Asteroid Cutter Mod W1 (Full Version)

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Circe -> Asteroid Cutter Mod W1 (11/15/2009 14:50:55)


Asteroid Cutter Mod W1
Location: The Bridge -> Amada -> MISSIONS -> RED DWARF
Level: 20
Price: 55 Gold
Sellback: 27 Gold

PLvl: 27
Damage: 8-18
Element: Water
Type: Melee
BtH: +3%

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 127% Base and Random plus 73% LS each
BtH: +11% each
Stats: No
Rate: 20%

Used by the Dwarves of Haven to mine asteroids, these huge drills can make excellent weapons, even if they are unweieldly. (Guardian Only)


Thanks to AVA. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.

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