ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Monsters (1/28/2011 16:29:36)
Additions for the monsters relating to what points they spend in battle to use what skills. Also, check the Gauntlet thread... Parching Fists never added. Also, all of the Treasure Chests in AQ are exactly the same in WF; could you please add them? I've an example for the Treasure Hoard below. Also, for an example, this has been changed to give 40 Gold and 0 EXP. For Th'rix, the other, Level 65, version also needs the Paralysis effect added to it. An addition to Serrakin (65) (add this under DESCRIPTION section, above image): EFFECT She gains 23 SP per turn. If she has at least 178 SP, she will spend that amount to use her "Gauntlet Blast" skill. An addition to Unaga Mage (add this under DESCRIPTION section, above image): EFFECT If the Unaga Mage has at least 234 MP, she will spend that amount to cast a two-hit Earth "Spell" (same animation as the Unaga Staff Special). An addition to Space Vampire (add this under DESCRIPTION section, above image): EFFECT If the Space Vampire is low on health, it will use its bite attack restore HP equal to 130% of the damage done. Marionelle Level: 60 XP: 575 Gold: 235 Element: Energy COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 35 Ranged: 25 Magic: 25 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 80 Dexterity: 85 Intellect: 60 Endurance: 60 Charisma: 0 Luck: 15 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 120% Water: 110% Wind: 110% Ice: 90% Earth: 90% Energy: 60% Light: 130% Darkness: 50% DESCRIPTION One of Dark Madder's most trusted generals, Marionelle is the puppet master for many of the Nechron forces, most notably the Noctherezza. [image][/image] Treasure Hoard Level: 75 XP: 250 Gold: 1200 Element: Fire COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 25 Ranged: 25 Magic: 25 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 0 Dexterity: 0 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 2000 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 100% Water: 100% Wind: 100% Ice: 100% Earth: 100% Energy: 100% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION Words fail to describe this loot. [image][/image] Th'rix Na'thaar Level: 75 XP: 2354 Gold: 784 Element: Water COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 35 Ranged: 35 Magic: 35 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 170 Dexterity: 170 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 35 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 75% Water: 129% Wind: 100% Ice: 129% Earth: 100% Energy: 75% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION A Virin scientist, Th'rix is an outcast among his people due to an inability to bond with other forms as his symbiote siblings can. And so he developed the perfect host body: The Nefadon! EFFECT Th'rix can use a 2-hit Energy attack that attempts to Paralyze you if both hits connect. If he succeeds*, you are Paralyzed for 1 round. If he fails**, you are not. *Thrix's EMP blast temporarily short-circuits your battlesuit! **Thrix releases an EMP blast, but your battlesuit's shielding protects its circuitry! [image][/image] Nefadon Level: 85 XP: 2601 Gold: 867 Element: Energy COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 40 Magic: 40 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 195 Dexterity: 190 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 40 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 86% Water: 129% Wind: 100% Ice: 114% Earth: 100% Energy: 75% Light: 86% Darkness: 114% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image] Nefadon Level: 85 XP: 2601 Gold: 867 Element: Earth COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 40 Magic: 40 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 195 Dexterity: 190 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 40 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 86% Water: 100% Wind: 129% Ice: 114% Earth: 75% Energy: 100% Light: 114% Darkness: 86% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image]
Nefadon Level: 75 XP: 1177 Gold: 392 Element: Ice COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 37 Ranged: 37 Magic: 37 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 170 Dexterity: 170 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 35 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 129% Water: 86% Wind: 100% Ice: 75% Earth: 114% Energy: 114% Light: 100% Darkness: 86% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image]Nefadon Level: 55 XP: 269 Gold: 90 Element: Wind COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 32 Ranged: 32 Magic: 32 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 130 Dexterity: 125 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 20 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 114% Water: 100% Wind: 75% Ice: 86% Earh: 129% Energy: 100% Light: 86% Darkness: 114% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image] Nefadon Level: 75 XP: 1177 Gold: 392 Element: Earth COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 37 Ranged: 37 Magic: 37 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 170 Dexterity: 170 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 35 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 86% Water: 100% Wind: 129% Ice: 114% Earth: 75% Energy: 100% Light: 114% Darkness: 86% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image] Nefadon Level: 75 XP: 1177 Gold: 392 Element: Wind COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 37 Ranged: 37 Magic: 37 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 170 Dexterity: 170 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 35 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 114% Water: 100% Wind: 75% Ice: 86% Earh: 129% Energy: 100% Light: 86% Darkness: 114% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image] Nefadon Level: 85 XP: 2601 Gold: 867 Element: Ice COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 40 Magic: 40 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 195 Dexterity: 190 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 40 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 129% Water: 86% Wind: 100% Ice: 75% Earth: 114% Energy: 114% Light: 100% Darkness: 86% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image] Nefadon Level: 55 XP: 269 Gold: 90 Element: Ice COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 32 Ranged: 32 Magic: 32 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 130 Dexterity: 125 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 20 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 129% Water: 86% Wind: 100% Ice: 75% Earth: 114% Energy: 114% Light: 100% Darkness: 86% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image] Gray Goo Level: 75 XP: 1297 Gold: 362 Element: Earth COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 25 Magic: 30 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 100 Dexterity: 100 Intellect: 75 Endurance: 75 Charisma: 0 Luck: 25 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 120% Water: 110% Wind: 110% Ice: 90% Earth: 90% Energy: 60% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION Once the Network got their hands on some of Gravlax's experimental nanomachines, it wasn't long before they lost control! [image][/image] Nefadon Level: 85 XP: 2601 Gold: 867 Element: Wind COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 40 Ranged: 40 Magic: 40 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 195 Dexterity: 190 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 40 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 114% Water: 100% Wind: 75% Ice: 86% Earh: 129% Energy: 100% Light: 86% Darkness: 114% DESCRIPTION Created by the outcast Virin scientist Th'rixx Na'thaar, the Nefadon are the perfect host bodies for the Virin. An unbonded Nefadon is a bit weaker and without higher brain functions. The bonded ones, however, are very smart and use heavy weapons. [image][/image] Got it, thanks Orodolf! ~$b