=AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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skydrite -> =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 20:59:01)

Latest Housing Updates:


Minor Estate Update:

Cornfield - new estate building
+Food and +Energy
It can replace other minor food and energy buildings.
[At level 10 it produces 25 Food and 16 Energy]


The Tent's now give 1 extra storage slot (instead of zero) for each inventory type in the Shops.
The Tiki Huts now give +2 storage slots instead of zero.
All other houses now give two more slots than they used to!
The largest estates now give +9 slots!

FME/DME = +9 storage / 79 house item slots
FvCE = +6 storage / 61 house item slots
FSC = +5 storage / 55 house item slots
FLCE = +3 storage / 43 house item slots


ORIGINAL: ChaosMagician
Sounds cool, but i have 3 characters with rare faces from the wf thing and i dont want to lose them :D
One is a hood, one is a space helmet, and one is a face with a weird eye and stitches going thru it or some thing.

One of these days, we'll have a face changer thing added to the Estates which should have many of those WF faces.

Yes, some new (and existing) building types won't be allowed underground.
And there will be new buildings that *only* work underground. Something like a food resource "mushroom farm"

I have a plan that will eventually add about 18 more plots to any estate size.

Current plan is to combine the functions of the never-released "Library" with the "Magic Trainer" into a building called "Mage Tower"
The Library will somehow allow magic research with a way to upgrade rare magic weapons, spells, and Misc items.
Something similar will happen to the Warrior Trainer.

The game database now checks every 5 minutes to see if an Estate building is done upgrading.
The older system checked only once per hour.
The game client still only reminds you to refresh once per hour. A fix for that will come eventually.
Resources are still gained exactly every hour, and a full hour's worth of resources is gained, even if the building just finished upgrading anytime during the previous 59 minutes.
I thought about updating the system to start giving partial hour resource gains every 5 minutes, but since the hourly resource amounts are not very high amounts, it wouldn't be all that useful.

The other devs may add more Guards. They just have to connect new Guards to existing monsters that make sense as guards.

I'm working on new exciting stuff like:
museum artifacts, rainbow ponies, doomsday devices, mushrooms, and magic beans.

I'm working on a major AQ house/estate update in my spare time.

Today, I worked on re-structuring some game database info for estates to make it easier to add more "stuff" in coming weeks.

One small side effect of the changes, is that removing a building from your estate land now only reduces the building level by 1 level (instead of 2)
Selling an entire estate will also only reduce the building levels by 1 level each.

Oh, and the monster estate invasions are on a new schedule now. They'll attack a bit more often.

Oh, I should mention that Guard and Guard Tower effectiveness has not changed.
It's just that the monsters try to attack more often per day.

[Attack times appear to be 8 AM, 3 PM, 10 PM, and 1 AM (all times Eastern) --- etching]




The features for the Museum won't be ready until probably November.
I'm really sorry for all the delays!
I have a huge high priority web site project to complete first, and then I will attempt to focus my attention on the House Estate stuff.

In order to reward the loyal players that have suffered these long delays:

When the _______ function of the Museum is finally released, everyone that has owned a Museum will receive a ______ item for every day that they have owned the Museum.
Even if you bought one and sold it already, you will receive a ______ item for each day that you did own it.

And I can confirm that Museum owners will not automatically be getting a pile of free z-tokens.


Guard Tower or Mega World Portal War Kill Formula:
Please do not ask staff for the formulas behind the new Tower/Portal combat system.
We have decided not to reveal the exact formula, and we can't (and won't) reveal it if asked.

The rewards are sort of like Ballyhoo, except you get Gold and XP.
The larger the army, and the higher your estate buildings (guard tower or world portal) the better the prize.
Oh, and the rewards do count towards your daily cap amounts, but like ballyhoo if you are already at your caps, you can still get rewards from armies.
The level of your Tower or Portal do have pretty strong effects on the rewards, but don't underestimate your Guard level or your Reputation.

Currently, the attack power of the guards for war deployment uses the same formula for the "power" of the guards for defending your estate.
Total Attack Power = Sum(GuardLevel^1.5)
The estate resource costs are based directly on the amount of Attack Power, so that's easy enough to calculate.
The Gold/XP rewards are the most complicated formula, and I don't want to give out any details on that yet.
And the reward formula might change before the next war event.

At a Level 10 Portal, Trescol and Kairula have 1000 Attack Power.
Power: (Reputation - 6)*200 (Always positive)

Trescol costs:
Full army: 550 Energy and 200 Food
Half Army: 275 Energy and 100 Food

Kairula costs:
Full army: Energy 500 and 250 Food
half army: Energy 250 and 125 Food


Guard stuff:
For calculating how effective Guards are at protecting your house estate buildings from random invaders,
higher level guards are now proportionately more effective.

As a quick comparison, each guard level is worth a certain amount of virtual 'guard' points.
Level 10 = 6
Level 25 = 25
Level 45 = 60
Level 75 = 130
Level 100 = 200

For the players that have *tons* of guards, you'll find that if you lots of Level 60+ guards, that you no longer need to keep all your Level 25 guards.
Your estate is very safe now.

Guard Power Formula:
(Level^1.5) / 5.0 (rounded off)
Guard Power Charts


The portal system is basically the last expansion stage in the housing system.
There will not likely be any larger houses to upgrade to.
There will be new "stuff" to buy to add on to existing houses.

I doubt we'll ever have any higher priced homes.
Unless we totally get rid of the % value increase, which could happen eventually, but not any time soon.


Future Housing Plans:

Museum update
The special Museum features are not enabled yet, but you can start upgrading the building now for when the features are active.

Higher level museums will offer more interesting "features", such as:
- Displaying all your paintings on screen at once in a virtual art gallery.
- Owning a museum will add the ability for your character to find random "artifact" drops from monsters.
- Use artifacts and other [TOP SECRET] knowledge and items to [TOP SECRET] your inventory weapons.

Adding features that allow upgrading weapons is tricky.
My goal with the estate updates is to avoid adding anything that would affect overall "game balance"

Kingdom project
A few things that are definite regarding the "kingdoms" project:

- It is not going to be a larger house.
- Owners of any size house can participate in some way
- Owners of estates will have more options
- Real PVP type stuff is not likely to happen for AQ "kingdoms"
- Some sort of cross-game (AQ/DF/MQ/AQW) PVP thing is coming eventually... Hard to say right now exactly what that will end up as.

Everyone can own their own kingdom.
The plan right now, is that the kingdom will be on one of the alien planets. (you have to pick just one)

The future kingdoms stuff will not require selling your existing estate.
There could be other kinds of estates someday, like a farmland terrain estate with massive food production (and less production of the other resources, of course)
But those estates would be the same sizes as the existing ones.

Things could change, but for now, if you own a Mega World Portal, you effectively own the key to a new kingdom.

I started off thinking each character could eventually own more than one house, but the game code got too complicated, and it became easier to manage with the assumption that 1 character = 1 house.
A lot of players will buy different houses for their other characters on their user account, to try out different combination of buildings.
I'm going to attempt to allow each character to own more than one 'kingdom'. One per alien planet.

I'm thinking about someday adding a "Library" estate building which a player would used to research something that would be used to upgrade/enchance/craft magic weapons.
The existing Magic Trainer buildings would turn into the Library building, so both functions would be in the same building.
Something similar could be done with a "Forge" building for doing Melee/Ranged weapon research along with the Combat trainer tied into it.

The animal barn is not yet released.
We haven't decided on what all it will do yet.

On my todo list of things to make estates more useful:

An "armory" section inside the Guard Tower where you can put weapons/armor/shields from your character inventory into the Guard Tower.
Your guards will then use the items you give them to increase the defense value of your estate.
And you free up some inventory storage slots.
You can swap items anytime, they're not stuck in the guard tower.
I think to be fair though, there should be a very small z-token fee to swapping items. A training cost for your guards to learn to use the cool stuff you give them.


Organizing Pain's ideas into categories:

Stuff that Houses may get someday:
Custom paintings. Paint-your-own-painting.
Buy better steeds and mounts for your house.
Custom colors/designs on your house ... graffiti, class symbols, NPC faces etc.
Quests to get respect from fractions or races. e.g. moglins, vampires, werewolves. And then buying guards of them.
Portal paintings to the past to fight old bosses in extreme mode.
Library inside houses. (like the one in the rip in the sky, but smaller, like a book self)

Stuff that House Estates may get someday:
Armory ... petting zoo to get guests from your house.
Maintenance and upkeep on buildings.
Breeding nerfkittens, trobbles, truffles and selling for profit.
Quests to establish transport routes to make more money from your businesses.
Quests to protect your stock when it is attacked by bandits.
Library buildings.
Custom gardens with plants and statues (of your favorite NPC) you can buy and add.
Having an underground dungeon.
Look out posts. Barracks. Farms. Windmills. Workshop (builds catapults).

Features coming (eventually) to the Alien world "kingdoms" expansion:
Recruiting builders, soldiers, clerics, expanding your house with stone (building a kingdom up in small stages).
Employ archers on large buildings ... using gold for different kinds of employees.
Forming an army of guardians (not real players) and having flanks of archers, pike men, spear men, warriors, ninjas ... cyborgs.
Making friends and enemies with different legions and races.
Becoming a king/queen of a place no one has even heard of. Throne room. Palace. Royal Guards.
Diplomats. War Generals. Employees.
Wars over land.
Wars over resources.

PVP Type stuff that just isn't likely to get implemented into AQ, since the focus of AQ has never been PVP:
Forming alliances with other players ... waging war against other players ... fighting mini wars with/against other players ...
Protecting or harming shipments and convoys of other people's homes
Stealing small amounts of resources or gold from other players at random by sending guards or fighting another persons guards.
Yeah, let's stop debating on whether stealing resources is good or bad, since we're not going to add that feature.
We could add other stuff, like the fun prank ideas.

Stuff that would be awesome, but the existing house artwork is too limiting.
Buying placeable and movable furniture for houses.
Choosing time of day for your house.
Setting traps in your house. (Fun things for visitors to click.)
House appearances based on alignment (good/unity = gold, evil/chaos = black, neutral = green)
Garden gnomes and flamingos.

2009 housing thread
2008 housing thread
The Estate System Guide
AQ Estate Building List
Guard Power Charts
Guide to House Guard Purchase
Guard Efficiency List
Top Homes List

I'd like to remind everyone that this is a discussion about estates and not for demands of what things should come and what should be done soon. Let's have patience.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 23:43:16)

Has anyone noticed how the reasource producers are weighted towards the food? Given that most things that consume reasoures consume more food and energy than the others it makes sence but shouldn't we also have more energy producers?

Vegetable Garden
Fishing Pond
Mountain Hunt Lodge (Frostvale only)
Fruit Orchard (Forest only)
Graveyard count as 1/2 (Darkovia only)
Fishing Pier (Beach only)

Woodcutter Shack
Hydro Power Dam count as 1/2 (beach only)
Lumber Yard (Forest only)

Stone Pit
Graveyard (Darkovia only)
Rock Quarry (Frostvale only)

Mana Collector
Hydro Power Dam count (beach only)
Dark Mana Collector (Darkovia only)

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 23:44:19)

people got to eat.

edit: but what other things make since(not that they all do)? Well i guess energy could be a windmill, what else?
edit: i could see a mine for artifacts with a chance at stone(or visa verse).

Walkin Dude -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 23:56:52)

Well i heard that an animal barn was something that might be implemented. As an offshoot of that you could have a tannery for leather goods.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/12/2010 11:28:22)

I still think it would be interesting to have a House on Paxia.
It should be possible to have one for each of the Elements near to each of the Clan bases.

Natural I would like a Light based house near to Lucian Mountain. The Power source would be a Solar Collector.[:D]

137ben -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/12/2010 17:47:30)

Or we could use our current estate locations to send guards/armies to attack/defend our clan/other clans...which might stir up activity in paxia (paxia has had little activity since unity started during the devourerer saga[:(] )

I was actually thinking of a "clan fortress" system, in which rather than individual player's getting paxia houses, an entire clan would have ONE fortress that would work similar to current estates...

Isphus -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/12/2010 20:13:13)

Possible energy generating buidings:
Windmill (and a little food too, might consume wood)
Slavework generator (slaves turning a big wheel, consumes food)
Solar generator (cant be made underground once its released)
Nuclear generator (drakel tech IS THAT GOOD)
Hugs catalizer (DF self-explanatory)

Thats pretty much all i can think of as of now. That and a domed greenhouse that consumes energy to generate food.

Iron -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/12/2010 21:31:51)

Not too crazy about the Slavework thing, may wanna steer clear of that completely(the idea of slaves may bother some people), but I see the windmill as a possible idea.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/12/2010 22:07:14)

The word "slave" has very negative connotations. Worker power, maybe--I can actually see that as being quite interesting. Instead of getting one worker to upgrade the building, you quest for five or six to turn the wheel, and then occasionally one of them could overexert itself and you'd have to quest for a new one. Of course it would also take up quite a few resources--workers need to eat--but it would produce a LOT of one resource in exchange for consuming some of all the others.

137ben -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 8:39:34)


man you know nothing about guards do you i guess not since you only own the gold versions and 1 z token candy golem >.>. yes helloguy you should buy a megogg and all the lvl 80+ guards. thay help tremendously if you have a guard tower for wars AND protection so ignor ben trust me i KNOW what im talking about since i own all the lvl 80+ guards except nerfkitten scion so yea its far from a waist

Man you know nothing about how guard tower works yea they make your GT stronger but it also costs more to send them out in a war so it doesn't actually make you beat more waves :|

And the best guards arn't the highest level ones see the guide on power of guard/cost higher ones are not always better like nerfkitten scion is terrible.

Traveler -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 9:44:34)

^Sending them out in wars is not the main purpose of strong guards since, in general, the Mega World Portal does a better job at that. The rational of having better guards is avoiding invasions, which allows you to recover resources faster and having them ready to use in wars.

Because of this, you need guards of a certain strength if you want to make sure that you are not going to be invaded. And although the low level cheap guards are the most cost effective, in the end they are not enough and you will need some more expensive guards.

nightshadow989 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 15:38:57)


Man you know nothing about how guard tower works yea they make your GT stronger but it also costs more to send them out in a war so it doesn't actually make you beat more waves :| And the best guards arn't the highest level ones see the guide on power of guard/cost higher ones are not always better like nerfkitten scion is terrible.
and if that was true why then do i ALWAYS get 15-25k exp PER run NOT total so yea seems to me mega world portal is only good if you own only really low level guards or none at all and btw nerfkitten scion has over 1k power i hardly call that useless so yea i do know what im talking about ive done the math

Nex del Vida -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 16:51:38)

Is invasion so terrible? I only have the gold guards. Yeah, my estate buildings get attacked almost every day, but is that so bad? It takes all of fifteen minutes maximum to repel the invaders, and there's usually so much time between wars that a few hours here and there won't make a difference. I would say don't buy a Meggog, helloguy, unless you have a problem with defending your buildings often.

137ben -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 17:48:28)


^Sending them out in wars is not the main purpose of strong guards since, in general, the Mega World Portal does a better job at that. The rational of having better guards is avoiding invasions, which allows you to recover resources faster and having them ready to use in wars.

Because of this, you need guards of a certain strength if you want to make sure that you are not going to be invaded. And although the low level cheap guards are the most cost effective, in the end they are not enough and you will need some more expensive guards.

See the guide on guard power efficiency: you DO need some high level guards, but you don't need to get EVERY high level guard.

paladin37 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 18:01:37)


Is invasion so terrible? I only have the gold guards. Yeah, my estate buildings get attacked almost every day, but is that so bad? It takes all of fifteen minutes maximum to repel the invaders,

Ya know, some people dont play everyday [;)] I know its hard to imagine but some people dont aha. Thats a lot of resources lost if your building is under attack for over a day.

Traveler -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 18:11:42)

@Nex: The invasions are not much of a problem in between wars (although lately we've had several cases of two wars in a row. where there is not enough time to fully refill your resources if you have two storage buildings), but they can be during them. If you log out one day and don't come back until the following one (and that may easily be at least 20 hours without checking your estate) and several of your production buildings are invaded, that means losing a good amount of resources, and therefore one or two uses of your Mega World Portal. It is not a lot, but it is at least someting to make buying guards worth considering.

@ben: I agree, it is not neccesary to buy all of them, but you'll end up needing some, and Megogg is a posibility just as others (with some more interest for those who want to make things difficult for others visiting your home, since it is one of the most difficult available guards to face in real combat).

Edit: OK, I have to write faster and shorter explanations, I always get beaten to my points :-p

137ben -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/14/2010 19:18:09)

Yea if you are trying to stop other players megogg is great.

About invasions: some people also go for over a week with out playing a lot, that can be a LOT of resources lost...though if you have something like a stat trainer it could be good for it to get attacked so that is another thing to consider.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/16/2010 18:36:38)

For the first time since upgrading my both my storage sheds Nessa's storage is finally full, buying a guard and upgrading my guard house may have had something to do with it. I discovered I could upgrade my guard house once with out upping the reasource cost, however if I do it again the cost goes up. At this point is doing so worth it?

As for Willows estate before I changed from the Frostvale Stone Cottage (I was holding out on doing this because it was rare) to the Darkovia stone mansion. She had 1.8 mil gold now after having upgraded her buildings

level 10 wood cutter shack
level 10 mana collector
level 10 vegtable garden
level 10 fishing pond
level 10 stone pit
level 10 grave yard
level 12 trade hut
level 9 guard tower
soon to be level 9 mega world portal
2 level 1 storage sheds

she has just under 600 k gold I hope the investment will be worth it. (this is despite farming ballyhoo and wars)

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/19/2010 8:54:05)


For the first time since upgrading my both my storage sheds Nessa's storage is finally full, buying a guard and upgrading my guard house may have had something to do with it. I discovered I could upgrade my guard house once with out upping the reasource cost, however if I do it again the cost goes up. At this point is doing so worth it?

It depends on several things.
If your estate is not being attacked, there is no detectable benefit from upgrading the Guard Tower.
During a War, if you update the Guard Tower you cannot send guards to War, but you will get extra resource regeneration because the Guard Tower and other buildings do not use resources while they are upgrading.

If your estate is being attacked, upgrading the Guard Tower leaves your other buildings open to further attacks.

Overdrive -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/23/2010 8:22:22)

Just curious, would it be better to buy a lot of weaker guards or a few strong guards?

bad old lady -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/23/2010 10:20:13)

@RKC Yes it looks great. In just four more levels you will have the storage buildings up to level 10 and all that will be left is the last few levels of the trade hut & guard tower...and of course the museum if you choose. Personally, I did not level my tower & trade hut up because I wanted the gold for purchasing lots of shiny things. But if you have the time & gold then go for it. I used the token guards to defend my estate instead.

@Overdrive There is a guide to guard effectiveness on the first page of this topic. I have not run any numbers myself (sadly only limited time) but it seems like when I purchase the higher level guards that I get better results. I have noticed on the estates that my lower level characters own, that I am attacked most days although I have a lot of the guards I can buy for that level. When the character levels up and I can purchase higher level guards, there are fewer attacks. That of course does not prove anything. It could just be that the overall number of effectiveness went up so I was attacked less. My understanding is that the staff are only willing to give out the attack formula if all the worlds of Lore collide creating a massive, total lose of life including yours & mine.[8D]

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/23/2010 21:57:21)

you can't get z-tokens from army/ guard wins, but at what point does your estate start earning back the gold you spend upgrading it?

Edit: assuming both are fully upgrades which do you get more wins out of army or guard?

Army wins which is more efficant use of resources half or full?

bad old lady -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/23/2010 23:37:44)

@Nessa Ellensse Personally, I do not always keep stats on each war. I did pull up the stats on Bizarre Flecks. In it I earned 68,740 gold & 200,320 XP. It seems it will take a looong time to gain back what you pay for upgrading each building. That said, the estates are not about making money for me, but about the fun I have enjoyed.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/24/2010 0:49:32)

I supose having an easier time farming the war is also worth the expendature of the gold and z-tokens not all of us have time for endless hours of fighting I certainly don't

bad old lady -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/24/2010 0:59:35)

I agree. Some of my characters are only doing wars and Ballyhoo, but they are still leveling up. That way I can concentrate on this character first. One of my lower level characters has leveled up almost 10 levels just doing wars and Ballyhoo.

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