suggestions to everyone, I'll give you Priority which means
I'll put your own Stats Training at the first option while mine behind. Is it OK? [;)]

Then you always can give orders, suggestions etc. so that I just can add or change them. What do you think about it?
I really like to work together with you, moneybags.

LordGeneral -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/9/2009 13:01:03)

Right now I'm at 140 STR, 50 DEX at level 38 with a pure striker build.

My plan is to get 60 DEX by 40 and maybe work on getting 25 END by 45.

Or... Is it fine to just stay at 0 END and hold off on it for a while? I guess I'm asking how important END is at this point right now.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/9/2009 13:55:12)

It depends on your style play.
I suggest you to have 140 STR, 60 DEX, 25 END || 140 STR, 85 DEX || 150 STR, 75 DEX
  • The first one is the best for you. If I were you, I'd prefer to have the second one: 140 STR, 85 DEX :p

    My character(on the AQ link) has 200 STR, 25 DEX. I'd prefer to have 200 STR/DEX first, then END can be trained.

  • moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/9/2009 20:37:47)


    That looks a lot like an Annihalator Striker, where one would sacrifice all END and put it into offensive stats. Of course, the final result would end up as a Pure Striker. Just think of it this way: the more STR and DEX you have, the faster the monsters are going to die. All you need to figure out is how much turns you have before a monster defeats you. Monsters hit on an average about what... 40 or so? And a 0 END character has 325 HP? So if you can finish one monster in roughly 8 turns, you can have 0 END. With the large amount of STR you have, it should be no problem. The only problem with this, though, is when you are facing multiple monsters without healing (in quests, wars, etc.). It may cause problems, but you *should* get through with potions, healing spells, guests, and added damage bonus from your STR and DEX (with 0 END, you'll have *quite* a bit of STR and DEX, trust me :p). If you don't want to take any risks, you can have 5 END, or perhaps a teensy bit more :D


    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/9/2009 22:15:27)

    To add above:
    It also depends on the Weapons, Battlesuit(s) and Gaunlet(s). The higher lvl Z-Token Versions are the best around those lvls.
    The best(Weapons) bacause they have higher BTH and provide insane damage!! :-)
    If you don't mind to spend some money to the game, you know what to do. They can be found in Elite Items!(Z-Token Items Shop). :p

  • I can't wait to buy the best Melee Weapons; BlaZing Gathorax(lvl 50, Light) and Fatal Galaxythe Z(lvl 55, Darkness). [;)]

  • LordGeneral -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/9/2009 22:52:29)

    Thanks once again, guys. I don't really want to get Z-token stuff just yet. I know I should add 25 END just to be safe... moneybags has a good point. I think you need z-token items to compliment Stranger's all-out annihilator build though and I'm not just ready to get more z-tokens quite yet.

    blindprophet -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 18:38:26)

    i wanted to know what the best equipment for a lvl 45 striker is not yet in that lvl range but don't think ill take long to reach it xD

    moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 18:51:36)

    Depends on your build. If you're a Gunner, go for the highest level gun weapons, if you're a striker, go for the highest level melee weapons. If you're an Engineer, go for the gun weapons as well, since there won't be much Magic weapons. Same goes for Pets, Gauntlets, Miscs, etc. Another thing to note, Token items give about a +10 level (or something like that) (so if it says level 10 on a token item, it has the power of a level 20 item), WG items give +3 level, and the rest are as it shows.


    blindprophet -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 18:54:50)

    well i don't like to focus on one or certain stats lol i tend to have them all fairly equal
    but mind seeing if my stuff is good for right now

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 19:04:31)

    For the Z-Token items, take a look my character(click on the AQ link).

    moneybags can tell you more included the Non Z-Token Items. I'm now busy, I'm sorry... :p

    blindprophet -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 19:13:14)

    lol ok then thanx and np i only have like 3 days on this game so yeah >.<

    moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 19:22:12)

    Fairly equal? A *huge* (and when I say huge, its MASSIVE) price is paid. All the stats you train will not get you enough bonuses to hit the 'Wow' factor. I'd untrain END by 15, and all of LUK. Then your build would be a BeastHybrid; very versatile, but as said above, not top-notch. How you distribute your stats are up to you, but mine would look something like:

    Level 28
    STR: 35
    DEX: 35
    INT: 35
    END: 10
    CHA: 25
    LUK: 0

    CHA lags behind STR, DEX, and INT stats because there aren't much high CHA needed pets at the moment.

    As a Hybrid, then, you'd be using Sticks (Melee weapons). Your current token weapons are excellent, do not sell them. Netgun can be sold; as a hybrid, you won't be using guns. Replace it with Powered Lazer Chucks from the Save the Queen quest (WG Tower). Missing a Fire weapon... Pick up the Warp Wavering Cisor from the WF Shop. Also pick up the Blustery Beam Lance, although not powerful, its the only wind weapon in the game.

    I see no problem with this character... Since you have an open slot for spells, why not pick up the Nanotech Tech? It covers 3 elements (4 if you include heal). There's no loss in putting a spell in an empty slot, no? Fine character you have, with quite a few token items. Those alone should get you through a few levels easily. Just be sure to fill up the missing elements (weapons) ;-)


    blindprophet -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 19:35:11)

    ah ok i c hmm but what if i wanted my guy to be a good tanker like last a long time in battle for monsters w/ insane hp
    if by any chance there is a certain build in stats for that could u tell me cause yeah idk much about where stats go or what they do
    w/ certain items and thanx in advance

    moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 19:40:34)

    A tanker that wants versatality? You'd have to sacrifice something... Or thigs would go below par. I'd give up on either CHA or INT (or maybe even STR, if you want to sacrifice your attack damage). Really up to you and it depends on your fighting style. I'd take away INT. In my opinion, you can hit more damage with an armor skill rather than using a spell. That would only leave spells to heal you, but since you are suggesting a high END character, that wouldn't be too often, and if the time really comes, you still have six potions you can use.

    Again, its your character, and its really up to you.


    blindprophet -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/11/2009 19:46:18)

    hmm i see well ill try ur suggestion on the stats u showed me that is if u don't mind and see how that works

    TheSin -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/12/2009 10:35:18)

    I just started this game, I am a guardian, have played AQ and DF a lot tho. If they stats are the same as AQ is it possible to make a "tank mage" with just high DEX/INT? Also what is the best defensive armors, so I can try this out?

    moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/12/2009 11:04:14)

    A Tank Mage would be quite possible. Focus your stats onto DEX / INT / END. You'll be using guns rather than sticks due to the 0 STR. Heavy Gunner Armor would work well with this build, especially with the unique shield of this armor.


    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/12/2009 11:08:10)

    Yes, it's possible to make Tank Mage(Tank Engineer). Please take a look here for the Stats Training. :-)

    TheSin -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/12/2009 11:13:04)

    Yea I guess I shoulda mentioned I made my character a gunner since I planned on using DEX as my main stats, but I am really enjoying the special effects of tech skills like freezing and burn, so I wanted to go the TechTank (I like that name) route. So should I use WarpTrooper Armor or Heavey Gunner Armor? And I am only lvl 7, but farming now, so at what level should I buy an armor other than guardian? Its holding up fine so far.

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/12/2009 11:18:22)

    WarpTrooper and Star Ninja are more for Strikers.
    Heavy Gunner is more for Gunners.
    Star Knight and Energizer are more for Engineers.

    TheSin -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/12/2009 11:33:48)

    An Engineer being a mage right?
    I don't plan on using any of the armors attacks unless I absolutely need to, I just want the best defensive shield (guantlet) and armor, so I can sitt and spam spells just like a tank mage in AQ.
    I am level 10 now.

    moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/12/2009 21:35:44)

    Using spells alone won't get you through a lot of battles, as most spells seem to be quite weak. You should pick up a few guns, so that even when the spells don't finish the monster off, you can use the guns and spam the attack button. Note that because guns aren't affected by the STR stat (unlike AQ), you can spend stat points on another stat (perhaps LUK, to add on to the gun damage)


    blindprophet -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/13/2009 9:52:15)

    hey moneybags as i keep lvling up cause ima follow the stats u suggested do i keep increasing my strength intellect and dextirty

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/13/2009 10:48:51)

    That's actually a Classic Hybrid. You might want to follow these Stats Training. :-) For more take a look here :p

    Engineer Striker(EngineStriker/Classic Hybrid) would be trained STR, INT, DEX, END ~ More focus on STR and INT
    This build has more spread-out stats that not only focus on damage done from weapons,
    but also damage done from Skills/Techs.
    L 5 | 10 STR/INT, 5 DEX |
    L 10 | 20 STR/INT, 10 DEX | 10 STR/INT, 30 DEX |
    L 15 | 30 STR/INT, 15 DEX | 20 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 5 END |
    L 20 | 40 STR/INT, 20 DEX | 30 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 10 END |
    L 25 | 50 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 5 END | 40 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 15 END |
    L 30 | 60 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 10 END | 50 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 20 END |
    L 35 | 70 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 15 END | 60 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 25 END |
    L 40 | 80 STR/INT, 20 DEX/20 END | 70 STR/INT, 30 DEX/30 END |
    L 45 | 90 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 25 END | 80 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 35 END |
    L 50 | 100 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 30 END | 90 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 40 END |
    L 55 | 110 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 35 END | 100 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 45 END |
    L 60 | 120 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 40 END | 110 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 50 END |
    L 65 | 130 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 45 END | 120 STR/INT, 35 DEX, 50 END |
    L 70 | 140 STR/INT, 20 DEX, 50 END | 130 STR/INT, 40 DEX, 50 END |
    L 75 | 150 STR/INT, 25 DEX, 50 END | 140 STR/INT, 45 DEX, 50 END |
    L 80 | 160 STR/INT, 30 DEX, 50 END | 150 STR/INT, 50 DEX/END |
    L 85 | 170 STR/INT, 35 DEX, 50 END | 160 STR/INT, 55 DEX, 50 END |
    L 90 | 180 STR/INT, 40 DEX, 50 END | 170 STR/INT, 60 DEX, 50 END |
    L 95 | 190 STR/INT, 45 DEX, 50 END | 180 STR/INT, 65 DEX, 50 END |
    L 100 | 200 STR/INT, 50 DEX/END | 190 STR/INT, 70 DEX, 50 END |
    L 105 | 200 STR/INT, 50 DEX, 75 END | 200 STR/INT, 75 DEX, 50 END |
    L 110 | 200 STR/INT, 50 DEX, 100 END | 200 STR/INT, 100 DEX, 50 END |
    L 115 | 200 STR/INT, 75 DEX, 100 END | 200 STR/INT, 100 DEX, 75 END |
    L 120 | 200 STR/INT, 100 DEX/END |
    L 125 | 200 STR/INT, 125 DEX, 100 END | 200 STR/INT, 100 DEX, 125 END |
    L 130 | 200 STR/INT, 150 DEX, 100 END | 200 STR/INT, 125 DEX/END |
    L 135 | 200 STR/INT, 175 DEX, 100 END | 200 STR/INT, 150 DEX, 125END |

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