Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Circe -> Pets/Guests (11/15/2009 14:00:21)

Please check previous entries to prevent bogging down the thread with old information. After checking and making sure that the information is new and relevant, please include whether it is for a new entry or an edit/addition to an old entry.


Items with this Tag are only available to Warp-Guardian characters.

This tag only applies to the item's current status for WarpTrackers, regardless of whether or not they could buy the item in the past. This is to prevent newer WarpTrackers from thinking they can obtain the item, when in fact they can't.

These Items are items bought using the Secondary Currency known as Z-Tokens.

These items were/are obtained by some method other than by directly buying the item from a shop. Examples include Donations, forum contests, buying specific Artix Entertainment t-shirts, etc.

These can be found through certain quests/dropped by certain monsters. They will remain with your character and can be used until you either log out or get another temporary item of the same kind.

0. Picture uploading sites:

1. Take all screenshots while using high graphics quality. The preferred screen size (one chosen on the homepage) is 640x480. 800x600 is the maximum.

2. Encyclopedia Screenshot Standards
Take a screenshot of the pet/guest without anything in the way. If the focus is on a pet, don't have a guest. If the focus is on a guest, don't have a pet. In order to get a screenshot that is uncovered by your character , click the 'Attack' and immediately take a screenshot when the character is out of the way.

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4a. Some image sites allow you to view a smaller "thumbnail" image. If the image is too big, then you can use a thumbnail and then link to the full image.

  • Please use this template, no big size text, and less bold text as well as in AQ. Thanks! :-)

    [b]Item name[/b] 
    Location: WG Tower -> WarpGuardian Missions -> ZHOOM 6000! -> Zhoom 6000 Shop
    Level: ?
    Price: ?
    Sellback: ?
    Element: ?
    Damage: ?
    Stats: ?%
    BTH: +?%
    Suggested Charisma: ?
    ATTACK 1
    Hits: ?
    Damage: ?
    BTH: +20% plus Stats
    Element: ?
    Type: ?
    Rate: ?%
    ATTACK 2
    Hits: ?
    Damage: ?
    BTH: +?% plus Stats
    Element: ?
    Type: ?
    Rate: ?%
    [image]Image link here[/image]
    [i]Thanks to your name. Numbers thanks to ?.[/i]

  • Olestas -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2009 12:26:50)

    ROllicking Comet doesnt do 2 hits pf 100% (4-16) damage, it seems to do precisley 2 hits of 50% (2-8) damage from stated. Other Comets have the same error.
    Fixed, thanks! ~Mysterious Strangeface

    Vivi -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2009 13:08:38)


    Note: I noticed this in the rules, "The Encyclopedia contains only items released to more than one person or the general public." I did not know if that meant contest prizes would not be included (since they're not released to the general public even though more than one person might get them), however WarpForce moglin has been given to winners of two contests already as a prize and there's a fair chance it will be used as a prize again in the future so I thought it might be worth including.

    WarpForce Moglin
    Location: Contest Prize
    Level: N/A
    Price: N/A
    Sellback: 0 Gold

    ScaledLevel = (YourLevel - 8)
    Base: 0.2*(4 + 0.5*ScaledLevel + 0.005*ScaledLevel^2)
    Random: 0.2*(13 + 1.25*ScaledLevel + 0.005*ScaledLevel^2)
    Stat: 1.875*0.4*(1 + 0.044*ScaledLevel)*100%
    BTH: Floor(ScaledLevel/4)
    Training Difficulty: -66
    *****«Displayed in-game as 0»

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Damage (per hit): 80% base/random and 80% listed stat value
    BTH: +0% plus Stats
    Element: Energy
    Type: Melee
    Rate: 75%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Damage (per hit): 80% base/random and 80% listed stat value
    BTH: +0% plus Stats
    Element: Energy
    Type: Ranged
    Rate: 25%

    Moglins rarely travel into space, because their healing magic is nearly useless away from the surface of Lore. Only the most skilled in battle are likely to join the WarpForce! This moglin will train alongside you and become more powerful!

    WarpForce Moglin

    Stats from In Media Res
    Added! Thanks! :-) ~Mysterious Strangeface

    Olestas -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/20/2009 12:59:39)


    Baby Duncs dont do 100% per hit - that would be 100, 200 and 300% damages (they can do 1, 2 and 3 hits). They just do some low damage during those hits. This pet is even weaker then Findles...

    Guardian Baby Dunc ~ Damage does 100% B/R each hit as listed! ~Mysterious Strangeface

    Vivi -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/20/2009 15:04:25)



    Bristly Skitter notes its two attacks to have +22% BTH and +14% BTH - should note +6% and -2% (the innate 16% BTH is already listed in the entry so BTH listed on attacks should be noted as a modifier instead of total BTH).

    Thanks! ~Omni
    Fixed! Thanks! :-) ~Mysterious Strangeface

    jakemaster1390 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/27/2009 0:17:27)



    F10A7 Model 2
    Location: Engineering -> Gravlax-> Missions -> Find F10A7 -> Find F10A7 Shop
    Level: 20
    Price: 28 Gold
    Sellback: 14 Gold

    Element: Energy
    Damage: 2-6
    Suggested Charisma: 0

    Rate at 0: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Damage (per hit):
    Element: Ice
    Type: Range

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 1
    Damage (per hit):
    Element: Energy
    Type: Range


    The F10A7 model of pet-bot is a loyal companion -- All he asks is that you keep his gears free of wax and buff out any dents he might get during battle


    Sorry I am not good with the BTH Numbers and rates I have no clue how to do them but willing to learn.
    Don't worry about it. Us AKs got you covered ;-) It'll be added soon, once we get the stats. Thanks! ~$b
    No need since the current entry(the same entry lvl 20) has been posted in the old Pedia. All the lvl 5, 8G, 10Z, 20 have been posted in the old Pedia, and they all have been added(two by moneybags and the others by me! Thanks! ~Mysterious Strangeface

    Olestas -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/27/2009 5:32:05)


    Quick Baby Dunc still says it does 100% damage per hit, while it only does 100% in total per attack. Pretty lame for level33 CHA pet.
    2nd ~ Noted!
    And F10A7 model 2� is missing from pet index and pets by level.
    Added! Thanks! I'm working on the Pets/Guests by level. No worries. I'll get them ASAP.
    I have CL166 Warp droid� and it does attacks of 1 hit and 3 hits (melee melee ranged). Never did 2 hit attack.
    It's correct.
    Attack #1, two hits Melee Energy
    Attack #2, one hit Ranged Energy.
    ~Mysterious Strangeface

    About CL166, one of us does not understand something :] Sometimes it does attack #2, and sometimes it does attack #1 AND attack #2 together. No other combinations.

    Lord Athor -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/5/2010 9:31:50)


    Cosmoslug/Cosmoslug Z/WG Cosmoslug/Cosmoslug/Cosmoslug Z/WG Cosmoslug/Cosmoslug/Cosmoslug/
    Location: SickBay -> Missions -> Explore Gervel
    Level: 15/20/25/40/45/50/60/75
    Price: 22 Gold/800 Tokens/37 Gold/127 Gold/1650 Tokens/336 Gold/930 Gold/4400 Gold
    Sellback: ??

    Element: Darkness
    Damage: 3-10/8-25/5-17/6-20/11-33/9-28/10-31/14-41
    Stats: ??
    BTH: ??
    Suggested Charisma: -66
    *****«Displayed in-game as 0»

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Damage (per hit): ??
    BTH: ??
    Element: Darkness
    Type: Ranged
    Rate: ??

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Damage (per hit): ??
    BTH: ??
    Element: Darkness
    Type: Ranged
    Rate: ??

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Damage (per hit): ??
    BTH: ??
    Element: Darkness
    Type: Melee
    Rate: ??

    This creature lives in and around asteroids, and looks nothing like the slugs you may be accustomed to.


    Finally got around to this. Thanks! ~Rhowena

    Khimera -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/26/2010 6:21:29)

    The damage for the Cosmoslug isn't taking into account the BTH modifier, and is shown to deal 75% BRS on all attacks.

    Edit: Ael confirmed via IRC that 85% accuracy is assumed. The damage should be as follows:

    +8% BTH attack: 68.548387097% damage

    +4% BTH attack: 71.629213483% damage

    -4% BTH attack: 78.703703704% damage

    Koree -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/16/2010 12:39:41)


    Pet or Guest?: Guest
    Location: Cybertech Battlesuit

    Upkeep: 10MP if you're wearing Cybertech Battlesuit, 16MP otherwise

    Level: 15
    PLvl: 15
    MPLvl: 15
    Element: N/A
    Damage: ???
    Stats: ???%
    BTH: ???% (Most likely [Level/4], so 3 in this case)

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 2
    Damage: ???% Base, Random and listed Stats each
    BTH: ??? plus Stats
    Element: Earth
    Type: Melee
    Rate: ???%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 1
    Damage: ???% Base, Random and listed Stats
    BTH: ??? plus Stats
    Element: Fire
    Type: Ranged
    Rate: ???%


    Write-up and image thanks to Koree.

    Vivi -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/16/2010 22:45:50)


    Index - Pets by Element/Level/BM or Non-BM



    Lv 2 Uncommon Flowering Findle
    Lv 8 Warped Flowering Findle
    Lv 28 Outre Flowering Findle
    Lv 38 Warp Outlandish Flowering Findle (Guardian)
    Lv 52 Unusual Flowering Findle
    Lv 68 Warp Rare Flowering Findle (Guardian)

    Lv 1 Glador
    Lv 3 Slow Baby Dunc
    Lv 12 Warp Glador (Guardian)
    Lv 15 Guardian Exobarnacle (Guardian)
    Lv 18 Guardian Baby Dunc (Guardian)
    Lv 25 Exobarnacle
    Lv 33 Quick Baby Dunc
    Lv 40 Exobarnacle
    Lv 48 Speedy Guardian Baby Dunc (Guardian)
    Lv 60 Guardian Exobarnacle (Guardian)
    Lv 100 Exobarnacle


    Lv 7 Hill Quog
    Lv 15 WG Whistling Quog (Guardian)
    Lv 24 Ghost Quog
    Lv 38 Glass Quog
    Lv 48 WG Mallard Quog (Guardian)
    Lv 68 Painted Quog
    Lv 82 True Quog




    Lv 3 Comet Puppy
    Lv 15 Playful WarpComet (Guardian)
    Lv 19 Lively Comet
    Lv 30 Rollicking Comet
    Lv 56 Spirited WarpComet (Guardian)
    Lv 82 Frisky Comet


    Lv 6 cl166 Warp Droid (Guardian)
    Lv 18 cl166 Droid
    Lv 38 cl166 Bot
    Lv 48 cl166 Warp Bot (Guardian)
    Lv 70 cl166

    Lv 15 8A51C Model A (Guardian)
    Lv 27 8A51C Model B (Guardian)
    Lv 43 8A51C Model D (Guardian)
    Lv 53 8A51C Model E (Guardian)
    Lv 70 8A51C Model G (Guardian)



    Lv 10 Skitter
    Lv 20 WG Skitter (Guardian)
    Lv 35 Hairy Skitter
    Lv 45 Furry WG Skitter (Guardian)
    Lv 65 Bristly Skitter


    Lv 5 F10A7 Model 1
    Lv 8 F10A7 Model WG (Guardian)
    Lv 20 F10A7 Model 2

    Done! Thanks! :) ~AVA

    Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/19/2010 23:21:17)

    Alien Zard pet

    It has a one-hit bite or a two hit blast.

    2/3 chance of the Bite and a 1/3 chance of the Blast.

    The Bite should be Energy, set at -8 BtH (with appropriate damage bonus), and deals 3/4 of the damage of a normal hit

    The Blast should be Fire, set at -6 BtH (with appropriate damage bonus), and deals 3/4 of the damage of a normal hit on each hit.


    All hits are *= 1.05 to compensate for the multielemental nature.

    The pet is Base Element Energy.

    Level	15	35	15	55	55	75	95
    Type	-	G	Z	G	Z	-	-
    PLvl	15	41	47	59	70	75	95
    CHALvl	15	39	39	58	66	75	95
    CHA	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66
    Base	3	7	8	10	13	14	19
    Rand	7	15	17	21	25	27	35
    Stat	93	158	173	202	230	242	291
    BtH	3	10	11	14	17	18	23
    Price	22	80	700	560	2350	4400	35400

    Done! Thanks! ~AVA

    Koree -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/20/2010 8:21:29)


    Alien Zard

    Just to clarify, the Blast attack is 2 hits.



    Thanks, but a two hit blast has already been mentioned above! :p ~AVA

    Ranloth -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/28/2010 5:54:30)

    Spirited WarpComet is Rare. It isn't in Gravlax Pet Shop nor Warp Guardian Tower.. It's a pity that good BM pet is rare "/

    The Playful WarpComet(L15G) and Spirited WarpComet(L56G) have been removed from the game without notification.
    I'll see what I can do. Thanks! :p ~AVA

    Edit: The Spirited WarpComet and Playful WarpComet are now in the WarpGuardian Shop. ~AVA

    Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/23/2010 22:58:04)


    Finnona Guest.

    You're going to do math on this one.

    50/50 chance of either attack. Each attack totals to the listed damage.

    Runthrough attack is Melee. It's Inaccurate, -6 bth and 85/79 damage.

    The Spray attack is Ranged. It's Average BtH.

    Level	25	25	50	75	100
    Type	-	Z	G	-	-
    PLvl	25	52	54	75	100
    MPLvl	25	45	53	75	100
    Price	74	950	670	8800	119250
    Sell	37	Z	335	4400	59625

    Base = (0.3*(4+0.5*PLvl+0.005*(PLvl^2))), rounded to the nearest integer
    Random = (0.3*(13+1.25*PLvl+0.005*(B1^2))), rounded to the nearest integer
    Stat = 15/8*(0.6*(100+(PLvl*4.4))), rounded to the nearest integer (in %)
    BtH = 0.25*Plvl, rounded down always
    MPCost = (0.175*(38.1+2.3375*MPLvl+0.01125*(MPLvl^2))), rounded to the nearest integer
    Done! Thanks! ~AVA

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/26/2010 13:45:33)


    Summon Finnona (series)
    Location: Hangar Deck > Stormfront > Travel > SATIREN > MISSIONS > ENCHANTER FISH > Find the fish!
    Element: Water

    Trinni is learing to control her newly-discovered ability, and will join you in battle!

    Finnona (series) as a guest
    Location: From the Summon Finnona
    Element: Water


    Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/3/2010 20:00:56)



    60% chance of attack 1 (one-hit) remaining 40% is the 3-hit attack (attack 2)
    Attack 1 is *= 85/90 BRS and += 5 BtH
    Attack 2 is *= 85/80 BRS and += -5 BtH

    Attack2 does 1/3 BRS per hit.

    Lvl	PLvl	MPLvl	CHA	Base	Rand	Stat	BtH	Price	Name
    1	1	1	-56	2	1	78	0	11	Glador
    12G	21	18	-11	3	8	144	5	16	Warp Glador
    15Z	47	39	44	8	17	230	11	760	Extreme Glador Z
    17	17	17	-21	3	7	131	4	20	Advanced Glador
    48G	52	51	54	9	18	247	13	272	Marvelous Warp Glador
    64	64	64	84	11	23	286	16	1402	Amazing Glador
    78	78	78	114	15	28	332	19	6011	Exceptional Glador
    Done! Thanks! ~AVA

    (the odd B/R on the first Glador is so that it never hits and does 0 damage)

    Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/9/2010 22:56:18)


    General Leet Stormfront

    Missing information: If the monster isn't one of the standard 8 elements, he will do Light damage

    Got it. Thanks ~$b


    Hans Olo

    Base = 0.3 * (4 + 0.5* PowerLevel + 0.005 * PowerLevel^2) (not rounded)
    Rand = 0.3 * (13 + 1.25 * PowerLevel + 0.005 * PowerLevel^2) (not rounded)
    Stat = 1.875 * (0.6 * (100 + PowerLevel * 4.4)) (not rounded)
    BtH = PowerLevel / 4 (Always rounded down)
    SPCost = 0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PowerLevel + 0.001125 * PowerLevel^2) (Rounded to the nearest 1)

    He does *= 1.1 damage to compensate for his mutielemental nature

    50/50 chance of:
    Melee Earth - 1 hit, does listed damage per hit
    Ranged Energy - 2 hit, does half listed damage per hit

    Done, thanks! ~$b

    Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/11/2010 21:10:44)


    Krath <- Posted as Lt. Krath ~AVA

    Two hit on either attack, 50/50 chance
    Melee Earth or Ranged Fire

    Base = 0.3 * (4 + 0.5* PowerLevel + 0.005 * PowerLevel^2) (not rounded)
    Rand = 0.3 * (13 + 1.25 * PowerLevel + 0.005 * PowerLevel^2) (not rounded)
    Stat = 1.875 * (0.6 * (100 + PowerLevel * 4.4)) (not rounded)
    BtH = PowerLevel / 4 (Always rounded down)
    SPCost = 0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PowerLevel + 0.001125 * PowerLevel^2) (Rounded to the nearest 1)

    Each hit does half of the above since there are two hits

    He does *= 1.1 damage to compensate for the multielemental nature of his attacks.
    Done, thanks! ~AVA

    Sgt Lucky

    One hit Earth Melee or two hit Fire Ranged

    Does normal Guest damage, rounded at each stage; stat is rounded to the nearest 100%.
    The Earth attack does *=1.1 damage and the Fire attack does *= 0.6 damage per hit (before the rounding)

    Note: Yes, this looks a bit buggy.

    Veya -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/15/2010 21:36:20)


    This is just an update to the Pets by Element/Level/BM or Non-BM .

    The Cosmoslug(and his Z-Token version) is a Non-BM Darkness pet.

    Added, thanks! :D ~$b

    Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/25/2010 16:07:47)





    Level	76	76	91
    Type	-	Z	G
    PLvl	76	86	94
    CHALvl	76	83	93
    CHA	109	124	134
    Base	14	17	19
    Rand	27	31	35
    Stat	451	501	540
    BtH	19	21	23
    Price	4900	5400	23300

    Got it. ~Nex

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/3/2010 21:03:01)


    There's a broken link on this page. The correct link is:

    [link=]WarpGuardian Cybertech Battlesuit[/link]
    Fixed, thanks. ~AVA

    Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/23/2010 2:56:20)


    Defiler Spider

    Let's make it a 50/50 chance of either attack.
    Melee Dark, +2 BtH, Ranged Fire -3 BtH.
    *= 1.1 damage for the multielemental nature.

    Level	45	45	65	85
    Type	G	Z	-	-
    PLvl	50	63	65	85
    CHALvl	48	58	65	85
    CHA	49	69	84	129
    Base	8	11	12	17
    Rand	18	22	23	31
    Stat	323	387	397	496
    BtH	12	15	16	21
    Price	205	1650	1560	12500

    AVA got it. ~Nex

    The Harukyuba Bros. -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/11/2010 18:34:44)


    Uncommon Flowering Findle is level 16, not level 2 as the entry states.

    Got it. ~Nex

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/9/2010 18:29:20)


    Guardian Defiler Spider
    Level: 45
    PLevel: 50
    CHALevel: 48
    Location: Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > MISSIONS > AID THE TRANSILVAN
    Price: 205 Gold
    Sellback: 102 Gold

    Element: Darkness
    Damage: 8-26
    Stats: 323%
    BTH: +12
    Suggested Charisma: 49

    Rate at 49 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 115 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Ranged
    BTH: -3 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 1
    Element: Darkness
    Attack Type: Melee
    BTH: +2 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    All Pet attacks deal 110% damage because of its multi-elemental nature.

    Gravlax has helped you reprogram this Defiler Spider!

    Defiler Spider Z
    Level: 45
    PLevel: 63
    CHALevel: 58
    Location: Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > MISSIONS > AID THE TRANSILVAN
    Price: 1650 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 1485 Z-Tokens for the first 48 Hours, then 825 Z-Tokens

    Element: Darkness
    Damage: 11-33
    Stats: 387%
    BTH: +15
    Suggested Charisma: 69

    Rate at 69 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 135 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Ranged
    BTH: -3 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 1
    Element: Darkness
    Attack Type: Melee
    BTH: +2 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    All Pet attacks deal 110% damage because of its multi-elemental nature.

    Gravlax has helped you reprogram this Defiler Spider!

    Tiny Defiler Spider
    Level: 65
    PLevel: 65
    CHALevel: 65
    Location: Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > MISSIONS > AID THE TRANSILVAN
    Price: 1560 Gold
    Sellback: 780 Gold

    Element: Darkness
    Damage: 12-35
    Stats: 397%
    BTH: +16
    Suggested Charisma: 84

    Rate at 84 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 150 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Ranged
    BTH: -3 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 1
    Element: Darkness
    Attack Type: Melee
    BTH: +2 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    All Pet attacks deal 110% damage because of its multi-elemental nature.

    Gravlax has helped you reprogram this Defiler Spider!

    Diminuitive Defiler Spider
    Level: 85
    PLevel: 85
    CHALevel: 85
    Location: Sick Bay > Dr. Mendas > MISSIONS > AID THE TRANSILVAN
    Price: 12500 Gold
    Sellback: 6250 Gold

    Element: Darkness
    Damage: 17-48
    Stats: 496%
    BTH: +21
    Suggested Charisma: 129

    Rate at 129 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 195 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Ranged
    BTH: -3 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 1
    Element: Darkness
    Attack Type: Melee
    BTH: +2 plus Stats
    Rate: 50%

    All Pet attacks deal 110% damage because of its multi-elemental nature.

    Gravlax has helped you reprogram this Defiler Spider!


    Added. Thanks. ~AVA


    Also, note that the Sellbacks for all of the Cosmoslugs are half of the prices (rounded down).

    Not sure why that wasn't gotten before. Got it. ~Nex

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