BBA322 -> RE: I Found the Answer (4/8/2011 11:32:50)
#1 People already do make what builds they desire, regardless of what the outcome might be in their matches. It may be a fun build, a competitive, or something unorthodox. Point remains that regardless of you taking out a players' losses, builds have always been made. How else would we have what we have now if they didn't? This isn't some "Call of Duty" game.... #2 People have their wins and losses skewed by NPC wins? OH-NOES, it's SO bad. If a player judges another player based on their win/loss record, then there is already something wrong with YOU the player judging said player, not the GAME. EDIT: Don't forget about 2v2 in relation to NPC win-loss ratio over inflation... #3 Even if a person's record wasn't shown to the masses or they themselves, there would still be complaining about losses and wins over this and that. Everyone has their own thoughts of each of the individual classes on how they counter one another, not disregarding things such as: build, items, level, experience, etc. It's the random factor in the game that ticks people off to-be-honest. Age-old problem that anyone who has been around long enough to read and learn about knows of, which hopefully learned to get over. One can have the best setup they've imagined, and still lose to some random build's luck success rate. We all take losses, and there's always going to be a reason for them. It doesn't matter what you eliminate from the game that you think alludes to being the problem... one will STILL be there after-wards. Ah muh gawd I lost! Now I won't get more credits!? *sadface* --end rant--