RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (Full Version)

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Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (5/23/2012 17:44:22)

Posted new chapter! (haven't edited old one yet...). Things aren't always as they seem... then again, beginning of story. That is expected.

The new characters in the tale are all based on ones in other tales (unwritten) of mine- with the exception of one,

who is a mixture of Shadow Warrior (other creative prose story) and Shadow Ravena (needs to be written story).

One thing- if there is a part that's confusing, please let me know! Often the transition from head to paper is bumpy at best.

VanHellsin24 -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (5/23/2012 18:11:19)

First off hi there! I read Shadowed Past, and I must admit, youre a legend for writing so much in first person. I can never keep track on the tenses. XD
You've pretty much did what I seemed to forget, which is to plan before typing. Keep it up!

I'm going to read your other works now, the titles look so appealing @__@

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (5/23/2012 23:11:09)

Hiya! And I am? I know I'm one of few... and me and tenses aren't friends. At all. And ya, did plan it out A LOT before hand (and rewrote/rebooted Shadowed Past in part... need to finish).

Yes, the titles... they're all a play on my name- well in the AE section at least; the other prose ones... ya, title's are scary. Kinda the point, the stories are darker. Hope ya enjoy them!

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/3/2012 8:18:20)

What this? A new chapter in Shadowed Past? Its possible?
Yes people it is- I have no forgotten this story! New (Long!) chapter is up- and hopefully I will add to it soon. I was going to make it longer, but didn't want to scare anyone away.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/3/2012 8:59:56)

Is listening to this music.



My disappearing off the face of Lore didn't help... but I rather had them still hate me while I was disguised, then them hate me without an alter ego.


For the present, I would keep up the loner hero who is willing to quest for food and shelter look.


Do you perhaps mean to say. "the loner hero who is/was willing to quest for food and shelter"-look


This must be where the creature went...

Is this dialogue or not? If it isn't "This must have been where the creature went ..."


Levitating so as to not alert the creature to my presence



Casting a illumination spell


Interesting chapter. I didn't know Warlic was so close to the badlands, by the way. I thought he was closer to Falconreach, well Lymcrest to be more precise, but still near the Falconreach Bay. More importantly, how does she know he is there? I thought she hadn't left Doomwood (and possibly aligned with the element in that time) for a very long time.

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/3/2012 13:41:53)

@DD As I do not know of that character... no idea. Fixed, and thank you.

As for Warlic... I wrote that late last night, and as such that part is badly done. Your right, the badlands are much farther north... memory, where art though... And while she has rarely leaves falconreach, Warlic is very famous and she hears talk. From Hunter's Paradise, etc. (I HAVE mentioned Hunters before this time, right?)

Since that part is confusing, going back to re-write it a bit.

Mortarion -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/3/2012 13:56:11)

Yes you mentioned Hunter's Paradise

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/9/2012 15:09:39)

Okay, do not have a new chapter, but rather a query for the Shadowed Past readers:

As you know, my forum name is now Shadow Ravena. I WAS going to have her be a separate character from Shadow in that story... however I find myself describing Ravena as the other shadow (plus, really, more than one shadow is confusing!). So a question: how should I have the name added in? As it stands, Warrior is her last name, but I need to change it to Ravena. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/9/2012 15:48:35)

@Shadow Ravena/tigerlady48: To be honest, a lot of the characters you have in the many stories you've posted on these forums thus far all have very similair names. At first I found it very hard to make your shadow and Mritha's shadow two separate persons. It does happen, especially in reality, that people have similair names, but it makes things hard to follow on the reader's part. Best to avoid such situations altogether.

As for the surname, how does she even get to know that? (Is it revealed to her in a future chapter, since she doesn't know her parents?) Warrior sounds like a very generic name for a surname (good for a house of mercenaries or fighters I suppose), Ravena would make a lot more sense. Gives off a sense of nobility in my opinion.

Do you have any comments on my latest chapter by the way?

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/9/2012 16:54:26)

@DD Ya, I use similar names... mostly because I would forget them otherwise :p At this point, there is Shadow DF, Raven (shes the same in both raven tales), Forgotten, and Shadow Warrior. All common names I know... I won't be changing Shadow nor Ravens name (cause I would need to change my forum name), Forgotten I think isn't that bad... and Shadow Warrior is getting a new name as soon as I think of one. I THINK that's all of them.

She doesn't. Like Shadow, she picked her surname (and yes Warrior is generic). Ravena does at least sound namy- first for me :p

I do, need to type them up.

Mritha -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/9/2012 21:00:14)


At first I found it very hard to make your shadow and Mritha's shadow two separate persons.

Heh, thats what happens when two people base their characters off the same character from a tv show :P

In my opinion, have Ravena be the character who's personality and setting best match what you think of when you say that name. Because the name is your name on the forums, pick the Shadow that you want to be seen as.

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (6/9/2012 21:44:23)

Ya... Raven from TT. What I find incredible is we named the characters the same thing :p

Honestly, when I see Ravena I think of Shadow(ed Past). That's also who I roleplay as all the time... and kinda who I am. A paladin, with a dark past that she needs to redeem from.

So... name is being changed. When I mention it in-story depends...

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (8/8/2012 18:58:20)

What? I DIDN'T forget about my stories here? Nope! Just took a year writing them.

New chapter in Shadowed Past up now! Now the intro part of the story is almost over, just one more chapter (ya, 8 chapters are intro. I'm weird. And this story is going to be very long).

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (8/9/2012 5:26:12)


This city was not huge... but much bigger than I was accustumed to.



Grabbing some supplies before I left the Inn, I strode outside of the city.



Stowing the book and my cape, I began to mutter the incantation, eyes closed in consintration.



Guess the spell didn't allow true flight... improve time!



After a bit of experementing, I found that flying 'on my stomach' worked the most effectivly, and allowed my to look at the ground.

experimenting, effectively, me


That might work I suppose... but still I would be killing my breathern.



But that was out of pity... and I feel like Everlyn took care of me out of pity as well.



A long ago memeory, mostly forgetten, rose to mind...

memory, forgotten


They seemed to be enchanted to different elements... but I couldn't tell exactly how.



frozen bush



Curiously, the light and darkness ones did seem more effected



As U suspected



Then again, it was probably magic proofed.



My chest and muscles ached as the changed... not outwardly, but in structure and make up.



We negotuiated out a price



and a path that led, as all <> mine seem to do, back to Doomwood.

like all paths of

Paladins hunt the evil, not just those of darkness and undead. Dracelix already mentioned that about his coming saga.

Anyway, have you already read my newest chapter (and question)?

Jorath -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (8/9/2012 10:32:03)


I quickly glanced around the bustlying city of Falconreach



it had a tendancy of running out unexpectidly



He seemed a tad out of breathe himself



I do believe all you questions are ansered

your, answered


We negotuiated out a price


Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (8/9/2012 12:07:50)

@DD Fixed, thank you.

I forgot he said that- but remember, she was trained by Artix, and hasn't met any other Paladin...

I am behind two chapters (shame on me), I'll catch up on them today and comment.

@Leon Fixed, thanks.

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (9/23/2012 15:02:44)

I am as bad as Nield. I just have so many ideas... and loose them so easily and am not willing to delete them.

Well, I have a new story (shock. NOT.) To End It All. This time around, yes, I have an evil character. (Before anyone asks, no, Forgotten isn't that evil and her story I'm having trouble writing). I'll add a few chapters soon I hope, including what the character's name is. For now, comments, mistakes, would be welcome! And if you think the character seems realistic- first time doing this, so... ya.

Note on the other stories. Raven's Shadow is officially on hiatus until Shadowed Past is completed, as it is the sequal story. Forgetting the Shadows is in the middle of Sinai. For anyone who reads my Other Prose, both stories are over, as I hope to one day use them IRL (MAY add on to them, but they will be short be nessessity.) Shadowed Past I need to figure our what of three chapters to do next.

And wow, six pages. Thanks guys, you're all awesome!

Mortarion -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (9/23/2012 15:32:38)

You are writting an evil character Shadow? This will be intresting

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (9/23/2012 15:51:11)

Didn't you already have an evil character? Something about being the mistress of Sepulchure and the Shadowscythe or was that someone else?

As for your stories, could you add a short description to each one? Their titles are far too similair for me to differentiate them.


"Your mad! Insane!"

You're/You are


Running in futile you know



Your still not dead?

You're/You are


I wish I know the minutes like I did a month or so ago, but she did leave my around noon, so I will assume that.

knew, me


I walked put into the chill night air.

This sounds very strange, what are you trying to say here? Should put even be there?


and all the pompitous ijiots flocked there like flies to sugar.



My white skin once move stretches into a smile. Yes, the biggest mistake Debrah ever did was turn me into a linch... or whatever an undead with no master and human skin is called. I cannot be killed, but I must eat to regenerate my flesh. I don't need sleep, unless my energy for the day is depleted. But spells can get rid of these limiters. And I have time... oh so much time. I just need to be patient. Train, plan, don't be hasty. One can only kill so many single-handily before their caught, I will need to get them to turn on each other. Maybe a brain-washed mayor will do... or better yet, the King. But that is too ambitious a start. For now, Mayor Rayf will do. He's an idiot, a mind control spell will be cake. And I don't even need active control over him... just set up for when I'm strong enough. And of course, FalconReach is so big and invaded so often a few missing people will hardly cause a stir. The Guardians will be a pain, but I may just be able to use them.

moved, made, turning, lich (or was that error intentional?), limiters is mainly used in electronics are you sure you don't mean "limitations"?, single-handedly, they are/they're, a piece of cake


I Vow to slay every breathing or thinking thing in this land, or die trying.


With that, I must ask of you. How do you pick up Ginkage's updates so fast? I already have 2 more chapters out and I haven't seen you yet.

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (9/23/2012 16:26:17)

@Mort Ya, it will be

@DD Fixed, thanks. I will add descriptions momentarily- I'll admit the lack of anything is confusing. I think you may be thinking of a deleted version of Raven, as I scrapped that story.

The thing is with reading everyone's stories is that I do it late at night, after school and after AK stuff. By then I'm usually too tired to pay attention properly, and instead just tab it to read later (I have 4 tabs up now...). Ging's I found when I still had a brain cell to rub against another. As well... most of the times when I read a chapter, I don't comment. I don't like to just praise, and will only pop up if I see a error (which is rare given my grammar skills) or have a question (which I don't half the time). I will get around to your chapter's I promise!

Mortarion -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (9/23/2012 16:41:58)

So, do you think you'll have trouble writting as a villain Shadow?

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (9/23/2012 21:48:48)

@Mort maybe. I don't do evil characters (because I write myself. That is why all my characters seem so similar). But this new one (okay, her name is Harlequin), I just wrote channeling my more psychotic side... That seems easier, writing a psychopath than a true evil character.

TLDR Probably not, but she is more psychotic then true evil (if their is a difference :p)

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (11/16/2013 13:04:59)

*Rises up from the shadows* Hello L&L. Its been a long time, huh?

I didn't die, though its fair to say I abandoned the forums. I have reasons, but that isn't the point of this. I'm back, somewhat, for now. And I have to thank Mareth for that- his story (and my semi-helping with it) is why I came back.

And why I'm picking Shadowed Past back up, as its my characters background story. Anyways. The first thing is, AGAIN, I have to edit the original tale. For the curious, chapters 4, 5 and 7.

In chapter 4 and 5, I changed most of it. If anyone remembers, Shadow has a unique weapon- a swordstaff. I actually decided to get out a wooden pole of the same height to practice fighting, to see if the weapon was usable. It was, but the lower sword-blade was UTTERLY useless. As I care about realism, the weapon in-story was changed to reflect this. The armor... I did change it. Somewhat. Its mostly the same, laminar armor, but I got rid of the extra complexity of the upper chest piece and rewrote the light designs. Little stuff no one would miss but me.

In 7, I just flat got rid of the last part and rewrote it. It spell-scene at the end is utterly different from the first time, so, if you care, I'd suggest re-reading it.

I will add another chapter soon (probably later today or tomorrow). I NEED to do schoolwork right now, so can't at the moment!

Anyways, hello anyone still reading this!

Mareth -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (11/16/2013 19:20:36)


I didn't die, though its fair to say I abandoned the forums. I have reasons, but that isn't the point of this. I'm back, somewhat, for now. And I have to thank Mareth for that- his story (and my semi-helping with it) is why I came back.

Awww ^-^

Shadow Ravena -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (11/27/2013 8:57:53)

Add a chapter tomorrow... for the record, I did start writing it then. But... well... its massive.

New chapter up in Shadowed Past! Please let me know if it's disjointed, I wrote it over several days so there may be some inconsistency.

For now, I need to do some editing. In want to keep Shadow universally consistent, I am moving her backstory back 300-ish years. Which means Alteon, Artix and Rolith all need to be replaced. Which honestly I should have done anyways because it will a) stop messing with Alteon's character b) allow me much more creative license.

Though on that note. If anyone here knows if we know anything about DF that long ago, please PM with the info. I have tried to locate some data- like how long ago the alexander saga was- with little luck.

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