2046808 -> RE: [GIMP]2046808 Signatures #5[Sigs,Banners,Plushies][NEW] (1/31/2011 1:14:19)
@Freedom Fighter Your banner that your requested is hard to do, unless you can provide the font then I can probably do it. But I did your signature request. Here it is. [image]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/2046808/Player%20Requests/FreedomFighter.jpg[/image] @Fish Here's yours. [image]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/2046808/Player%20Requests/Fish-7.jpg[/image] @SKRALL213 Here's yours. [image]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/2046808/Player%20Requests/SKRALL213-1.jpg[/image] @Zainy Sorry but I need you do provide all the images you want, even then that many armors would need a lot of rendering. I will try the other ones tomorrow, I apologize they took forever. I was a bit busy and lazy to be honest.