ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Monsters (12/12/2010 19:07:24)
Unaga Mage Level: 64 XP: 1020 Gold: 340 Element: Earth COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 34 Ranged: 34 Magic: 34 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 0 Dexterity: 145 Intellect: 150 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 25 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 120% Water: 100% Wind: 120% Ice: 90% Earth: 60% Energy: 100% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION The reptilian Unaga travel from world to world in search of Unaga Prime, the first Unaga and parent to their entire race. [image][/image] Tytoa Level: 48 XP: 170 Gold: 57 Element: Wind COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 35 Ranged: 30 Magic: 30 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 30 Dexterity: 40 Intellect: 40 Endurance: 20 Charisma: 40 Luck: 70 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 110% Water: 100% Wind: 80% Ice: 110% Earth: 110% Energy: 100% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION One of the most dangerous of all the Devourer's network of alien races, the Tytoa produces biological poisons. [image][/image] Kor-Dem Level: 48 XP: 500 Gold: 160 Element: Energy COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 25 Ranged: 25 Magic: 25 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 45 Dexterity: 65 Intellect: 60 Endurance: 35 Charisma: 0 Luck: 35 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 100% Water: 130% Wind: 100% Ice: 100% Earth: 100% Energy: 70% Light: 120% Darkness: 80% DESCRIPTION This alien Cor-Dem creature has been twisted into evil by the Devourer. [image][/image] Nechron Protean Level: 81 XP: 1680 Gold: 405 Element: Darkness COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 30 Magic: 30 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 110 Dexterity: 100 Intellect: 80 Endurance: 80 Charisma: 0 Luck: 35 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 90% Water: 110% Wind: 110% Ice: 110% Earth: 90% Energy: 60% Light: 130% Darkness: 50% DESCRIPTION Half of the Protean race-- a species of humanoids melded with an organometallic symbiote-- was subjugated or destroyed by the Network. Some of its dead were brought back into service of the Nechrons! [image][/image] Virin Level: 83 XP: 1960 Gold: 450 Element: Water COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 45 Magic: 45 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 0 Dexterity: 160 Intellect: 180 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 80 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 120% Water: 100% Wind: 60% Ice: 90% Earth: 120% Energy: 100% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION From the planet Zirrix, the Virin are a viral, parasitic highly intelligent species. They can survive on their own but bond themselves to other organic, non-sentient creatures to do more physical tasks. [image][/image] Also, moneybags, when you take screenshots for monster entries, try to avoid having the end of the battle bar (the bar with the Skills & Techs and the Flee button) in the image. Info and image for Defiler Sentry (76): quote:
Defiler Sentry Level: 76 XP: 1369 Gold: 400 Element: Earth COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 35 Ranged: 35 Magic: 30 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 135 Dexterity: 80 Intellect: 35 Endurance: 130 Charisma: 0 Luck: 0 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 90% Water: 90% Wind: 110% Ice: 110% Earth: 90% Energy: 90% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION One of the most common soldier-type of Defilers, these robotic organisms combine many of the galaxy's strongest materials into an effective fighting form. [image][/image] quote:
NED-409 Level: 64 XP: 835 Gold: 270 Element: Light COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 35 Ranged: 30 Magic: 25 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 75 Dexterity: 120 Intellect: 70 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 60 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 120% Water: 100% Wind: 60% Ice: 90% Earth: 120% Energy: 100% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION This heavily armed robotic endoskeleton is one of Dark Madder's favorite units to deploy! [image][/image] Done, and I'll fix it soon. Thanks ~$b