If you have a specific size you want the request to be, please make sure to include it in the 'Other' section in the Request Form.
Plushie Request Form! [b]Type:[/b] (This would obviously be Plushie)
[b]Size:[/b] (This is the size. I always start from 500x500, so preferably smaller than that.)
[b]Character Page Link:[/b] (I do any Plushies, but AQW is my preference)
[b]Character Screenshot:[/b] (Much more important to prevent outfit changes :P)
Staff: Name: Brian/2046808 Programs: Gimp
Makes: Signatures, Banners, Avatars, and Plushies
Activity Level(1-10): Solid 9. (5-ish on the weekends)
Example: [image]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/2046808/2046808-23.gif[/image]
Name: Samson Programs: MS Paint, Gimp
Makes: Signatures
Activity Level(1-10): 4/5
Example: [image]http://aqworldswiki.com/images/2/2a/AWESOMESKYLINE.png[/image]
Name: MERCY88 Programs: Photoshop CS4, Adobe Flash CS4
Makes: Signatures,Avatars,Banners,&Plushies
Activity Level(1-10): 8
Example: [image]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/189/mercy881.jpg[/image]
Name: Exrai Programs: Gimp
Makes: Signatures,avatars,banners, I can do animation although it isnt my strong point.
Activity Level(1-10): 6
Example: [image]http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l540/Exrai/ItachiSig.png[/image]
Name: Reeper66 Programs: Gimp
Makes: Anything
Activity Level(1-10): 8
Example: [image]http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/7090/reepz66.gif[/image]
Name: Drakerake1 Programs: Not sure
Makes: Stuff
Activity Level(1-10): Idk
Example: [image]http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/890/necrocrap.gif[/image]
Name: Pink Programs: MS Paint | Paint.NET
Makes: Plushies Only
Activity Level(1-10): 8-9
Example: [image]http://i54.tinypic.com/23sdxlw.jpg[/image][image]http://i56.tinypic.com/2dqcfs.jpg[/image][image]http://i53.tinypic.com/mv3nf6.jpg[/image]
Name: IceCold/Useless Programs: Gimp | Paint
Makes: Signatures, plushies, avatars
Activity Level(1-10): 7-9, 11 on Mondays
Example: [image]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/016/8/2/platinum_lady__s_plushies_by_swordhavenuseless-d37bufj.png[/image]