RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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caseybp -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (3/28/2011 16:51:54)

How about a megas xlr themed mech? Complete with wrestling moves?

And if you really want a plant based mech its primary abilities should include constant health regain over time and damage and targeting nerf weapons.

bman270 -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (3/28/2011 18:04:57)

The plant themed mech being held together by roots or vines could work quite well if those roots/vines were made of energy. I think it would look really cool having energy roots/vines wrapping around a mech and the energy itself pulse every so often. I think that if you were to go with a plant theme though, it would be a better fit if it was a drainer styled mech. Since roots absorb nutrients from the ground, this one could absorb them from other mechs. It could also have a "sap" attack where it gunk’s up a random (or set) body part preventing its use for x number of rounds.

I'd do a picture but that would be borderline a suggestion so I'll leave it at that...

archon1221 -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (3/28/2011 21:30:15)

I really hope it isn't a plant mecha. That would be pretty lame.

seventhsword2 -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (3/28/2011 21:56:40)

I personally would like to see the re-introduction of some of the original scmm

stealthwings -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (3/28/2011 21:58:58)

They specifically said that they would never do that.

seventhsword2 -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (3/28/2011 22:09:16)

they don't need to be true reproductions they could be slightly altered.
they whole reason I would like to see the old one re-introduced is because they were good for use, now they are mostly novelties there are so many other mechs that are not rare that are much much better than the newer scmm
give us players who missed them a chance to get them, I mean its not like I choose not to get them I couldn't because for the first couple of months I had way too much school work and couldn't even play Mechquest, and then my computer was acting up and it took a few months to fix it, I was unable to play for 7 months, I was a Starcaptian the whole time, had I been able to play I would have gotten them

Mikey Pisan -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (3/29/2011 5:00:56)

I would love the chance to update my Bruce Campbell Mech. I was a much lower level player when that SCMM came out, and now I can't use it because it's too low level. I wish we had the option to upgrade mechs we already have.

MoonrayDrake -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (4/1/2011 13:02:58)

I hope they make a Gurren-Lagann mech. What game goes without such a thing :(

...oh wait, giga drill breaker would OHKO every other mech. Darn, too OP :(

mechquestlord -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/17/2011 4:21:07)

imagine if they made...


Destroy8r9 -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/17/2011 4:36:50)

i still want the ice wolf with relic shoulders with some runes on it

mechquestlord -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/17/2011 4:47:01)

make it yourself. surely you know how.

(lol arthurian wolf mecha + ice relic stuff from the westion fire war)

Selutu -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/17/2011 7:04:06)

I want to see a Necromancer Mecha or a Deathknight Mecha. Perhaps even a dragon mecha. But definitely the first 2 or a Demon Mecha...[:D]

TostiTostelli -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/17/2011 7:24:23)

I believe we already have a Demon mech: seppy. although its not a SCCM. Same goes for DRAGONgaurd mech.

Selutu -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/17/2011 7:50:00)

Forgive me for not giving details. I know that we already have the Dragonguard, but what I mean is a mecha that is similar to the Tyranno, but instead done with a Dragonoid. As for the Demon, I mean something like the demon in this only not that extreme.

Glais -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/17/2011 10:41:23)

I could care less of the theme as long as they abandon the current low quality art they've been using on SCMMs, which makes no sesne at all since weapons are still drawn in the high quality they've always been drawn in. Recently all the mechs look HeroSmashy...

golden1231 -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/18/2011 20:05:46)

I, for one, could really care less about the art. Specials, specials, specials!

I'm guessing it's too early to ask for any heads-ups about the upcoming SCMM...? *drools*

I'd like some sort of all-around buffing chassis. :D

yeadudes -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/18/2011 20:40:51)

I really don't care about the looks. It could be a Stick Figure for all I care. As long as it does damage and huge nerfs, I can wait.

fhiz -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/18/2011 21:04:27)

maybe just a color custom blob with the most awesome specials ever.

yeadudes -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/18/2011 21:06:36)



Glais -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/18/2011 22:33:50)

I'd rather fight in something I can bear to look at, or that's at least drawn in quality. Imbiber was pretty terrible, even if they made a good quality blob, I'd like it, though I fail to see how it qualifies as a mech xD
Then again, there was the egg...

priya -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/18/2011 22:56:54)

A non-equippable with 6 different attacks that stack. 3 offensive attacks and 3 defensive attacks. All attacks are 2,3,5 or 7 hits. Design can be simple like a Rubix Cube that lights up different colours, a bouncing ball, or an amorphous blob.

mechquestlord -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/19/2011 2:03:46)

they should make a huge tank.

attack 1-a small machinegun fires rapidly at the enemy.
attack 2-the huge long classic tanks gun goes off.
attack 3-an AC130 flies above and bombs the enemy.
attack 4-a barrage of missiles come from the side of the mecha in a randomly fired way.
attack 5-the tank runs over the enemy then mortars him.
attack 6-an epic light points to the sky. the view shifts to a space station which launches a tactical nuke. the tactical nuke hits the enemy and does an EPIC amount of visuals as well as randomly having a voice clip of korin saying "toasty!" in the middle of the attack.

anyone up for it?

Glais -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/19/2011 2:28:37)

One thing I noticed, the SCMMs, at least up till VanGuard, maybe Nemesis, seemed to have a sort of uniform style while remaining different, I personally liked that look. A Tank Mech thing, well qualitied and with hints of the style at least, would be awesome.

Only thing I disagree with is the AC 130 Attack, kinda random, I prefer the attacks to come from the mech. On second thought, the mech itself launching a nuke, now that would be something...

Dault -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/19/2011 12:01:47)

We've yet to have a part bio-organic type SCMM.
I know they don't exactly appeal to everyone, but it would be interesting to see it done...

mechquestlord -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (5/19/2011 16:04:25)

what? a bio-organic mecha? couldnt possibly be able to replace its weapons then! or maybe a slime took over a mecha...

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