RE: Comments and Criticism: Poetry--Compressed Meaning (Full Version)

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Shreder -> RE: Comments and Criticism: Poetry--Compressed Meaning (3/31/2010 1:52:56)

Yet another: Again I'll See

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (4/6/2010 23:53:37)

New poem up:

Father is Coming Home Today

Just an interesting tidbit of knowledge: This poem was inspired by Reaper0001's excellent story for the BoWaL, which I highly recommend you check out once it has been posted.

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (4/8/2010 14:39:34)

Thanks for the mention shreder. The poem was awesome. [:D]

Can't give much critique, as I am a writer, not a poet.

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (4/9/2010 22:53:23)

Thank you for stopping to take a look! [;)]

Shreder -> RE: Comments and Criticism: Poetry--Compressed Meaning (4/14/2010 23:13:48)

New poem up:


Shreder -> RE: Comments and Criticism: Poetry--Compressed Meaning (4/29/2010 7:14:16)

New poem:

Fair Warning

This poem was written from the point of view of a madman, who is paranoid, and thinks that everyone around him is mocking him.

Timhortanz -> RE: Comments and Criticism: Poetry--Compressed Meaning (5/16/2010 10:16:20)

Hey Shred! I just finished reading all of your poems, and I have to say:

They are all amazing!

My favorite have to be Sleeping dragon, writers block, fair warning, and grey. They are all really good :)
One thing I've noticed in some of your poems, is that when you have two lines under neath each other, and they are rhyming, one of them is much longer then the other, it disrupts the flow of the poem. In my opinion, of course. Like... Birdsong, for example.


She sings, notes pouring forth, Six syllables.
Released upon the wind by upturned throat. Ten syllables.
Charming all about with honeyed song:
Joy vibrant in every note.

But still, I love your poetry :D

Shreder -> RE: Comments and Criticism: Poetry--Compressed Meaning (5/16/2010 11:15:02)

Yay for comments! You don't know how nice it is to have people comment on your work. [:D]

Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed them, and on the topic of Birdsong: I'm not sure why, but when I read it aloud it seems to flow fine. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I take a slightly longer pause for the comma after "sings", which basically gives that line the equivalent of eight syllables. I don't know. Anyways, thanks for stopping by!

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (5/27/2010 13:50:11)

New poem is up:

L&L AKs/Mods (Poetic Tribute)

I wrote this poem, as the name would suggest, as a tribute to my fellow AKs and Mods here in L&L. Hope they (and you) enjoy! [:D]

superjars -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (5/28/2010 16:38:51)

Based on our conversation today, thought I'd pop in and throw some grammatical corrections your way, since that's what I always notice first:

Seasons of Life:

Winter grudgingly give way
'give' should be 'gives'

Sleeping Dragon:

She is as stone, with scales red.
Totally personal preference but I would take out the 'as' and put 'of' after 'scales' or keep 'as' and include 'of' depending on your syllabic movement.

Hope Springs Eternal in His Love
No changes, just wanted to say that I really like this poem. The rhyme scheme and flow are terrific! :D


Her who now beneath ground lies.
Could use a comma after 'Her' to prevent confusion.

I Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Tres manifique!

Short. Sweet. Powerful. I especially like that last line.

I liked this one a lot too. Simple and yet deep at the same time :D

L&L AK's/Mods
Very good tribute. I enjoyed reading it, especially the ones I know better :D

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (5/28/2010 21:54:10)

Seasons of Life: Thanks, that somehow slipped by me... :P

Sleeping Dragon: Of the many options you listed, I decided to keep the "as" and add an "of".

Hope Springs Eternal in His Love: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

Grief: Eh, I don't see much of a difference, but if you think a comma there would be good then I'll take your word for it.

I Go Gentle Into That Good Night: Thanks!

Wasteland: Yeah, I rather liked it when I wrote it. [;)]

Grey: Thanks a lot! This is also one of my personal favorites from among my poetry. [:D]

L&L AKs/Mods: Yeah, this one was quite fun to write. I'd had the idea for a while, and finally got around to writing it...

Thanks so much for your comments!

Zyrain -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (5/30/2010 15:20:51)

Waiting Seeds. ^_^
This is my favourite out of your collection (So far).
See, I never used to enjoy Poems that do not rhyme and I rather disliked them.
You and this Poem, along with others, have completely changed my perspective and thoughts on how Poems are structured.
The Poem itself is truely beautiful. I love the way you have chosen your words!
Keep up your immense work!
There'll be more Comments soon. ;)


Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (5/31/2010 10:44:54)

Thanks Zy! I enjoyed writing Waiting Seeds. In a way, writing non-rhyming poetry is easy, because you don't have to worry about making it all rhyme; but on the other hand, it is harder, because you have to work hard to replace the flow and rhythm that rhyming gives.

I look forward to your future comments!

Mistermafio -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/1/2010 5:09:00)

Read your latest, dissapointed I'm not in it. Though if you would have to include all the past AK's you could probably fill a few pages more. :^P

Still as talented as when I last saw you. I spotted one little thing though:


A dainty purple flower--
Beautiful, and yet
It would wise to leave it be,
Or risk its piercing thorns.

You might want to stick a "be" inbetween there. Or am I just seeing that wrong?

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/1/2010 9:07:59)

O.o It's you again!

Anyways, it would have been hard to write about all the past AKs as I didn't know any of them...

But yes, I somehow managed to leave out a "be", I'll go fix that now.

Thanks for your comment!

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/3/2010 23:02:05)

New poem up: Symphony

superjars -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/4/2010 0:36:48)

I really like your short poems, Shreder: I just think you do a wonderful job of choosing powerful words that convey deep meaning for small packages. I only have two comments/suggestions:

Looking out into the dark night
Watching the dusky clouds
Marveling at the haunting sight
A dance amidst the shrouds
You may consider switching shrouds and clouds. I did in my head and I thought it sounded better. Up to you though. :D Oh, and you may want to play with amongst rather than amidst...


Nor could stage-lights ever outshine
I threw e'er in there in place of ever and felt it flowed slightly better. Just a thought.

Again, I really like this poem and can't wait to see more as you write. :D

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/4/2010 9:06:42)

I took your first and third suggestions. :P Thanks!

Cow Face -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/7/2010 10:08:17)

Hi there! Been meaning to read your poetry for a long time now, and drat me, I keep forgetting. So, I saved this to my flash drive on Friday, and I'm reading it at home. Now, this means that some of your poems might have changed by now; while this shouldn't affect much, some of the proof-reading bits may be outdated. Anyhow. On to the critique!

You have enough poetry that I can't really come up with something interesting- or even intelligent- to say about all of them, even some of those which I quite liked. Here are a few highlights I noticed; this doesn't mean in any way that I liked the others less.

Time - Gorgeous piece describing just how fleeting life is. However, your other point, that death need not be feared, is a nice addition. I like how you combine the two: first describing how short our lives are, and then that that's not necessarily a bad thing. The phrase carpe diem comes to mind when reading this.

A Tree Falls - Not much to say here, but this made me smile; it's a clever question to ask. I'd not really considered that before- if the tree falls and no-one hears it, why does it matter?

Seasons of Life - Another very pretty piece. It is in some ways reminiscent of Shakespeare's The Seven Ages of Man; I love both poems. An interesting point is brought up: will the Earth cease before humanity does? My first instinct is no, but with the advances in science... Very thought-provoking.

Tears - Quite moving; the ending is, to me, a rather haunting line.

Nightly Walk - I found this to be a rather touching poem. His(?) devotion to his lover is a pretty concept.

Sad Reality - Love this poem. The message is one that too many people need to have crammed into their head; I used to be one of those, heheh. The imagery is effective, and lends a good deal to the poem.

Math - My reaction to this can perhaps best be summed up, "Troo dat." But probably not. This made me giggle. ^_^

L&L AKs/Mods - Possibly my favorite of any of your poems; then again, I might be a little bit biased.

The main point here is probably a stylistic matter; if so, then keep it as-is. I've noticed that often, you have sentence fragments, such as in Time:

Can we truly realize?
That we are fortune favored.
And miracles, our lives.

Here, the second and third lines are sentence fragments. However, there are many lines like this in your poetry, and I'm assuming it's just your style- which is perfectly fine.

The Face of an Angel - First verse, twelfth line: "“Tell us a story Grandpa”"
There should be a comma before "Grandpa," as the mention of his name indicates him as the subject of the request. And I probably worded that really poorly, but I don't have my Bedford with me for a better explanation. XD

Second verse, twenty-third line:
“I’m…I’m ok.” I manage to mumble
The period should be a comma, as it's the end of a quotation, but not a sentence.

Twenty-seventh line: “Who?” He demands
"He" should not be capitalized.

Twenty-eighth line: “That beautiful girl” I reply, “with blond hair and blue eyes.”
There should be a comma after "girl." Also, for consistency's sake, you might want to leave out the period at the end of the sentence.

Twenty-ninth and thirtieth lines: “You must have been dreaming” he says,
“I’m just glad you’re ok son.”
A comma belongs after "dreaming," and before "son."

Thirty-third line: “Was she real Grandpa?” they ask
A comma belongs before "Grandpa."

Flight at Dawn - A rising draft of warm uplifting air--
A comma belongs after "warm," to separate the two adjectives.

Nightly Walk - My dear where’re you now may be,
Not quite sure what you're saying here. What I see is, "My dear where are you now may be." Did you perhaps mean "where e'er?"

Nightly Respite - First line: A comma belongs after "Oh." Last line: Did you mean to have a space before the final period?

Again I'll See - Last line: In tangled, confused swirl
This might be more correct as "In a tangled," or "confused swirls."

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/7/2010 11:04:47)

Hey CF! I'm glad you finally managed to find time to read through my poetry. (I have accumulated quite a bit of it over time...) Anyways, on to replying to the critique you have so nicely provided...

Sentence Fragments in General: Yes, I guess it is something of my style. I never notice while I'm doing it, it's almost unconscious...

The Face of an Angel: Heh, I'm not surprised you found much to correct in this poem. Looking back, it is probably among the worst of my poetry... But anyways, I took most of your suggestions, except removing the period from the end of line 28.

Flight at Dawn: I didn't put a comma there, nor in many other places where I use double adjectives, simply because I feel it messes with the flow.

Nightly Walk: Yes, I meant to say it as an abbreviated version of "Wherever". And that just seemed to me what it should be. If you think "Where e'er" would be better I can change it...

Nightly Respite: Actually, when I look at it, it does need a comma, just not where you suggested. It seems to me the comma would be better if place after "Morpheus", and before "come". Oh and as might be expected, that extra space was just a typo...

Again I'll See: Ah yes, the issue of articles in my poetry comes up again... As I said with Fleur, I tend to omit articles I see as not being useful or of help in making things flow. It's a bit like the intro to Star Trek, you know the line: "To boldly go blah blah blah..." Technically, "boldly go" isn't grammatically correct, but it is used because it sounds so much better than "To go boldly". I feel that, although this example deals with an adverb, the same could be applied to adjectives, which is what I do in many of my poems, and which always seems to throw the Grammar Nazis into fits of hysterics. :P

Anyways, thanks so much for taking the time to read through my (rather large) store of poetry, and sharing your thoughts!

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (6/7/2010 11:50:30)

And another new poem is up: Green is Gold is Grey

Another reference to Robert Frost, if you couldn't tell...

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (8/6/2010 22:36:38)

At long, LONG last I have returned to writing poetry. Here is my latest work:

Not As It Is Now

Read, hopefully enjoy, and if you have time, please comment!

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (8/19/2010 21:53:55)

New poem:

I close me eyes and see a brighter world

Shreder -> RE: Compressed Meaning/Translations C&C (8/30/2010 3:03:24)

Another new poem is up:


I hope you enjoy, and if you have time, please leave a comment!

Shreder -> RE: Comments and Criticism: Poetry--Compressed Meaning (9/9/2010 23:33:17)

And another:


Written for an assignment in my creative writing class, where we were asked to write a sensory poem about a food.

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