RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (Full Version)

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jo_ker76 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (1/30/2012 16:24:19)

btw if anyones having probs with challenge two of this will let you know the builds i used to beat it went pretty fast really.

kim346 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (3/5/2012 21:47:47)

I found that Roasted Helm and Master Chef can beat the 2nd enemy, and default Dharmahp can beat the first one.

zephyr4325 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (9/24/2012 22:47:06)

afraid tht build wont work now on challange b with the new urgraded bat and other ones

Glais -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (9/25/2012 13:52:22)

Well if it's any help, the latter 2 enemies of Necryptos B are beatable by simply grabbing the Milziiga FA and using that the whole time. Seasonal rare so it's not hard to obtain.

Simu Desmodus is tricky at the moment to use that one because I can't figure out its triggers, AND even when you have more BtH than its Defense, for whatever reason you keep missing. Shouldn't be happening, but it does.

Selutu -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (9/26/2012 3:46:23)

I know for sure that one of the Triggers is directly damaging its EP.

Holocaust -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (11/1/2012 21:35:38)

Relatively non-rare builds:
Simu-Nosferatu - TerriFi with Deluxeblade (BA-FA-BA-BD-BA-HD-BA)
Simu-Minion - TerriFi with Doublebarrels (HD-BA-BS-BA-FS-BA...)

Simu-Castle: it is not immune to BlackCat's damage halving and Doublebarrels' negative regen
It still hits through 130 Defence, is that a bug?

Any non-rare and non-exclusive builds for Castle, please?
I only have Zorbo, Egginator, Werewolf and non-rare SC and NSC stuff.

v23 -> RE: guide to beat Necryptos X (1/12/2013 5:21:06)

I managed to finish both Challenges, somehow finishing Necryptos-X2 in 1 go.

Its Boost increases by 15 every turn.
One of its specials nerfs your Boost by 25 for the whole battle, and has a chance to inflict a 9999-turn HP DoT and/or increase its Crit by 50, another has a chance to inflict a 9999-turn EP DoT and/or increase its Defense by 40. DoTs do not get stronger with time.
Goes into Overdrive if you buff your Boost, or nerf its Defense, massively increasing its Boost and Defense.
(First time, I outdamaged it, somehow dodging its OD-ed attacks twice.)

I depleted its EP, then did as much damage as I could before the DoTs kill me.

Chassis: Imbiber
HD: Black Cat
FA: Charged Battle Staff NG47
BA: Lightning Mallet 45v
FS/BS: Salvaged Doublebarrels

Order: HD>BA, then
FA>FS>BS>BA until it runs out of EP,
FS>BS>BD>HD>FA (sorted by priority) until it dies.

Its only special ability is that it increases its Defense by 8 every hit.
Goes into Overdrive if you nerf its Bonus or Defense, increasing its defense to 300. It auto-caps to 80 if it has a defense nerf on it when this happens.

Just outdamage it with strong single-hit and/or accurate attacks.
In my case,
Chassis: TerriFi
HD: Reaper's Lens
FA: Deluxeblade/O'Cloverblade for passives
BA/FS/BS: Default

Simu-Vladic Knight
Starts with 25 Boost, 50 Bonus.
Increases damage every turn.
Goes into Overdrive when its Boost/Bonus is nerfed or if affected by a DoT, massively increasing its damage or instakilling you.

Just another damage race.

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