guide to beat Necryptos X (Full Version)

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deathkiller -> guide to beat Necryptos X (5/13/2011 5:20:42)

guide to beat Necryptos X

Well, some of you have already faced the horror of the New X-treme challenges, which most of you probably did not finish off yet, I recently did, so I made this to help you guys.

Necryptos X A

You will have to face 3 enemies to complete it, but be warned these are not the average shadowscythe.



Its attacks gain power in the battle so you want to finish it of quickly.
Also: his rune attack heals him.
If you try to nerf its damage or bonus it will go in overdrive and deal all critical effects until the effect has ended.
But it doesn't have any stun resistance.

simu-vampire minion

It will deal an ever-increasing health DoT and an ever-increasing energy DoT ehich doesn't need a hit to activate.
You can nerf its damage and bonus but beware if you nerf its defense he will go in overdrive and do all criticals.
Also do not hit him with a DoT because it will go into overdrive and one hit kill you.
After its first turn it can not be stunned.


It won't deal any really fancy effects, except for one DoT and its other attacks hitting about 100 Hp.
If you try to nerf it or deal any other negative effect it will cancel it and all next negative effects will be cancelled too.
You can't deal more then 100 damage to it per round because everything above 100 will be reflected to your own Hp

ways to beat them

To beat the simu-nosferatu you have two reliable ways to beat it: stun-lock or out-damaging it.
To beat the simu-vampire minion you have to out-damage it.
to beat the simu-castle the best strategy is a healing build


Stats will every time be an build with accuracy and perception or reflex

for simu-nosferatu

Mecha: Any mecha with a stunning body (damage reflecting might work also)
FA: Shining electron sniper or glowing frying pan
BA: stun gun RC1
FS: anything (Epregen boosting like the Rune series from Necryptos or efficiency boosting recommended, like Mana piercer)
BS: Earth day solar panels SC41
HD: kelvin Zero
Mods: EP-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: BD (stunning)>FA(stunning)>BA(stunning)>HD(resetting cooldowns)>repeat

An alternate build could be

Mecha: Advanced Wolf SCm 5
FA: default
BA: Nephyrisis death embrace or minty freeze shot (you need to be a bit lucky but I beat it with it)
FS: anything damaging
BS: anything damaging
Head: default
Mods: Ep/Hp-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: HD(for boosting)>BA(high damage)>FA(high damage)>BD(stunning)>shoulder(high damage)>BA(extreme damage) it should be dead now else you are screwed

for simu-vampire minion

Mecha: riderpulous derpmachine
FA: Flash Freeze ray
BA: Nephyrisis Death Embrace, maybe Minty freeze shot works (not tested)
FS: Mana Piercer (any healing shoulder might work)
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41
Head: Crane Master C-42
Mods: Hp/Ep-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: BD(ever-increasing damage boost)>FA(internal damage)>HD(bonus damage)>FS(healing)>BA(high damage and healing)>FA(internal damage)>BD(because it does not have a DoT)>BS(killer)


Mecha: Insatiable Imbiber
FA: Love Ballad
BA: Dragonfist
FS: Ticklish Zorbo
BS: dedfault
Head: dedfault
Mods: Hp/Ep-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: just randomize the healing over time weapons and you will be fine and if they are not available use HD

Build to kill simu-nosferatu using ARH (Thiefboy109)
Build to kill simu-nosferatu with FMOC (Selutu)
Build to kill simu-nosferatu using Kheal Viper (Thiefboy109)
Build to kill simu-vampire minion with Derpmachine (deathkiller)

Necryptos X B

Not accessible yet

Necryptos X C

Not accessible yet

Necryptos X D

Not accessible yet

coming soon

table of contents,
other X challenges when they get released,
more builds (please post them),
links to mechas and weapons,
and other things


thanks to Stealthwings with his build to beat the castle
thanks to Thiefboy109 for his first error checking and correcting
and everyone else his builds I used (please reply so I can give credit)

deathkiller -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/13/2011 9:46:37)

any suggestions are welcome since this is my first guide I ever made

Thiefboy109 -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/13/2011 17:09:49)


An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (Possibly you should change the title? It doesn't seem too...official?
Well some of you have already faced the horror of the New X-treme challenges, which most of you probably did not finish off yet, I recently did, so I made this to help you guys.

Necryptos X A

You will have to face 3 enemies to complete it, but be warned these are not the average shadowscythe.



His attacks gain power in the battle so you want to finish him off quickly.
Also: it's rune attack heals him. (Wow didn't know that...)
If you try to nerf his damage or his bonus he will go in overdrive and deal all critical effects until the effect has ended.
It rotates in order between three attacks. The first does a large amount of damage. The second is fairly weak. The final and third is the rune attack mentioned above. Then it repeats the cycle.
Also, he has no stun resistance.


He will deal an ever-increasing health DoT and an ever-increasing energy DoT. (Might want to use the term IDOT. Increasing Damage Over Time)
You can nerf his damage and bonus but beware if you nerf his defense he will go in overdrive and do all criticals.
Also do not hit him with a DoT because he will go into overdrive and one hit kill you. (Took out then. Just doesn't sound very...formal?)

Simu-Castle Darkspyre

It won't deal any really fancy effects, except for one DoT and it other attacks hitting about 100 Hp.
If you trry to nerf him or deal any other negative effectit will cancel it and all next negative effects will be canceled too.
You can't deal more then 100 damage to him per round because everything above 100 will be reflected to your own hp.

ways to beat them

To beat the simu-nosferatu you have two reliable ways to beat it: stun-lock or out-damaging him.
To beat the simu-vampire minion you have to out damage it .
To beat the simu-castle darkspyre the best strategy is a healing build.


The above-said will lead to the next builds=Remove this. Doesn't tell you anything.
Stats should be accuracy and perception or reflex


Mecha: any mecha with a stunning body Franklinmecha 45. Or ADV Runehawk. The body is good for blocking damage.
FA: Shining electron sniper Radioactive Frying Pan is slightly less reliable, but it stuns for two turns.
BA: stun gun RC1
FS: anything (Epregen boosting or efficiency boosting recommended) May I reccomend Mana Piercer F45? Don't ignore Zorbo either. Or non-rare Fiore, which heals.
BS: Earth day solar panels SC41
HD: kelvin Zero
Mods: EP-boosting mods
Stats: see above-said
Explanation/Activation: BD (stunning)>FA(stunning)>BA(stunning)>HD(resetting cooldowns)>repeat

An alternate build could be.

Mecha: Advanced Wolf SCm 5
FA: default
BA: Nephyrisis death embrace or minty freeze shot (you need to be a bit lucky but I beat it with it)
FS: anything damaging
BS: anything damaging
Head: default
Mods: Ep/Hp-boosting mods
Explanation/Activation: HD(for boosting)>BA(high damage)>FA(high damage)>BD(stunning)>shoulder(high damage)>BA(extreme damage) it should be dead now else you are screwed


Mecha: Riderpulous Derpmachine (I don't know, so is this spelled right?)
FA: Flash Freeze ray
BA: Nephyrisis Death Embrace
FS: Mana Piercer (any healing shoulder might work)
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41
Head: Crane Master C-42
Mods: Hp/Ep-boosting mods
explanation/activation: BD(ever-increasing damage boost)>FA(internal damage)>HD(bonus damage)>FS(healing)>BA(high damage and healing)>FA(internal damage)>BD(because it does not have a DoT)>BS(killer)

Simu-Castle Darkspyre

Mecha: Insatiable Imbiber
FA: Love Ballad
BA: Dragonfist
FS: Ticklish Zorbo
BS: dedfault
Head: dedfault
Mods: Box Series or Invisible Poultice Series (From Yokai Help! Mission).
Explanation/Activation: just randomize the healing over time weapons and you will be fine and if they are not available use HD

Necryptos X B

Not accessible yet

Necryptos X C

Not accessible yet

Necryptos X D

Not accessible yet

Coming Soon!

Table of contents,
Other X challenges when they get released ,
More builds (please post them),
Lnks to mechas and weapons,
And other things!


Thanks to Stealthwings with his build to beat the castle
And everyone else who's builds I used (please reply so I can give credit)

First off, thanks. These builds were nice.
I changed it by fixing near everything. All my changes or comments are in bold.[:D]
Also, try this build on Simu-Nosferatu. Tried to use mostly non-rares.


Chassis: Advanced Runehawk V5
Front Arm: Glowing Frying Pan
Back Arm: Stun Gun RC2
Front Shoulder: Mana Piercer F45
Back Shoulder: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41
Head: Kelvin Zero
Modifier: Any
Stat Build: Any

Activations/Explanation: FA FS BA BS BD FA FS BS HD BA FS FA BS BD, If neither is dead than you lose.
Made for Simu-Nosferatu. Tried to use as few rares as possible. The build abuses the fact that it has no stun resistance.
Wanted to use Zorbo, but apparently it doesn't stack with Mana Shield...

Picture of build winning... Pictures are awesome!

deathkiller -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/13/2011 17:46:20)

I did say anything with the simu-nosferatu because you do not need the shoulder, you might want to use it to kill it but that's all
I also used builds which are as reliable as possible

Selutu -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/13/2011 20:09:25)

Okay, its my turn to do some changing. The changes I made will be in red.

Guide to beat Necryptos X

Well some of you have already faced the horror of the New X-treme challenges, which most of you probably did not finish off yet, I recently did, so I made this to help you guys.

Necryptos X A

You will have to face 3 enemies to complete it, but be warned these are not the average shadowscythe.



Its attacks gain power in the battle so you want to finish it of quickly.
Also: his rune attack heals him.
If you try to nerf its damage or bonus it will go in overdrive and deal all critical effects until the effect has ended.
But it doesn't have any stun resistance. (You could say: Berzerk Trigger - Bonus or Boost Nerf
Berzerk Effect - Deals all Critical Damage for the rest of the fight.
Immobility increased to 100
Overrides all existing Bonus, Nerf, Dots and other

Simu-vampire minion

It will deal an ever-increasing health DoT and an ever-increasing energy DoT, this effect happens without having to successfully hit you.
You can nerf its damage and bonus but beware if you nerf its defense he will go in overdrive and do all criticals.
Also do not hit him with a DoT because it will go into overdrive and one hit kill you.
(You could say: Berzerk Trigger - Defense Nerf or Dot
Berzerk Effect - Deals all Critical Damage for the rest of the fight.
Overrides all existing Bonus, Nerf, Dots and other
If the Berzerk is triggered by a Dot, then it'll OHKO you.)

After its first turn it can not be stunned.


It won't deal any really fancy effects, except for one DoT and its other attacks hitting about 100 Hp.
If you try to nerf it or deal any other negative effect it will cancel it and all next negative effects will be cancelled too. (This bit is wrong. It'll only override all existing negatives effects if it goes Berzerk)
You can't deal more then 100 damage to it per round because everything above 100 will be reflected to your own Hp. (For this point I'm not quite sure what you mean).
(You could say: Berzerk Trigger - Dealing over 100 damage per turn (including Dots, delayed damage etc.)
Berzerk Effect - Overrides all existing Bonus, Nerf, Dots and other

Ways to beat them

To beat the Simu-nosferatu you have two reliable ways to beat it: stun-lock or out-damaging it.
To beat the Simu-vampire minion you have to out-damage it.
to beat the simu-castle the best strategy is a healing build


Stats will every time be an build with accuracy and perception or Reflex

For Simu-Nosferatu:

Mecha: Any mecha with a stunning body (damage reflecting might work also)
FA: Shining electron sniper or glowing frying pan
BA: stun gun RC1
FS: anything (Epregen boosting or efficiency boosting recommended, like Mana piercer)
BS: Earth day solar panels SC41
HD: Kelvin Zero
Mods: EP-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: BD (stunning)>FA(stunning)>BA(stunning)>HD(resetting cooldowns)>repeat

An alternate build could be:

Mecha: Advanced Wolf SCm 5
FA: default
BA: Nephyrisis death embrace or minty freeze shot (you need to be a bit lucky but I beat it with it)
FS: anything damaging
BS: anything damaging
Head: default
Mods: Ep/Hp-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: HD(for boosting)>BA(high damage)>FA(high damage)>BD(stunning)>shoulder(high damage)>BA(extreme damage) it should be dead now else you are screwed

For Simu-Vampire Minion

Mecha: Riderpulous Derpmachine
FA: Flash Freeze ray
BA: Nephyrisis Death Embrace
FS: Mana Piercer (any healing shoulder might work)
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41
Head: Crane Master C-42
Mods: Hp/Ep-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: BD(ever-increasing damage boost)>FA(internal damage)>HD(bonus damage)>FS(healing)>BA(high damage and healing)>FA(internal damage)>BD(because it does not have a DoT)>BS(killer)

For Simu-castle:

Mecha: Insatiable Imbiber
FA: Love Ballad
BA: Dragonfist
FS: Ticklish Zorbo
BS: dedfault
Head: dedfault
Mods: Hp/Ep-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: just randomize the healing over time weapons and you will be fine and if they are not available use HD

Build to kill Simu-Nosferatu using ARH (Thiefboy109)
Build to kill Simu-Nosferatu with FMOC (Selutu)
Build to kill Simu-Vampire Minion with Derpmachine (deathkiller)

Necryptos X B

Not accessible yet

Necryptos X C

Not accessible yet

Necryptos X D

Not accessible yet

coming soon

Table of contents,
other X challenges when they get released,
more builds (please post them),
links to mechas and weapons,
and other things


thanks to Stealthwings with his build to beat the castle
thanks to Thiefboy109 for his first error checking and correcting
and everyone else his builds I used (please reply so I can give credit)

So basically capitalized your words, titles and names. Then that's pretty much it for now.

Thiefboy109 -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/14/2011 9:44:17)

More Editing.

Well, some of you have already faced the horror of the New X-treme challenges, which most of you probably did not finish off yet. I recently did, so I made this to help you guys.

Added a comma after well. Added a period after yet. Makes for less of a sentence that goes on for too long.

FS: Anything ( regen boosting(Is there a regen boosting weapon for FS? hmm...) or efficiency boosting recommended, like Mana piercer.)

Changed Epregen to regen, which is its official term. Efficiency is boosted by Mana piercer? Also added a period.

BA: Nephyrisis Death Embrace (Might want to add a non-ng one, can't think of one at the moment though...)


Mods: Ep/Hp-boosting mods

(May I recommend a damage boosting one instead? Perhaps glowing embers? This is only for the wolfblade )

Also, you should make all the places that say "Ep/Hp-boosting mods" say this "Mods: Box Series or Invisible Poultice Series (From Yokai Help! Mission)."

I gotta go now so thats all...

deathkiller -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/14/2011 10:37:11)

actually there are also some Hp/Ep boosting mods on Lagos that is why I kept it general

Selutu -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/15/2011 9:54:16)

I'm here again with more changes, again in red.

for simu-nosferatu

Mecha: Any mecha with a stunning body (Damage reflecting might work also)
FA: Shining electron sniper or glowing frying pan
BA: stun gun RC1
FS: anything (Epregen boosting lire (it's like right?) the Rune series from Necryptos or efficiency boosting recommended, like Mana piercer)
BS: Earth day solar panels SC41
HD: kelvin Zero
Mods: EP-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: BD (stunning)>FA(stunning)>BA(stunning)>HD(resetting cooldowns)>repeat

PD -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/16/2011 0:36:17)

I'd like to offer you a few tips.

1. Due to the Nature of rares, using them in guides is highly discouraged as people will constantly refer back to this guide, but they won't be able to grab the rares stated in this guide. Same goes for House Specific equipment as if you're in 1 house, you can't use the other 2 house equipment choices.
2. I'd also like to suggest centering out some of the titles of sections to better show where sections begin and end. Try to us Line Break Codes to separate parts of the guide so it's easier to access specific needed parts rather than needing to scan the whole thing every time.
3. For the Builds, it's a good idea to link Mechas and Equipment to their respective Pedia Entries if possible so that the players know WHERE to get the item mentioned. Otherwise, just mention where to get the equipment pieces somewhere in the guide.

Other than the stuff said above, no problems with this guide so far.

Thiefboy109 -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/16/2011 16:12:06)

Hey, here is the only Energy Regen FS I could find. Ands its non-rare!
The nalpalm series from Necryptos gives a +5 to regen.If you aren't using a V-Hunter, than it still gives the boost, but doesn't attack.
You should add that to the FS section of Simu-Nosferatu.

Oh yeah, im testing the Khael Viper now. Its not rare, like the Franklinmecha, so hope for the best =)
I did it:

You have to waste at least 1 turn using Earth Day Solar Panels so you don't run out of EP
Build used:
Chassis: Khael Viper
HD: Kelvin Zero
FA: Holy Photon Revolver
BA: Stun Gun RC1
FS: Napalm Torment
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC45

Activations: BD, FA, BA, BD, HD, BD, FA, BA, HD, BS, BD, FA, BA, HD, repeat BD FA BA HD until you win.

Only one rare...If only I had a good replacement for EDSP.

deathkiller -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/16/2011 16:49:33)

try the runes from the sekali desert shops

#13 -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (5/18/2011 12:19:01)

I'd suggest to add the Encyclopedia links to the weapons mentioned. That'd make this more easier for people.

Also, give examples for general idea... like for "Any mecha with stunning body", Frankenmecha is an example. I discourage the mech builds with rares,although they can be put as an alternative build, the main build should be with non-rare items.

Use some underlining, line breaks, correct usage of capital-small letters etc. to make it attractive.
Nice work and Good Luck!

Thiefboy109 -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (6/12/2011 15:56:02)

Extreme Necryptos with No rares= Impossible.

Honestly, this was made so people WITH RARES had a challenge. The build that doesn't have rares that can beat these guys is going to have to rely a lot on luck...

stealthwings -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (6/13/2011 13:40:16)

It is probably possible. I have beaten the first one without rares. Back when the solar panels were available I beat the entire thing with only currently (Back then) available weapons.

Selutu -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (6/13/2011 19:12:44)

I would suggest using the

for simu-vampire minion

Mecha: riderpulous derpmachine
FA: Flash Freeze ray
BA: Nephyrisis Death Embrace, maybe Minty freeze shot works (not tested)
FS: Mana Piercer (any healing shoulder might work)
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41
Head: Crane Master C-42
Mods: Hp/Ep-boosting mods
Explanation/activation: BD(ever-increasing damage boost)>FA(internal damage)>HD(bonus damage)>FS(healing)>BA(high damage and healing)>FA(internal damage)>BD(because it does not have a DoT)>BS(killer)
build, using the HD as the killer might be a better choice, because if it hits and doesn't kill the Simu-Vampire Minion, then you are done for as it well go Berzerk

deathkiller -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (6/14/2011 4:45:24)

with thee minion you can nerf damage and defense but for the last attack you only can use the solar panels, because your energy is too low to use anything else, but your damage should be boosted enough to kill him with it

ultimatenoobowner -> RE: An as complete as possible guide to Necryptos X (8/9/2011 21:49:40)

Post the rewards?

False Reality -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (9/30/2011 20:50:09)

The new challenge is out. Any ideas?

kim346 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (12/29/2011 19:05:42)

another build for the Simu-Nosferatu would be
chassis Milziiga Sniegapiika
FA: Salvaged Balldrop Mace 42
BA: Stun Gun RC1
FS: Elf Zorbo
BS: Ice Ten
HD: Kelvin Zero
Activation Order: BA-FA-BS-HD and repeat

Thiefboy109 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (12/29/2011 23:00:33)

Too many rares. The (mostly) nonrares one is better because not only is it less random (Maybe Balldrop will fail...), it also has less rare items.

Plus both Balldrop and Ice Ten will trigger overdrive if they nerf it's boost. >.>

jo_ker76 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (1/29/2012 12:20:39)

just found a good non rare non sc healing front arm that seems to be working well for me against castle. try Solar Mace from sekali desert. automatic lifetap heal for 3 turns

kim346 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (1/29/2012 16:12:12)

@thiefboy balldrop doesn't trigger overdrive

jo_ker76 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (1/29/2012 16:17:41)

lol it can at times believe me lol. fought it enough times to find out lol.

Thiefboy109 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (1/29/2012 16:37:24)

Balldrop has a 50/50 chance to nerf boost every turn for 3 turns. Nerfing boost causes overdrive. Therefore, Balldrop can cause overdrive.

kim346 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (1/29/2012 18:27:50)

oh... weird, never happened with me...

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