Cinderella -> RE: ED Revival? (5/19/2011 21:32:30)
Ok, this has turned into a flame war. I'm not comfortable with the amount of flaming and cries of the sky is falling just because we needed a week to find the problems with 2v1 battles on the larger scale. Most of the time when people are building on a product and moving forward and expanding it's not considered death throes. I promise you that we are expanding and moving forward. This was a setback, and I wish we'd seen these problems when it was just the devs testing. However, as I explained in the DNs, since there are 4 of us, it's impossible for us to represent the entire community in a test like this. I am doing my absolute best to communicate with you. I really am. @DunkthatOreo- we ARE listening. Just because we don't directly respond to every post in every thread doesn't mean we're not listening. However, because of the flaming I have to lock this. Count to 10. Take a deep breath.