ED Revival? (Full Version)

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aramcho213 -> ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:40:45)

Well, I'm thinking and I've been coming to some solutions.
People have always been complaning about the devs, OP merc's, strength BH's, and almost every aspect in the game.
I think, this should honestly stop right now.
I mean sure, they make promises and everything and they don't do it, but don't tell me you've never broken a promise.
One thing i would like to discuss is juggernaut, i mean it's an awesome feature, but some things promised along with it didn't make out quite well.
I mean it's really fun but didn't they say that their would be boss battles.
And if their is going to be 2v1 boss battles i think their should be like a group invite kind of feature.
I mean most MMORPG games have group invites when a group of people go and kill a boss, i think that same feature should be implemented into the game for 2v1 battles.
I will Edit this post later to discuss many more with you guys.

Please tell me what we can do, to make ED a better place.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:42:22)

It's already been revived, 2 vs 1 was created and hope was born again.

aramcho213 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:44:16)

I wouldn't totally agree with that Angel's 2v1 sort of made things better and make it a lot worse for lower levels such as me.
I'm always hoping for a decent and fun 2v2 match but it turn's out i get slaughtered by some higher leveled player.

It seems like i have a higher chance of getting into a juggernaut battle without the skull card.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:48:01)

Angels 2v1 is joy for us but how do you think they feel

anyway i think 2v1 should be its own battle mode and if your feeling lucky you click it to enter the line up to fight a jugg

LambO -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:48:19)

The Dev's to communicate with the community.
You can't really release something people have been waiting for, for such a long time & everyone thought 2v1 would of been free & everybody would of got to play. At the last second we found out you have to pay to play, which made alot of people angry.

If the Dev's talked with the community more & told us weeks in hand that the new 2v1 battle mode would be pay to play cause it would need testing, then it would be released to everyone so they can purchase it credit also, then sure. The more they communicate with us the better it will get.

aramcho213 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:50:32)

Well back in the day, when i was apart of the AQW community i used to see DN's practically every day, and on the Dev's twitters, there would be a preview each day.
On the other hand we always get surprised friday with something everyone dislikes, and then ends up flaming the DN's.

AQWPlayer -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:52:52)

What about kicking out noobs that luckily get good partners and call ME noob?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:53:37)


What about kicking out noobs that luckily get good partners and call ME noob?

i am zman 2 and i approve this message

aramcho213 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:54:22)

Player, you can't blame yourself, it just isn't fair.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 18:56:50)

@Angels Holocaust

Angels I am sick of playing all goody goody. You are no fool you know this update is broken and its unfair you only like it because you are getting free wins and destroying low level players record and that is joy to you to see them upset. You have no care or compassion for anyone but yourself your selfish and I it seen with my own eyes you troll players because they cant afford varuim. Honestly if your gonna post please at least at the end of each comment "I am selfish and cruel and I have no care or respect to any non varuims" Honestly I am so sick of tired of my post being deleted or something being locked for stating the truth about you. I am done there welcome to my block list Angels goodbye.

aramcho213 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:00:58)

Wow... Please don't turn this into a flame post, i appreciate you standing up for yourself and non-vars but don't do it on this topic please.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:03:31)

Mods can you please have a look at Isaiathemages post, I find it offensive, he's attacking me for no reason. It's cruel and barbaric. Why are you so mean Isaiathemage, I have done nothing to harm you so why are you verbally attacking poor little me?

LambO -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:04:31)

Isaiah, That's HER opinion, like you have yours. Jesus, everytime Angels makes a post you pop along & just rant on the samething over & over & bring the block list in & yet you still waffle on...
I'm guessing you're so called 'block list' is empty, lol.

Sorry if I went off-topic, but yeah Dev's need to communicate more & be more active with the community.
COME ON Dev's! Communitcate with us, make a topic so we can talk or something about new releases, ideas and what not.

aramcho213 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:05:22)

Thanks for that positive post Lamb0 and i totally agree with you.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:07:12)

@Angels dont you DARE go there. You trolled me and other user all in our battle remeber PureEnergy the level 24 tech mage who is completely blue? Yeah you said "dam urself for being to weak" and "hi noob" and "how about you just die". Dont act like you did nothing wrong you directly called non varuims useless and cause lag. Your post are very offensive dont call me so mean after all the trolling you did. Dont go there!

Angels Holocaust -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:09:11)

Go where Isaiathemage? I treat all of my enemies with respect, I would never call someone a noob. Do you have proof of me calling you those mean things? I think your getting me confused with someone else. I want nothing more than peace in the game.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:11:20)

So do I then stop trolling people. Dont accuse me of trolling because I am sick of being called useless and being trolled. Its called speaking the truth saying non varuims are useless and cause lag isnt the truth so if you would please stop being so offensive to all players I will stop argueing with you.

xxmirxx -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:16:17)

IsaiahtheMage your not get anything out of this so give up move on or just put her on your block list. that's what I did to those who just flame on me. btw next can be temp ban. Angels Holocaust is like me when on forums but outside she is ok person. Angels Holocaust I still don't like you.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:16:38)

mage angels take it to the PM's we dont need this here but Angels i do have proof of you being cruel to the noobs who are unfortunite enough to fight you. Its simple in your posts about Jugg and how you talk about the opponents thats not respect.

anyway i would enjoy it if NW or titan sent Cindy to make a topic asking our opinions becuase i know they are busy and its easier for them to send Cindy to talk with us which i dont hold against them

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:19:33)

@Mirx Your right and if she agrees with me to end this all know and for her to please stop being offensive to me then we can end this and move on but I cant if she wont admit she trolled me and aplogize.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:23:06)

So um... how about we get back on topic?

ED has, in my opinion, not revived from the glory days.
Weapons are still overpriced. Variums get a huge advantage in battle. There are very very few updates, that do nothing but nuke more money for AE, have been ALL varium updates.
When do we get balance?

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:24:38)

@Epic Pwnser Not until the devs increase their communication and actually listen all players not just varuim players.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:26:34)

The varium players are the ones paying so why wouldn't the Devs listen to us? We pay them we sign their checks it's only natural that they listen to us.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:27:24)

Mage i dont think they even listen to the varium players but P2P's would complain if F2P's got an update all to themselfs

It would be something along the lines of "We paid but they are getting rewards im gonna rage quit"
or something trolling F2P's in general

Thats only some P2P's i know some want us to get stuff so we are a challenge

beastmo -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 19:27:37)

Angels i think they are blind to our words

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