Dead Planet (Full Version)

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Rhowena -> Dead Planet (5/16/2010 4:35:18)

E-Leet Mission 5
Scrapyard Skirmish!
Quest Location: Hangar Deck
Quests Given From: Leet Stormfront
Requirements: Level 25, Rank 4 (completion of Research Facility)


Stormfront: Good to see you're ready for a new mission! This one could get a little dicey... Recon has come back with a report on the planet Gerendor in the Helas binary star system. Gerendor was home to a high-tech civilization of over 20 millon people.
Stormfront: I say "was" because some time ago its binary suns shifted suddenly in their orbits, creating massive cataclysms across the planet. In a matter of days, their civilization ended. Don't worry, it's safe -- at least, safe enough as long as you keep you suit on.
Stormfront: But for some reason, Nechron activity has been spotted there. Recon hasn't spotted any native Gerendorians, so the Nechrons must be up to something. Maybe they're just scavenging raw materials. But you need to find out the truth. Good luck, WarpForcer!
  • Go to Gerendor!

    You fly a shuttle to Gerendor

    «You»: Alteon, this is «You» reporting in. I couldn't pick up any life signs from my ship on the way in.
    «You»: That probably means that the only thing moving around down here is Defilers. I've come prepared, though. I can handle some robots...

    A Skull Drone enters

    «You»: Alteon, we have a problem...
    «You»: I'm seeing a Defiler, but it's not a normal one. It's a Skull Drone.
    Skull Drone: How astute, Fleshling. It is a pity you are alive. I would enjoy reanimating your mechanical corpse.
    «You»: What are you and your kind doing here? This world is a wasteland.
    Skull Drone: We are feasting on the refuse of this civilization. That is all you need to know. That is all I will tell you. Now I will melt your bones.
    «You»: WHAT!??! That's ridiculous. I'll melt YOUR bones!
    Skull Drone: Ha! I have no bones!!
  • Fight!

    1 BATTLE: Skull Drone
    Full Heal

    The Skull Drone lies on the ground, sparking.

    «You»: Tell me why you Nechron Defilers are REALLY here and I'll let you go. Maybe your friends will come fix you.
    Skull Drone: Very well. It will do you no good, however. We have been here for years. Gerendor's civilization perished half a millenium ago. Defiler-kind first came here a century ago.
    Skull Drone: The Gendorians had a technology that could harness solar energy they called Empyreal Cells. It is the most superior tech of its kind.
    «You»: Oh really... sounds like the WarpForce could use something like that.
    Skull Drone: We have narrowed its location down to THIS exact junkyard. It is in 3 pieces. But this place is full of Defilers and Skull Drones. You won't get the pieces before they do.
    «You»: Oh, I will. I'm used to winning!
  • Punt the annoying Skull Drone!

    The Skull Drone flies off into the distance


    You are in a maze with 4 Healing Kits available. Once you find all 3 parts of the Empyrean Cell....

    «You»: Alteon, I have recovered the Empyrean Cell technology! I'm going to return and-- uh-oh, I have company!

    1 BATTLE: Skull Drone
    Full Heal

    Skull Drone: You may have found the Empyrean Cell, but our time on this dead world has not gone to waste. We Skull Drones have learned how to fuse with OTHER robotic forms.

    A K1773R enters. The Skull Drone fuses with it, turning it undead in the process.

    Skull Drone: You won't escape here with your new technology!!
  • Battle!

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    You leave Gerendor

  • Return to the LSS Alteon!

    Twinkling Star Gauntlet
    Star Gauntlet Z
    Starlight Gauntlet
    WarpGuardian Star Gauntlet
    Morning Star Gauntlet
    Shooting Star Gauntlet


    Excellent fighting, WarpForcer! because of your success on Gerendor, we now have Empyrean Cell technology as part of our fleet! Gravlax in Engineering has been studying what you brought back closely, and says there are many potential uses for it. He will be enhancing our own power reserves with the new cells, which will allow us to use more warpcrystal power in our force fields and weapons while Empyrean Cells run the other main systems.

    He also created a new gauntlet! It uses miniaturized Empyrean Cell technology to convert solar energy to heat.
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Thanks to Rhowena
    Monster Encounters

    Skull Drone

    Defiler Sentry

    Nechron Virin


    Nechron Exo

    Typo fix from Dwelling Dragonlord

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