Defend the Brood! (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Defend the Brood! (1/15/2010 15:26:02)

[image][/image]Defend the Brood!

Location: Falconreach -> Defend the Brood!, Amityvale (Books 1 and 2) -> Zorbak -> Quests -> Defend the Brood!
Level/Quest/Items required: Dragon Amulet
Release Date: January 15th, 2010

Objective: Zorbak wasnt content with the baby dracoliches he had. He went to steal another egg, but this time the babies werent playing along!
Objective completed: That'll teach Zorbak to take what doesn't belong to him!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

You'll need to battle him 5 times:
(1) Zorbak - Boss


Baby Dracolich Waterbowl
Baby Dracolich Chewtoy
Baby Dracolich Leash
Golden Baby Dracolich Waterbowl
Jeweled Baby Dracolich Leash
New Baby Dracolich Chewtoy

Thursday: Hello, <Character>! Beautiful night out, isn't it? It's even nicer with the pungent aroma of nearby dracolich eggs! How lovely!
Thursday: But you know, I've seen that annoying little blue moglin skulking around lately... I bet he's after those eggs! How very rude of him!
Thursday: If he manages to get to the Dracolich eggs, he'll make off with them for sure, and other baby dracoliches are trying to protect their brood!
Thursday: Please, <Character>! Help those wild baby dracoliches protect the eggs!

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