RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (Full Version)

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moneybags -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/5/2010 10:52:06)

Go in the WF Tower, and between the WG and Temura, there should be a door. On top of that door, look for a blue orb-ish kinda thing. Click that, and the door should open, and once that's done, click inside. You'll be at Lkeas, which allows you to access the war quests. To get back out, just simply repeat the process on the elevator in Lkeas' room.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/5/2010 11:26:40)

1. You can acces the old wars through Lkeas. WG Tower -> through an Elevator(click the button above) to Lkeas.
2. Please take a look at here.
L25 AAA-Cell Warp Energizer (Guardian)
L18 Star Knight Journeyman (Guardian)
L20 Heavy Gunner Model ZE (Z-Tokens)
L25 Shearhide Form (Temporary/Guardian)
L20 Star Ninja Z (Z-Tokens)
L18 WarpTrooper VZ (Z-Tokens)
L24 WarpTrooper III

I'd recommend you the L18 WarpTrooper VZ (Z-Tokens)
This L18 WarpTrooper VZ (Z-Tokens) has more power than the L38 WarpTrooper IVW (Guardian)

Sephiroth -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/5/2010 16:21:11)

Oh! thanks! ^^

Ok thanks! ^^

zephyr4325 -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/5/2010 20:03:59)

farming limit is ther a limiy yo how much xp and gold u can farm in one day?

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/5/2010 20:47:53)

Yup, you can find out what the limit is for your character (the limit varies by level) at Just search your character name (not account name) in the search box, or go to this page and type in your character ID.

DRAGONHUNT -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/6/2010 17:45:16)

I usually buy upgrade cards, but I am getting $10 off on warp guardianship, but here is the real question, will i get a $10 discount on getting a card like getting it with credit card?

zephyr4325 -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/6/2010 17:48:33)

combat defense stats do thy go up on the different armor u own after u batlle overtime or stay the same? slso does your daily xp and gold farming point go against u on a daily bases if u fight on adventure quest and warpforce or are those seperate

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/6/2010 18:46:38)


Looking at the Upgrade Card page, you can see that Upgrade Cards now award BattleOn Points (which is a currency thing on the Master Account). Using that, you can redeem your points for Upgrades, secondary currencies or both. For your $10 off WarpGuardianship, you will need 2,000 BattleOn Points (which is the exact amount the $9.95 card gives you). However, if you cannot find a $9.95 card (because that card is only in select stores), you can purchase a $19.95 card and get 4,000 BattleOn Points. Once you upgrade, you'll gain WGShip and 1,000 Tokens, and you will have 2,000 Points left over which you can use to upgrade other game accounts (AQ/DF/ED/AQW/MQ).


Combat Defense stats depend on your BattleSuit and Gauntlet. They will vary depending on what equipment you have on. To your second question, AQ and WF are different, so the XP/Gold caps are separate. For example, if you reach the XP cap on your AQ account, you will still be able to gain XP on your WF account.

zephyr4325 -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/6/2010 18:49:34)

oh ok thanks for th help

DRAGONHUNT -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/6/2010 21:29:24)

Is target a participating store? If so then I guess I can go get it.

Here is a different question:

Why doesn't WF have a suggestions thread? In case you haven't noticed, WF doesn't have a lot of players and I am thinking it is because they can't post their ideas for things, it's good to be imaginative, especially with such tech in warpforce. Also I should mention the problem with only 2 series of water weapons, with only 2 sets it's equal to having no water element at all, so having a suggestion thread would really pump up WF.

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/6/2010 22:15:40)

I don't live in the US, so I don't have Target stores, but I would guess that not all Target Stores have the $9.95 card, but some should.

And as to the second question, I really don't have an answer. I would guess that it's not open for suggestions because the staff don't have time to implement them, but that is just a guess. If you've got feedback for the game, feel free to post in the Gameplay Feedback thread. Please read the first post before you post (it clearly says that it is not a suggestion thread, but if it is feedback in a form of a suggestion, then it'd be OK). The water weapons will eventually be filled (and Ice Melee weapons too, WF is short of that) by the upcoming releases.

I'll ask Fal about the suggestions idea. WF isn't really that young anymore, so it might be ready for suggestions. However, that is ultimately up to the staff and they have the final say. Thanks!

Lord Hades -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/7/2010 23:23:06)

just wondering, but a long time ago, WF said that there would be lots of classes. Do the different armors replace that idea or do you know if the AE staff are still working on it?

Khimera -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 0:06:07)

Each armour functions similarly to a class, with multiple skills and such.

Lord Hades -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 0:08:55)

I know, but at the moment, there are only 2 official classes. I'm just wondering if AE is planning on releasing any other ones.

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 0:46:24)

Khimera, I think Lord Hades referred to classes as in classes that you can train (ie. Dragonslayer from AQ, where you can train it from level 1-10).

To be honest, I have no clue. The Battlesuits themselves, as Khimera said are already somewhat like classes, with unique skills. I would assume that eventually, sometime in the future, level-able classes will be implemented, but again, I have no idea. Only the staff know for certain.

Khimera -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 3:11:16)

Sorry, I should have elaborated... I believe the current system of armours with multiple skills is used in place of a trainable class system. Although your comment regarding there being 2 classes intrigues me - I'm not fully up-to-date with WF, but I wasn't aware of any trainable classes. Could you please explain? :)

Digital X -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 7:54:36)

Do you mean "classes" by the two options you get at the beginning, Gunner and Striker?

Rhythm -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 20:54:27)

Alright, I'm a long time player since 2005 starting out on the original AQ of course, Guardian, Member on AQW, and Warp Guardian now so you guys definitely have my support. Now relating to my question, for the last 5 years I've seen these games expand, the game engine and art evolve and I love it. But one MAJOR thing I must ask is why is it with years and years of content updating, our facial features are never updated. I'm a photoshop artist and frankly it's not hard to create what we have for faces now. Heck the NPCs look better than we do and that isn't much fun or appealing to the eyes. Week after week the staff rolls out great looking NPCs while I feel like us the players were left in MSPaint and quickly filled with with the pencil tool and then given a handful of dull colors to swap around with.

So, can anyone give me a legitimate answer to why this never gets done? I know AK's tend to respond to these questions but I think mine is more for an actual content creator of this game. You guys have a lot of potential at your finger tips and I just wish somebody would put it into action for more than just armors and items. I think my fellow players around me would agree we want to look awesome from the neck up too right?

One pre-emptive strike on a possible response also, yes I know, the staff is very busy, totally understandable. But it's easy to take a break on content for a moment to keep up on graphics standards that AE's other games are rapidly improving upon and say "Hey guys, we're gonna take a small bit of time to do some updating on some older graphics, stay tuned for updates!" or something like that.

I can see you were attempting to keep a moddable style which is great, but at the very LEAST I think we'd all like some more color options with some shadow-shading that has a noticeable difference from the regular color tone. The new Drakel race which I love is great, awesome idea and I applaud you guys for giving us that option. However neon green, blue and red and then some odd pale colors doesn't fit the Drakel skin tone you've always shown us, wouldn't you agree? Some hair styles are also noticeably chop-shopped onto the drakel face and all I can think is "Come on folks, you have all this art potential at your finger tips you can do better for sure!"

Lord Hades -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 21:26:23)

Could somebody post a list of all the war rewards? thx. :)

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 23:52:04)

Lord Hades, here are the Astramorph Misc series. (Link includes all versions, but that is the entry for the level 5 version)
  • Bizarre Specks
  • Nefadon Claw series, Nefadon Gun series, and Nefadon Electrobolt series.

    Rhythm, as you requested, I'll leave the question for the game staff. However, I just wanna put in my input and what I think (which is probably completely different from staff answers). Firstly, you say that players don't look that well. I personally don't think that's the case. I agree that WF lacks hairstyles, but the armors look great and completely fit in with the sci-fi genre of the game. The small amount of hairstyles don't bother me though. It's doesn't really affect the gameplay, and some armors even have masks to cover up the faces, so I personally don't see it as a problem that needs immediate attention. Sometimes, even Misc items provide things to cover the faces of our characters. They even give us stat boosts or other advantages in battle.

    As to skin tones, it's kinda the same as above for me. As an elf, I'm going to stick to the peach-ish human skin color like always, because running around with dark green skin just isn't my thing. But of course, I don't believe adding skin tones are hard (but then again, I'm super newb at Flash and all that). So yeah, long story short, I don't really need 30 different skin tones because I'll most likely stick to one (but I understand your case, as a drakel, because that race won't look good running around with skin-color :P)

    And finally, I don't think WF is based off looks, unlike something like AQW, where every weapon has the same DPS, and all items have the potential to be as strong as any other item in the game. WF is about questing and beating monsters, so that's really based on how strong your armor or weapon is. Looks, IMO, are just a bonus. Like in basketball. You don't have to do a crazy 360 spin between the legs dunk to be good. A basket is a basket (wow, how off-topic did I get? >.>), like how a kill is a kill in WF.

  • Rhythm -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/8/2010 23:59:03)

    Yeah I hear you, maybe it's just the Drakels I'm personally dissatisfied with because I can see gaps between nearly every shading line on it (My character is a Female Drakel), hair styles looked a bit sloppily put on. I'm not complaining about armors in the least though, they're awesome. I was just getting the impression that ok, here's this fairly awesome armor I've got on, but I feel like my face is kinda put together loosely and skin tone choices are... odd? I wouldn't bother them with my concerns but maybe as a suggestion from a veteran player, maybe Drakels should have a changed up coloring palette and maybe look into fixing the shading border gaps (Unless that's just my computer doing that, though I'm on best graphics settings).

    Anywho thanks, I'm getting a little off topic so I'll stop here.

    devilking5 -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/9/2010 4:13:22)

    Do the VBG weapon series have boosted damage or some other bonus,just wondering because the weapon's special targets the player.It looks any other weapon and the encyclopedia doesn't say anything about it having boosted power.

    Rhythm -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/9/2010 19:25:15)

    Any idea on uh... how we're supposed to submit our suggestions? Since the game is pretty new I assume they're open to ideas and I've got quite a few. I didn't see any threads specifically for this.

    Edit after Response: Makes sense, thanks.

    moneybags -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/9/2010 21:14:00)

    devilking5, I would assume so, since the special does have a chance to harm you and that is a pretty crucial in hard battles.

    Rhythm, the staff are busy with releases and their schedule is tight, so that's the reason why there isn't a thread or a board for suggestions. If one were to be made, it would be ignored (and this has happened before), and people would start being angry for their suggestions not being considered for implementing.

    DRAGONHUNT -> RE: =WF= Questions and Answers Thread (11/10/2010 22:50:47)

    Yeah, I already asked why there isn't a Suggestions board? And that sort of went down-hill, now everybody at the club is gonna get really mad at me.

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