RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (Full Version)

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entity azirius -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/22/2009 22:14:58)

How is my character faring stats wise? Azirius

I think it's doing pretty well, so far! I thought I'd go for a Pure Warrior build here, seeing as I play a Beast Mage in AQ; makes a nice change!
I will probably keep the 20 points in End regardless of any advice, I always appreciate a bit of survivability instead of a massive powerhouse character (which seems to have happened anyway, due to the Z-Token weapons >_>;). Any other advice is appreciated :]

EDIT: Also, is there a better alternative to the Gale-Force Beam Lance Z weapon? Yeah, it has an abnormally powerful special (I've seen the last hit do over 200 damage V_V;), but I don't like having a chance to deal a fairly large chunk of damage to myself every now and again!

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/22/2009 22:25:20)

Hrmm, the stats are quite fine, but I myself don't like the 20 END. You might as well keep it though, as you said, with your powerhouse Token items :) It should help you breeze through the levels...

A wind weapon? I'm afraid you'll have to do with what you have. I quite like the weapon, actually. 66% of the special doesn't harm you a single bit, and when that 33% does strike, well, thats why you have the END :) It doesn't really matter anyways, you won't be using that weapon for every single battle. If you don't like it, I'm sure alternative wind weapons will be released in the future releases :D


entity azirius -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/22/2009 22:35:58)

I had a feeling you wouldn't like the Endurance :P

Only 33% of the time? Must just be my luck, for me it's closer to 50/50 for each, but I suppose that's just the RNG being evil >:P
Anyway; thanks for the advice, glad to know I'm mostly on the correct track! =]

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/22/2009 22:44:39)


Yup, I'm quite sure that its about 33% of the time. 1/3 would be the uber powerful special, 1/3 would be the normal weak - ish special, and 1/3 would be the special that hurts you.

Pshh, of course you're on the right track! Look at all those token items! o.O As always though, just remember to upgrade your items to a higher level when you accomplish that level and / or if its possible. Do the quests, enjoy your time, and try to cover every element in the Pet and Spell section. There aren't much gauntlets, I'd get as much as I can into my inventory. There aren't much armors either so you can probably buy 'em all, test them out, and decide what to do after. Just the basics, but just reminding you :)


BlueKatz -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/22/2009 23:12:48)

About he wind weapon, it's not that bad
40-60% normal damage
10% epic hit
20% (or 10%) not so epic hit
10-20% damage self

Darius -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/22/2009 23:29:48)


Projected Lv.45 stats, currently Lv.36:
Character page in sig.

Can I get a rating, please? Character page has moved to my AQ slot.

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/23/2009 12:46:23)

Okay... Here goes. Your stats are quite fine by level 45, END in the right place, a good amount of DEX and INT, and a perfect amount of LUK. If you prefer, you can take a bit of LUK off and place them into INT or DEX, but thats up to you. You'll do fine with those stats now.

Your weapons are all in place. Just remember, every element NEEDS to be covered, and just keep upgrading the weapons to a higher level when reached / if possible. Another note to keep in mind, if you look for power and not looks, it should always be higher level weapon > lower level weapon. Just a 'common sense' rule, but just reminding you.

Your armors: pretty darn good. You've got that token armor that will probably last you until level 45 and higher. There aren't much armors in the game right now, I fit all of them in my inventory, I'm sure you can too ;-)

No need to look at your gauntlets... They are top notch.

Your techs are a section I want to discuss. Remember to upgrade your Gamma Emitter when you reach level 41. Since you are a Gunner - Engineer ( a combination of DEX and INT ), one of your main sources of damage would come from Techs. Which means you need all 8 slots. Your last slot, you'd need the Nanotech spell. Although only level 25, it covers 3 elements, which is pretty darn good. Its even got an option where you can choose to heal yourself. With those 3 elements covered (Energy, Earth, Fire), you can sell WG Warp. Now, for your last slot, there are 3 options. The new spell: Call MediDroid. I wouldn't get this; you've already got two healing sources from your spells. Next comes Call Zorborz (spelling mistake? :S). He's quite a good guest, but since you already have a darkness spell... Finally, its the Warp Crystals series of spells. It deals Ice and Light damage, so it might come useful (Cyro Bombs aren't exactly the 'bomb' ice spell of the game). What you get is up to you; you'll last quite a while either way.

Pets are looking good, but why only 6? I'd get them all and test them all out... But thats up to you.

Miscs, not much to say. There aren't much to begin with, so its pretty much get 'em all, test them out and throw away the un - useful ones.


Darius -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/23/2009 15:08:37)

I really wish they'd come out with a wind gun already, the beam lance is a stick and I have 0 STR.

I took your advice for skills/techs and got the Nanotech and Warp Crystal techs. There's also an upgrade for Vacuum at Lv.43, so I'll have to keep that in mind, as well. I could always use Uniforce Attack for an Energy spell, too. It doesn't work with the trainer, but in a monster fight it should do okay.

Thanks for the advice, moneybags!

Traveler -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 9:02:11)

I'm aiming for a classic hybrid, but I'm not sold on the current Techs, so I'm currently leaning towards warrior. Any suggestions about my build or equipment? Character page

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 9:29:35)

I suggest you to untrain the 15 INT and increase the STR or make STR and DEX equal with END behind.

As a Striker
L 30 | 70 STR, 60 DEX, 20 END | 60 STR/DEX, 30 END |
L 35 | 80 STR, 70 DEX, 25 END | 70 STR/DEX, 35 END |
L 40 | 90 STR, 80 DEX, 30 END | 80 STR/DEX, 40 END |
L 45 | 100 STR, 90 DEX, 35 END | 90 STR/DEX, 45 END |
L 50 | 110 STR, 100 DEX, 40 END | 100 STR/DEX, 50 END | <-- Next

I'm working on a guide for Stats Training.

~Mysterious Strangeface

Traveler -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 10:05:02)

As I said, I'm going for a Hybrid, so I'll end up training INT to the same level of the others. I'm just leaving it a bit behind, but I prefer to have some...

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 10:18:14)

Oops, sorry!

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 11:29:54)


Ah, I see. So you're kind of a Striker, but changing into the Hybrid once more spells come out?

In that case, lets take a look at your stats. I prefer lower END; 30, in my opinion, is too high (although END is quite a good stat to have, it just makes battles a teeny bit longer). I'd keep it at 20 by level 45, and at about 15 right now. Then, I'd place the 10 stat points on STR or DEX; it depends on which you prefer. DEX, as you know, for BtH and STR for extra power. By level 45, a classic Hybrid (leaning Striker) in my eyes would look something like this:

  • STR: 85 / 80 / 95
  • DEX: 85 / 80 / 75
  • INT: 55 / 65 / 55
  • END: 20
  • CHA: 0
  • LUK: 0

The first option would be quite balanced for a Hybrid leaning - Striker, the second would favour INT a bit more, and the third would favour power over the others. Notice how the END stays at 20.


afsoc4life -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 12:11:39)

is an end of above 15 really needed? Mine has remained at 10 since and I am level 36 now!

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 12:18:44)

If you want to be on the safe side, yes. Doing quests, with 2 monsters in a row without heal, is quite difficult with only 10 END (heck, its quite difficult with 15 END). I guess its all up to you and your style of play, but I just like the 15 END there for insurance.


The Great Abraxas -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/24/2009 16:42:03)

well i have my build as usual; high str (current:80) and end (current:60) and this time dex (15)

btw lvl 31 warpstrike (WG)

CN -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/30/2009 10:21:40)

i havent played WF since it came out cuz of the lack of content, so what build would you recommend for a nonWG?
also is there any equipment guides for nonWG?

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/30/2009 10:34:22)

A WarpTracker? Really, it all depends on your style of play, it doesn't have anything to do with being WG or not. If you like Power, go for a Striker (STR, DEX, and LUK), if you like more versatality, go for a gunner (DEX and LUK, with any other stat you like).

END if you want battles to last longer and have a less chance of dying
CHA if you like pets, or
INT if you use spells

There aren't many equipment guides because there aren't a lot of equipment to begin with. Even if there is, its a bit obvious because you just need to get the weapon with the level closesst to you, and make sure if its a gun or a stick depending on your build


Mazic -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/31/2009 20:48:03)

WarpGuardian Melee Weapons and WarpGuardian Range Weapons have been updated to level 45.

Next guides to come are Z-token weapons for both Melee and Range. Then I will work on Warptracker weapon guides. If you see any errors or feel that I may have put an incorrect weapon please let me know, thanks!


moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (10/31/2009 21:15:29)

Mazic: Sorry, didn't read through the whole list yet, but one minor mistake that can be fixed on the WG Ranged weapons at level 45 is the Darkness weapon. The Dark Matter Gun, available from Gravlax, is 10 levels higher than the Gunblade.


Mazic -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/1/2009 1:51:24)

Ahh thanks. Fixed.

thrak -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/1/2009 21:47:03)

really need a good suggestion for a lucky hybrid beastmaster ( I know it is spread) @ level 15.

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/1/2009 21:57:03)

A Lucky Hybrid Beastmaster? Thats 5/6 stats! Well then, more versataliy comes with less power, I guess.

Level 15
STR: 20
DEX: 15
INT: 15
END: 5
CHA: 10
LUK: 10

As you can see, stats are all spread out. Strength will be there for the stat damage for sticks; Dexterity for the extra Bonus to Hit and Intellect for the MP / EP. Note that END is at 5, since it will only be at 50 when level 135 (when the cap eventually gets there). Since there are no pets, Charisma is lowered to 10. Luck isn't that useful and won't make a noticeable change until you have 80 or so, so it'll be at 10 (you only had 10 stat points left :P)


afsoc4life -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/2/2009 11:24:43)

thrak - what stat would u really like to focus on?

helloguy -> RE: =WF= Battle Strategy/Equipment/Stats Discussion (11/2/2009 12:15:53)

what should i aim for at moment

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