RE: Is mechquest dying? (Full Version)

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emethyst -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 10:20:32)

And it would probably free up enough time for a small SC-only quest or add on to SC content.

Vampire Fexy -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 11:47:10)

@black knight 1234567 : How do you expect SC to get something other than SCMM if the staffs barely have any time for doing anything other than SCMM and a small quest for the storyline (sometimes not always), if the SCMM to be removed, the staff can focus on other things, they can make unique mechas for the storyline so you dont need the SCMM, they can add SC mechas to the SC club every few months, and improve a lot of things in the gameplay, also why do you only use SCMM ? they are a scrub mechas that doesnt even need to do anything most times.... just makes the game boring as you will win most times and you dont even have to customize the mechas to win.

On side note, it seems like Korin have been reading this topic pretty good, looking at the last DN he seemed to be doing everything we stated, hope for it to be good.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 11:52:23)

I like power, I like the design, I like wining, which Is why I like, always have a SCMM on, and more than half of my inventory Is SCMM's........

Calogero -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 12:03:58)

yes and that is also the point Knight

Last September aprox. The Strider came out... That's +- 13 Scmm...
that's about 13 Rare mechs.

If it was every 3 months for example, then we'd have indeed less Scmm but gain More content.

I really Really hope Korin Considers doing it every few months... I believe this would Help both Players and Staff

( Staff: More time to think of the Next Scmm in 3 months + thinking and Adding more valuable content like Story line, ACTUAL Cutscenes in which we ACTUALY talk a bit )
( Players: Perhaps Less mechs but on a way, We'd save Inventory spots... If Rolith didn't add the 10 free spaces, I'd be 3 mechs away from Full inventory of Rares )

stealthwings -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 16:01:42)

Every 2 months is fine, every 3 months is bad.

hulgana -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 16:28:17)

The longer it takes to release SCMM, the better it will be.Besides, if staff release SCMM's once in three months, they will have plenty of time to do other things, and will release unique models of SCMMs.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 18:44:14)

Be careful, you're being very broad with your statements there. ;D
Of course, I am too. XD

Anyways, bi-monthly is fine, IMO. :P
It's like me and the weekends. I finish some homework on Friday, some on Saturday, and some on Sunday, but with Friday Worship for 7:00-10:30 and Sunday School for 9:30-3:30.
Also, it's not so radical as to be a real downer for SC players.

And now I'm wondering whether I should take an all-or-nothing stance or a slow-and-steady. ;P

priya -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:31:34)

SCMMs are killing MQ.

icemaster 77 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:37:52)

The solution to improve Mechquest is to make the SCMM once every 2 months.And I notice that the numbers of players online in a release day in Mechquest decrease by half every year:

October 2007-October 2008 10000 players

October 2008-October 2009 5000 players

October 2009-present 2500 players

Remember these numbers are rounded.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:39:22)

@priya and icemaster
Well, I wouldn't say bi-monthly SCMMs would just fix MQ like that. :P
There'd have to be some improvements in addition to it.
Notably fixing the *insert level gap that you know forumlogin's always going to rant about until it's finally fixed*.

Glais -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:39:58)


Every 2 months is fine, every 3 months is bad.

Just start at February if you want to cover the holidays.

Bimonthly's better in just about every more time to farm for the monies.

raff -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:40:28)

Stop saying bimonthly mechas. The staff aren't going to make monthly rares bimonthly just because you guys can't afford one. No offense to anyone, but it's getting old.

Glais -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:42:24)

Because affording it is OBVIOUSLY why we want one.
I've never had problems affording them, EVER.
But every single month takes alot out of the staff, Korin stated how difficult it is just to make one single mech as opposed to designs of the other games.
The story's been faltering due to the monthlies I think. Two months is more than enough time.

Plus, stop saying bi monthly? Why? We think it's a good way to improve the game.

Sorry about the tone, I'm not meaning to make it offensive.

raff -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:43:35)

Promote MechQuest more.

Glais -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:45:34)

And that means I'm lying and couldn't afford them?

Actually, I PASSED those, though the WarBear, I had enough I was just cheap.
It's lovely how people jump to conclusions...

Yes 150k, I have never been one of the richer players XD

raff -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:46:35)

Sure, I was a president but I was too cheap to be one. It's not a good way to keep MechQuest alive, it's not even relevant to the title.

It's just your point is null, I don't see how decreasing the amount of mecha will increase the amount of players.

Sorry for Off topic but, Hi glaisaurus_x, long time no see. [:)]

So now you're assuming I'm too cheap and too poor to be a president?

I was a president, but you're assuming that I was lying to make you look like you lied.

Glais -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:47:06)

So now you state that I'm lying?
Nice argument there.

How is that flaming?
Your comment "Yeah I was a president but I was too cheap to be one" is implying that my reason(too cheap to get the warbear) is a complete lie.
Anyhow, it DOES relate to the title as more content instead of much effort spent on one mech helps the game itself grow :/


Hi glaisaurus_x, long time no see.

Nice to see you too(I MEAN IT >:D)

I don't see how decreasing the amount of mecha will increase the amount of players.

Good point here. But then, an increase of mecha for a lack of everything else seems like a bad tradeoff to me.

So now you're assuming I'm too cheap and too poor to be a president?

You said that yourself...right...

Sure, I was a president but I was too cheap to be one.


Have to go, be back later, hoping this isn't deleted though, as it did bring about some interesting points.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 20:52:34)

Monies? That's not the reason. :P
We've all stated the main reason. It'd open up more staff time to work on permanent releases.

Glais -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 21:28:52)


I was a president, but you're assuming that I was lying to make you look like you lied.

The "Sure," before it makes it look sarcastic which made me think it was made to indicate I was lying.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 21:32:10)

Point? Yeah, right. :P
"At least wait for the Mogloween SCMM!" was the strongest argument you ever used. XD

Glais -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/17/2010 21:34:30)


And most of them say SCMM should be stopped.

I think it's a horrible idea for them to be stopped, they're fun mechs that have the general giant robot theme.
I just think they should be slowed to allow time on other projects.

Vampire Fexy -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/18/2010 2:17:27)

@raff : One of the reasons is i want SCMM to be removed completely of the game is because im to poor to afford them, i only have 400,000,000 Credits, cant even afford a lvl 1 Equipment, poor me.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/18/2010 6:34:08)

I never run low on money, I am one of the richest MQ players /: (Over 600 Milion xD) and IMO, I just dont want MQ too die ): 2 months Is ok, 3 months just no, just NO.

DragonYugi -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/18/2010 6:37:10)

But black knight, your character page says you only have "Credits: 3145539". =p

black knight 1234567 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/18/2010 6:42:00)

Yeah, I had 600 milion before, blew half of them on SCMM's xD

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