RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Blue_Elite -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/25/2010 20:42:21)

I've got my event running. At least until Aerodu hits positive I have a reason to keep coming back and checking in.

Rohndogg1 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/26/2010 19:41:21)

I'd come here for the people. You can still use the forum without really doing anything in game.

BadHulk -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/27/2010 7:24:52)

Yup. True >.> And the ACC is dead ;D

Fishtank -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/28/2012 19:51:16)


anyways plan time! O.K., active Nauticans, we finally have the freedom to attack almost any teritory and probly succed.... Ready? FULL ON ASSULT!!!

This is from Nautica's leader. Notice something? He doesn't say "almost any Dynami territory", he says "almost any territory." I wonder what other territory is next to Nautica's? Oh look, Aerodu's is next to Nautica's.

Aerodu I'm here to give you fair warning out of respect for an opponent that Nautica has become emboldened by their recent victory and that you can expect their inevitable betrayal you knew was coming to be coming soon.

dethhollow -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/29/2012 16:18:20)

What? No, I ment any Dynami teratory! Seriously!!! Nautica has at most 3-4 members.... Anything like that would be suicide! Sorry to dissapoint you, but I'd rather not have to face Dynami alone. Only an absolute team effort can defeat them.

Kinzdor -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/29/2012 18:23:32)

As Dethhollow (also he is there general not there leader GET YOU`R FACTS RIGHT) has said above they are to small to do a move like that. I have full trust in our alliance with them.

dethhollow -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/29/2012 20:20:31)

Thanks, well since Dynami has been "gracious" enough to open the Cross-Clan Communications, it would almost be a waste if Nautica DIDN'T use it to plan with Aerodu (after all, the central area is fairly complex and we wouldn't want any clans to accidently fight over Dynami space.)

I'm personally thinking Nautica should attempt C5 while Aerodu clears up the Dynami spaces around their main area.... But not 100% sure whitch Dynami space to take afterwords. I'd like to go for the central area without making Nautica an easy target for Geoto.

Any thoughts?

Kinzdor -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/29/2012 21:04:27)

While Aerodu allredy has a plan for the upcoming weeks, though I do have some ideas on what Nautica could do. I will pm you.

dethhollow -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/1/2012 16:29:36)

alright, Operation: Costal Storm/ Lowland is a go!

Fishtank -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/20/2012 17:01:23)

Hey Aerodu, just stopping by to visit an—ewwww, what is that on the bottom of my shoe I'm tracking everywhere?

Oh look, it's Nautica.

You're next.

dethhollow -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/20/2012 18:28:49)

You DO know that Nautica's only 3 members strong, right? Heck, as far as I know it's only me fighting.... You still have a battle ahead of you, Dynami. You just lose one less space each time you mess up.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/20/2012 20:22:54)

You sir just made me lol.

Kinzdor -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/20/2012 22:14:14)

We are next you say! WELL PREPARE FOR A BATTLE! This clan ain`t going down without a fight!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/6/2012 23:37:54)

You know Dynami it's easy to say that when you guys are hidden behind the GO-LD Walkers and their 10k+ health at level 150.

DigDog -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/7/2012 0:32:32)

So? Other clans have super strong monsters as well. You can't say a clan is winning because of one monster.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (5/20/2013 1:50:00)

I thought I would post to let you know the Paxia ultimate conquest has been updated, I edited my last post. You will need to try harder if you want to keep back the forces of Geoto.

popinloopy -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/20/2013 2:45:10)

A member of Aerodu recently stopped by us Lucians and left us a gift, so I shall return the favor. Here is some coffee and edible Candy Light Crystals. Also, have some Pegasus-shaped cookies.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/20/2013 18:10:10)

You forgat the Lucianilla icecream.

Time to get some energy ready for the War against the Truphma.

Aerodu we are ready to stand with you against the Greyness.

popinloopy -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/21/2013 17:06:42)

I cannot speak for Eschaton Thunder, our Leader, but most of us Lucians, such as SIGMUND and I, will gladly assist those of you who need it. Although, I don't expect you guys to need our help that much. Still, just know that you can always count on us as an ally. (Unless there is no choice, of course.)

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/21/2013 17:25:04)

That is mutual popin. I may not be Clan Head but I think I speak for all of Aerodu when I say that we would fight with you guys any time.

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/21/2013 17:31:00)

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

popinloopy -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/21/2013 17:31:06)

You, Dragonfire, Muchiha, and all other Aerodians who are allies of Lucian, I am thankful. You have SIGMUND, Eschaton, and I, and probably others, at your fingertips if you need help. Best of luck to both you and your clan. If my gut instincts are correct, then we will all need it.

Muchiha -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/21/2013 19:51:26)

To the death my brothers! I once saw you all as rivals but today you all stand beside me as my friend. This a threat which requires Unity not Division. We did it with The'Galin, we can do it again.


theosenia -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/22/2013 5:49:26)

Did someone mention Unity?! [8D]

As one more Lucian that hopefully will try her best in this war too,you can count me in!

I'm so glad I see all these warmongers already preparing for this event and I'm sure many others are ready to WAAAR!!!

Let us all unite against this new threat.Let us all do this FOR PAXIA! [:)]

popinloopy -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/24/2013 0:41:20)

That proves it. With the additions of Theosenia and Eschaton Thunder, Aerodu now has some of our to Lucians as backup should they need it. Xov may plan to mess with us, this might very well be a trap, but it is also a mistake. It shall also be the LAST mistake we allow her to make! From now on, we shall tell her what to do ahead of time so she won't mess up and make mistakes anymore, and can cover the world of Lore in dullne- Wait, what? Who wrote these lines for me? This is absolutely wrong, except for the allies part. Whatever... FOR PAXIA!

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