Bu Kek Siansu -> Thunderclap Sword (12/10/2010 20:58:06)
Thunderous Sword Z(L35Z), Thunderclap Sword(L55), Thunderstrike Sword(L95) Thunderclap Sword Level: 55 PLevel: 55 Price: 1115 Gold Sellback: 557 Gold Location: The Nice Pirates! Element: Energy Type: Melee Damage: 9-27 BTH: 7% SPECIAL Hits: 3 Element: Energy Type: Ranged Damage: 716% Base and Random total Stat: 463%* BTH: +23% each Rate: 20% Effect: Special takes -10 BTH and *=(85/75) damage. *Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs. DESCRIPTION This weapon may look magical, but it's actually the result of advanced capacitor technology! [image]http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/8166/thunderclapsword.png[/image] Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf