Peace Offering (Full Version)

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Omni -> Peace Offering (11/15/2009 14:22:48)

Peace Offering
Requirements: Level 5; Rank 1 (completion of Moon Base)
Quest Location: Hangar Deck
Quests Given From: General Leet Stormfront

Stormfront: This is an ESCORT mission. Queen Pra'Mithia is going to the planet Kairula to try and create a peace treaty between the Shalen and Junas factions, in hopes that they can unite and become one of our allies against the Network!
Stormfront: She wants ME to go with her, since both factions will appreciate that we have a strong military. And if I have to go-- I'm taking someone along to help me! If I need it... which I probably won't. *Ahem* Let's go!
  • PEACE OFFERING - Continue with the dialogue
  • Back

    «The scene changes to the exterior of the LSS Alteon, where three shuttles are launched into space. The shuttles move with great speed and reach planet Kairula.»

    «Scene: Kairula»

    «You»: All clear, General!

    «General Leet Stormfront enters»

    General Stormfront: At ease, «You»-- I'll take it from here.
    General Stormfront: Your Highness! I have secured the area-- It is safe for you to proceed!
    «You»: ....................
    General Stormfront: I see that look on your face, «You». Remember, mudslides go downhill...
    «You»: ... Of course they do, Sir. I'll remember that.

    «Queen Pra'Mithia enters»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Thank you, General. Your presence here makes me feel secured indeed. Let us proceed to make contact with one of the factions now.

    «The scene zooms in on Stormfront and Queen Pra'Mithia.»

    General Stormfront: I'd like to suggest that you allow us to recon the area before we move any further, Queen--
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I understand, but we must be direct. So, «You», which faction of the Kairulans do you think we should visit first?

    «The scene zooms back out.»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: The nature-balanced Shalen tree people, or the more urban Junas cityfolk?
    «You»: *blushes* Wow, I'm honored, Your Majesty!
    General Stormfront: *grumbles*
  • Visit the Shalen
  • Visit the Junas

    Depending on which clan you choose to visit first, you will experience slightly different scenes.
    Visit the Shalen

    «Scene: Below the Shalen Clan's Nests»

    «You»: Wow, look at that-- They build their houses way up in the giant trees.
    General Stormfront: Yes... how quaint. Do you see any ladders? How on Lore do they get UP there??

    «Two Shalen guards enter»

    Shalen Guard: WE FLY! Unlike the disgusting Junas, who are too HEAVY for their wings to do any good, WE, the honorable SHALEN Odanata, can do what nature intended!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Greetings, friends! We are--
    Shalen Guard: What you are matters not. You are not ALLOWED in Mezya Forest!
    «You»: Well, if it helps at all, we are from another world, far off in space-- called Lore-- and we only want to talk. We love nature and trees too...
    Shalen Guard: Hmmm... You must speak truth, for you are most definitely NOT Shalen, and you do not appear to be any kind of Kairulan Odanata at all. Strange indeed. Let us see what Nizya thinks.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Excellent work, «You»...
    Shalen Guard: Are you afraid of heights?
    General Stormfront: We come from the STARS, man... Why would we be afraid of HEIGHTS? Heheh...

    «The scene then shows the Shalen flying up to the treetop while carrying your character, the Queen and Stormfront who screams non-stop on the way up. You arrive at the clan leader's nest, where Nizya enters to greet you.»

    Nizya: I am Nizya, Prime Scout of the Ardanya Nest Clan. It is my duty to oversee the safety and security of my clan.
    Nizya: My clan has for many generations been responsible for the careful nurturing of our beautiful Aluras trees, for the forest of Mezya is our one true home.
    Nizya: They were slightly displeased when I decided to dedicate my life to the Scout Practice, but they came to accept it as my calling eventually.
    Nizya: May I ask what it is you are doing here? My loyal scouts reported some... trouble.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I am Queen Pra'Mithia of Lore. We have traveled very far across the galaxy to meet with you.
    Nizya: Galaxy?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Well, uh--
    «You»: --If I may, Queen?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Please do.
    «You»: The Galaxy is the great sea of stars that you see in the sky. We --- sail in that sea of stars on giant metal ships. It is so big that at normal speeds--
    «You»: --it would take years to get anywhere at all, but we use special magic called technology to go so fast that we can go very far in a short amount of time.
    Nizya: It goes on, like a sea -- as you say -- forever?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Yes... but it is far bigger than any sea. It truly does go on forever, as far as we can tell. We have come here to Kairula to ask for your help against and evil force known as the Network--

    Two hours later...
  • Continue

    Nizya: This is quite-- astounding! The realm of Nature extends into infinity-- and just as on Kairula, there are creatures who would harm all things!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: The Devourer's Network is just such a thing. It goes against Nature itself. And we would be proud if you were to join our Alliance against them!
    Nizya: You can count on the Shalen Odanata, Queen Pra'Mithia!

    «Scene: Below the Shalen Clan's Nest»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Good work in there, «You».
    «You»: What do we do now?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Why, it is time for the next step, of course...

    «Scene: Outside the Junas Clan's City»

    General Stormfront: These folks appear to be a little more advanced than their tree-dwelling cousins...
    Queen Pra'Mithia: General, do not confuse the complete subjugation of nature with "advancement"...
    «You»: Right-- It looks like they covered the entire ground with some kind of unnatural stone mixture! What kind of civilization does something THAT?!?

    «Two Junas guards enter»

    Junas Guard: Halt!! You intrude upon the city of Lurvas! YOU ARE SHALEN SPIES and you must be exterminated!!
    «You»: WAIT!! Uh-- WE COME IN PEACE?!?
    Junas Guard: We know you are spies-- One of our Gnil hunters SAW you with the tree-loving Shalen!!! Now you will die!!!
  • Battle!

  • Fight alongside the Queen - Queen Pra'Mithia will now battle by your side!
  • Fight alongside the General - General Stormfront will now battle by your side!
  • Fight by yourself

    Regardless of choice

    1 BATTLE
    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: Junas Soldier (as above)
    Full Heal

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Please, let us stop this fighting. We only wish to speak. Please--

    «The scene zooms in on Queen Pra'Mithia and a Junas Guard.»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: --- Take us to your leader.
    Junas Guard: Please, follow us.

    «Scene: Dialogue with Yivat»

    Yivat: I'm Yivat, Grand High Autocrat and General of Mound Forces for the Junas city of Lurvas! That's right-- You are standing in the presence of greatness!
    Yivat: You would do well to pay attention to everything I say and do, because you can't do better than learn from the best!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I am Queen Pra'Mithia of Lore. We have traveled very far across the galaxy to meet with you.
    Yivat: "Galaxy"? What the splork is that?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Well, uh--
    «You»: --If I may, Queen?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Please do.
    «You»: The Galaxy is the great sea of stars that you see in the sky. We --- sail in that sea of stars on giant metal ships. It is so big that at normal speeds--
    «You»: --it would take years to get anywhere at all, but we use special magic called technology to go so fast that we can go very far in a short amount of time.
    Yivat: Hmph, imagine that. You must think you're special.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Not at all, great Yivat of Lurvas! We may have our ways, but we think your ways are very special as well. Your mastery of organic engineering is apparent.
    Yivat: Why yes it is, Queen. So, why have you come here? I will listen to you now.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: There is a vast Network of races that stretches all across the sea of stars, and they all work for the god of destruction we call the Devourer--

    Two hours later...
  • Continue

    Yivat: So..... this Network is bad. Nets... like spiders? So they are spiders who work? I hate spiders.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: ...................
    General Stormfront: *whispers* My Queen, I would just say "yes" if I were you so that we can actually get off of Kairula before the universe ends.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Yes.
    Yivat: Count us in!

    «Scene: Outside the Junas Clan's City»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Good work in there, «You».
    «You»: What do we do now?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Why, it is time for the next step, of course...

    You proceed to the scene where you just arrived on Kairula.
    Visit the Junas

    «Scene: Outside the Junas Clan's City»

    General Stormfront: These folks appear to be a little more advanced than their tree-dwelling cousins...
    Queen Pra'Mithia: General, do not confuse the complete subjugation of nature with "advancement"...
    «You»: Right-- It looks like they covered the entire ground with some kind of unnatural stone mixture! What kind of civilization does something THAT?!?

    «Two Junas guards enter»

    Junas Guards: Halt!! You intrude upon the city of Lurvas! Are you Shalen spies?!? Have you come to take our Glin??
    General Stormfront: -- Back away slowly, Queen-- We will swat these bugs like--
    Queen Pra'Mithia: General! Please, do not make this harder than it already is.
    «You»: WE COME IN PEACE. *gulp*
    Queen Pra'Mithia: My friend «You» speaks the truth. We are Drakel and Human from the world of Lore, and we wish you no harm.

    «The scene zooms in on Queen Pra'Mithia and a Junas Guard.»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Please take us to your leader.
    Junas Guard: Please, follow us.

    «Scene: Dialogue with Yivat»

    Yivat: I'm Yivat, Grand High Autocrat and General of Mound Forces for the Junas city of Lurvas! That's right-- You are standing in the presence of greatness!
    Yivat: You would do well to pay attention to everything I say and do, because you can't do better than learn from the best!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I am Queen Pra'Mithia of Lore. We have traveled very far across the galaxy to meet with you.
    Yivat: "Galaxy"? What the splork is that?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Well, uh--
    «You»: --If I may, Queen?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Please do.
    «You»: The Galaxy is the great sea of stars that you see in the sky. We --- sail in that sea of stars on giant metal ships. It is so big that at normal speeds--
    «You»: --it would take years to get anywhere at all, but we use special magic called technology to go so fast that we can go very far in a short amount of time.
    Yivat: Hmph, imagine that. You must think you're special.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Not at all, great Yivat of Lurvas! We may have our ways, but we think your ways are very special as well. Your mastery of organic engineering is apparent.
    Yivat: Why yes it is, Queen. So, why have you come here? I will listen to you now.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: There is a vast Network of races that stretches all across the sea of stars, and they all work for the god of destruction we call the Devourer--

    Two hours later...
  • Continue

    Yivat: So..... this Network is bad. Nets... like spiders? So they are spiders who work? I hate spiders.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: ...................
    General Stormfront: *whispers* My Queen, I would just say "yes" if I were you so that we can actually get off of Kairula before the universe ends.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Yes.
    Yivat: Count us in!

    «Scene: Outside the Junas Clan's City»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Good work in there, «You».
    «You»: What do we do now?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Why, it is time for the next step, of course...

    «Scene: Below the Shalen Clan's Nests»

    «You»: Wow, look at that-- They build their houses way up in the giant trees.
    General Stormfront: Yes... how quaint. Do you see any ladders? How on Lore do they get UP there??

    «Two Shalen guards enter»

    Shalen Guard: WE FLY! Unlike the disgusting Junas, who are too HEAVY for their wings to do any good, WE, the honorable SHALEN Odanata, can do what nature intended!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Greetings, friends! We are--
    Shalen Guard: What you are matters not. You are not ALLOWED in Mezya Forest! We SAW you go into the Junas city and then come here!! YOU ARE WORKING FOR THEM!!!
  • Fight!

  • Fight alongside the Queen - Queen Pra'Mithia will now battle by your side!
  • Fight alongside the General - General Stormfront will now battle by your side!
  • Fight by yourself

    Regardless of choice

    1 BATTLE
      Level 5-14: Shalen Spearman (5)
      Level 15-24: Shalen Spearman (15)
      Level 25-49: Shalen Spearman (35)
      Level 50-69: Shalen Spearman (55)
      Level 70-89: Shalen Spearman (75)
      Level 90+: Shalen Spearman (95)
    1 BATTLE
      Level 5-14: Gnil (5)
      Level 15-24: Glittering Gnil (15)
      Level 25-49: Sparkling Gnil (35)
      Level 50-69: Brilliant Gnil (55)
      Level 70-89: Radiant Gnil (75)
      Level 90+: Argent Gnil (95)
    Full Heal

    1 BATTLE: Shalen Spearman (as above)
    Full Heal

    «You»: Well, if it helps at all, we are from another world, far off in space-- called Lore-- and we only want to talk. We love nature and trees too...
    Shalen Guard: Hmmm... You must speak truth, for you are most definitely NOT Shalen, and you do not appear to be any kind of Kairulan Odanata at all. Strange indeed. Let us see what Nizya thinks.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Excellent work, «You»...
    Shalen Guard: Are you afraid of heights?
    General Stormfront: We come from the STARS, man... Why would we be afraid of HEIGHTS? Heheh...

    «The scene then shows the Shalen flying up to the treetop while carrying your character, the Queen and Stormfront who screams non-stop on the way up. You arrive at the clan leader's nest, where Nizya enters to greet you.»

    Nizya: I am Nizya, Prime Scout of the Ardanya Nest Clan. It is my duty to oversee the safety and security of my clan.
    Nizya: My clan has for many generations been responsible for the careful nurturing of our beautiful Aluras trees, for the forest of Mezya is our one true home.
    Nizya: They were slightly displeased when I decided to dedicate my life to the Scout Practice, but they came to accept it as my calling eventually.
    Nizya: May I ask what it is you are doing here? My loyal scouts reported some... trouble.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I am Queen Pra'Mithia of Lore. We have traveled very far across the galaxy to meet with you.
    Nizya: Galaxy?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Well, uh--
    «You»: --If I may, Queen?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Please do.
    «You»: The Galaxy is the great sea of stars that you see in the sky. We --- sail in that sea of stars on giant metal ships. It is so big that at normal speeds--
    «You»: --it would take years to get anywhere at all, but we use special magic called technology to go so fast that we can go very far in a short amount of time.
    Nizya: It goes on, like a sea -- as you say -- forever?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Yes... but it is far bigger than any sea. It truly does go on forever, as far as we can tell. We have come here to Kairula to ask for your help against and evil force known as the Network--

    Two hours later...
  • Continue

    Nizya: This is quite-- astounding! The realm of Nature extends into infinity-- and just as on Kairula, there are creatures who would harm all things!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: The Devourer's Network is just such a thing. It goes against Nature itself. And we would be proud if you were to join our Alliance against them!
    Nizya: You can count on the Shalen Odanata, Queen Pra'Mithia!

    «Scene: Below the Shalen Clan's Nest»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Good work in there, «You».
    «You»: What do we do now?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Why, it is time for the next step, of course...

    The dialogue continues as follows.
    After conversing with both clans, regardless of order, you return to the scene where you just arrived in Kairula.

    «You»: Queen, General-- they're coming! Are we sure this is a good idea?? Neither side seems to like the other very much-- well, at all.
    General Stormfront: We haven't come this far for nothin'! If they DON'T want to get along, we'll MAKE 'EM!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Actually no, we won't force them.
    General Stormfront: Oh. Okay, sorry, my Queen. I just assumed...
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Oh... you ASSUMED. What happens when we ASSUME, General?
    General Stormfront: ............ You make an assumption?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I will tell you later....

    «Both Yivat and Nizya enter the scene at the same time.»

    Yivat: Slimy flying Shalen!!
    Nizya: Lumbering thick-skulled Junas!!!
    «You»: Okay-- I take back what I said. It's not that they don't LIKE each other. They TOTALLY HATE each other!
    Nizya: And we have a reason, Lorian! The Junas capture and enslave the peaceful Gnil, using them to light their hideous cities! They cut down entire forests!
    Yivat: You Shalen are so self-righteous! The Odanata-- Junas AND Shalen -- are the most advanced beings on Kairula! We DESERVE to do whatever we please! Nature bows down to our will!
    «You»: That's not hypocritical at all.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Please, Yivat and Nizya-- I have asked you to meet here because you have both already agreed to be allies of Lore and the WarpForce.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: But just pledging to unite with US against the Network is not enough. If you are to be STRONG against them, you must unite your WORLD!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Shalen and Junas must ALSO be allies. If you cannot come to a peace amongst yourselves, the Devourer and his Network will easily be able to bend Kairula to their needs.
    Nizya: No threat is worth peaceful relations with THEM!
    Yivat: For ONCE you and I agree on something, fluttering stringbean!!
    «You»: Nice! I have to remember that one! Fluttering stringbean. Ha.

    «A Nechron mothership approaches Kairula and lands in the background. Zooming towards the mothership, an Exo and a Nechron exit from it!»

    Craboro: Would you look at them! What a weird group! Soft skins and hard skins! Together on one world! The big red one could be my uncle.
    Veza: No, Craboro! Don't you see? They are from different worlds! The indigenous people of THIS world are the hard-skins!
    Veza: The soft ones must be those that we seek! THE ONES WHO WOULD TRY TO DEFEAT US!
    Craboro: Confusing. At least you are smart! Let's just KILL THEM ALL and be done with it!!
    Veza: Minions, ATTACK!!!
  • Battle!

  • Fight alongside Nizya - Nizya the Shalen will now battle by your side!
  • Fight alongside Yivat - Yivat the Junas will now battle by your side!
  • Fight alongside the Queen
  • Fight alongside the General
  • Fight by yourself

    Regardless of choice

    5 BATTLES: Random Network monsters (see below)
    Full Heal after the 2nd, 4th and 5th battles

    Veza: Hmmmmmm... It seems as though our small strike squad has been bested by the Kairulans and their visitors.
    Veza: Carboro, my good friend, would you like to stay behind and be a distraction for me while I fly away?
    Carboro: Oka-- Hey, is that a trick question, Veza?
    Veza: Why yes! Yes it is! And you passed my test with a perfect grade! Now come on-- let's get out of here and live to fight another day!!
    Craboro: Goody!!!

    «The scene zooms out from the Nechron mothership and takes off to the skies, disappearing in a flash of light.»

    «You»: Now that, my friends, was the Network. And they're everywhere. Was that enough to convince both of you how important it is that we work together??
    Yivat: I'm not sure if anything is enough to convince me, but-- They have much power! So much that I am not sure... we Junas can fight them alone!
    Nizya: If what the Queen and «You» say is true -- and it seems to be-- then this Network could come again...
    Queen Pra'Mithia: They will. Either with greater numbers and more ships, or invisibly, sneaking into your societies by converting some of you to their servants.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: They can destroy Kairula by force, or by driving you to do it yourselves!
    Yivat: Nasty! Okay, Nizya-- the Junas will cooperate with you to defend Kairula, and all odanata, from this Network!
    Nizya: And shall we cooperate with you, Yivat.
    General Stormfront: Good! Now, before anyone gets all teary-eyed, do you have any food on this planet? Kicking Network assumptions makes me hungry!

  • Return to the LSS Alteon with the Queen and Stormfront!

    «The scene shows the shuttle flying back into the LSS Alteon.»

    Rewards: None

    Good work! Your help on this mission allowed us to start what will hopefully be a lasting relationship with the people of Kairula. They may not be a technologically advanced world, but every race that we manage to make contact with first, before the Network does, is a valuable ally against the spread of their power!

    For completing this mission, the Queen had me promote you to the rank of CORPORAL. Seems she likes you.... *grumble*
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Thanks to whackybeanz.

    Random Network Battles

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