Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (Full Version)

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Sinis -> Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/8/2011 20:37:36)

This is where you can discuss about my first DF fan-fic, The rising of legends.

Ellial -> RE: Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/9/2011 13:32:39)

Pretty neat history. And the...

body-switching made me rofl!

And sure, one talk in the first chapter was total drama gross. But, my note is: 9,9/10

G.I.G.A. -> RE: Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/12/2011 0:01:31)

Hello there! I'll just critique the first chapter for now, and I'll come back again for the second. First, some spelling/grammar errors:


The trio was scared, without seeing anything.

Try changing without to not. As it is now, it just sounds kind of awkward.


Miritha heard a stranged sound and whispered to Leon:

Change "stanged" to "strange."


again.Since they were running and weren't looking at the ground, Leon didn't noticed the cliff.

Put a space after the period, and change "noticed" to "notice"


anmd Tomix ran to a city named RavenLoss.

Get rid of the "m".

This isn't necessarily a grammar, error, but you said that Sepulchure's castle appeared in the sky. I may be missing something, but I thought the group was in RavenLoss, which is underground and has no sky. I'm not sure how you could fix this, though.

Now, for stylistic feedback:

Overall, it felt like the entire story was rushed; everything transitioned too quickly. For example:


He just took his right glove off, showing a metal claw. He cut the ropes quickly, and the four fled. Three other necromancers appeared, and said:
- You won't flee.
They fled, but the necromancers teleported to their fronts, and shouted:
- DIE!
And charged power, but when they shot the darkness beam, Dan reflected it with his steel claw. The necromancers blasted off, and the group fled again.Since they were running and weren't looking at the ground, Leon didn't notice the cliff. A teen falling of a 50000 ft tall would surely die, but Miritha threw a rope to save him. The necromancers teleported again, and they rushed to the city. Leon shot a ball made of extremely powerful bolts of electricity at the Necromancers, who became totally paralyzed. When they arrived at the town again, everything was still dark, and Tomix gave an idea:

This passage in particular seems to skimp on details. Try to slow down and describe what's happening. As the old saying goes: show, don't tell. You don't have to use this, but this would be my revision of this passage:


He simply took off his right glove and, with the glint of metal, revealed a metal claw. He cut the ropes quickly, and the four fled. Suddenly, three more necromancers appeared, blocking the trio's path. One of them said:
- You won't flee.
They turned to flee, but the necromancers teleported to their fronts, and shouted:
- DIE!
They began to charge power, but when they released their attack, Dan reflected it with his steel claw, sending bolts of darkness shooting in all directions. Angered, the necromancers fled, and the group fled once again. They ran for several minutes with no more obstacles, yet they had forgotten to look down. A teen falling off a 50000 ft tall cliff would surely die, but luckily, at least one of them had payed attention. They caught on to the rope that suddenly dangled by their hands. Hauling themselves onto the ledge, they found Mritha waiting impatiently,the smallest of smiles on her lips. Suddenly, the necromancers teleported again, and the trio fled to the city. Leon shot a ball made of extremely powerful bolts of electricity at the Necromancers, who became totally paralyzed. When they arrived at the town again, everything was still dark, and Tomix gave an idea:

I tried my best to improve it without changing it too much, but it could still be improved. In fact,try not to use my edit in your story. This writing should be yours as much as possible.

As for the storyline, I've got to say that you've gotten me interested in it. I myself am a big fan of insane characters, so I'm waiting to see how the "voice in the head" will work out =)

Sinis -> RE: Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/12/2011 19:06:41)

Actually, it wasn't on RavenLoss, it was near Realgam. It is a town built alongside a giant cliff. And only Leon fell.
EDIT: And Dan is NOT going to go loco!

G.I.G.A. -> RE: Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/13/2011 3:15:46)

Ah, my mistake on those, then. Although, I must ask, do you type up your chapters on microsoft word or something related before posting them here? I'm mostly asking this because I've noticed quite a few spelling errors in your posts, the likes of which might be recognized by spell check.

Now, for Chapter 2:

As I just mentioned, I found quite a few spelling and grammar errors in your posts. If you don't have access to something like spell check, try reading your posts out loud to yourself before posting them. That can usually catch most, if not all, spelling errors.

For style, as I've mentioned above, things seemed too rushed. I won't go into detail again to avoid redundancy, but I'll point out a particularly glaring issue; the fight scene.


While they were walking lost, Shadow Soldiers appeared out of campfires, attacked them, and knocked out Leon with a dark pulse. Poor Miritha was going to fight alone against the three of them. They hit her with their katanas, her long black hair swirling in the wind, but a dark lightning hit them. She looked aside, and saw Dan, still being held by DeathKnights, and he smirked and winked to her at the same time, and she noticed that he caused the lightning. The lightning turned into chains, wrapping around and squeezing the soldiers. She didn't knew what to do, and focused dark energy, and hit them repeatedly, but they weren't defeated. Some time after it, their shadows became alive and hurt them, and they struggled, but the chains squeezed them again. Miritha hit them a beam of elctricity, and it zapped them. They struggled again, but the zap hurt them, the chains squeezed them, and their shadows attacked them at the same time. She hit them with a black ball of pure shadow, but they broke the chains. She summoned a black flame, and then, it took the form of a dragon, the eyes glew red, and it started to spin, hitting them. A giant ball of fire fell on them and scorched them. They still resisted, and damaged her with dark energy. One DoomKnight appeared, her eyes glew red, she smiled and Miritha and vanished after some time. They attacked with slashes and darkness balls. All hope seemed lost, but Leon woke up. He attacked with multiple bullets, and the soldiers attacked Miritha. She was pretty weak, but Leon gave her a potion and said:
- This will heal you. Drink it, I'll take care.

Now, this scene seems to play a pretty big part in the chapter, yet i often found myself trying to figure out how exactly things were happening. As I've said above; show, don't tell. Although, it just occurred to me that you might already have plans to edit this chapter, but haven't gotten around to it yet. If that's the case, then I apologize for repeating myself.

Now, you did do something in this chapter that I quite liked. This:


The first summoned fire bullets, and the latter stabbed them with multiple icicles.

This was a good move on your part. Constantly restating the characters' names can become repetitive and boring after a while, so it's nice to change things up a bit like that.

I might not give in-depth analyses of specific chapters from now on, but rather, I'll give you general comments and advice.

Sinis -> RE: Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/13/2011 14:01:40)

I've learned that from my previous fan-fic(it wasn't from DF, and was in a totally different language.) and yep, I have plans.
@Shadow Doom

Ellial -> RE: Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/18/2011 7:44:14)

@DoomSand: You're welcome.
And... I've noticed that now it has dates and there are a certain character named Raven.

Sinis -> RE: Fan-fics of Dragonfable (The rising of legends) (2/18/2011 7:50:33)

@Shadow Doom
Well, yep, now it has dates. And... Raven is Miritha. Just changed the name.

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