RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/24/2013 1:04:51)

I really hope that Xov just underestimated us and that this isn't just some curtain that is covering a much more elaborate plan.

popinloopy -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/24/2013 1:06:17)

I fear that that may be a bit much to ask.

hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/24/2013 1:16:41)

You know I begin to think that the Moogle is right when says that this queen of the dull won't use creativity in her plans. Then I realize that is impossible because if she did just use plain old attacks then the only way she could have converted so many is through some creative strategy. That's when I start to realize that we are fighting someone who is just as creative, intelligent, and strategically adept as Vox except for the fact that who we are facing has more drive. Mrs. Monotone wants the destruction of creativity so badly that she will use it to destroy it. As if to make it implode on itself. This is my fear that I can only put out by thinking that in the end we will always win because the chosen can not lose or else we wouldn't be the chosen.

popinloopy -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/24/2013 1:23:55)

This is not the first time I've seen a hypocritical enemy. Anyone who plays DF knows about The Rose, a group who opposes magic, and will USE magic to DESTROY magic. Sometimes, hict, in times of true desparation, you must use a force against itself in order to achieve a goal you wish to accomplish, I wouldn't put it past Xov.

hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/24/2013 2:11:33)

Yeah I guess that's true. I just hope we can get past Xov's creativity and battle wit. I haven't really played DF much recently although I'm pretty sure I have an account.

popinloopy -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/24/2013 2:13:21)

I'll just sum it up for you. There are people, they hate magic, the King is hiring them to destroy magic, and they are using magic to do so. Xov is probably using a similar tactic, except it's Xov hreself using the creativity instead of the minions.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/6/2013 4:14:22)

Hello from Lucian Clan.
I do not wish to spoil your speculation but at this stage I don't think we have enough evidence for anything much.
I doubt that Xov's plans are that elaborate.

darksaber22 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/5/2013 1:32:28)

Hello people of the aerodu clan i am from the nocturu clan and i thought i would come by and see how my former clan member's are doing so is everything going ok with the revival of your clan then

hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/5/2013 1:36:05)

@darksaber Well our clan wasn't exactly dead so we didn't really need much reviving.

darksaber22 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/5/2013 1:48:25)

@hict well that is good to hear i guess that just means less work on reviving the clans :) but anyway it shouldn't take that long for the others anyway well it might do for dynami since no one is commenting over there but it is good to here you guys are doing good

hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/5/2013 2:05:37)

@darksaber Most Dynami members spend their time on the Paxia Private Forums or PPF IIRC

xXHaWkZXx -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (9/1/2013 9:05:52)

Hello people of aerodu
your glacian freinds have just come to say hello[sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

xXHaWkZXx -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (10/7/2014 5:46:37)

Congratulations on your PUC win

hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/14/2015 2:55:16)

I've been gone for two years and these forums seem so dead

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/14/2015 9:37:29)

inorite? Life is sad like that.

hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/15/2015 1:39:48)

There were only two posts since I left. What happened? It used to be so lively

Seth Hydra -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/15/2015 3:02:10)

Paxia is DED with a capital D! We need Vox to blowded it up to spark some activity again :)

Also, Welcome back Hict!!

hict98 -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/15/2015 3:20:24)

@SS Thanks bud. I agree with you. We need another revival

Rayimika -> RE: =Aerodu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/9/2016 14:05:09)

Aerodu defence is raising at a rapid pace. Thanks to the risk-style game our paxian neighbours are running I was able to calculate about 1100 victories in 3 days on our side. At that pace we will be out of the negatives in 221 day. Keep it up.

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