Brilliant Solaris Plate (Full Version)

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Dev -> Brilliant Solaris Plate (5/29/2011 23:54:01)

Brilliant Solaris Plate

Also see other Solaris set items:
  • Weapons: Illuminated Blade, Incandescent Blade, Luminous Blade, Brilliant Blade, Dazzling Blade, Radiant Blade, Blazing Blade
  • Armors: Illuminated Plate, Incandescent Plate, Luminous Plate, Dazzling Plate, Radiant Plate, Blazing Plate
  • Shields: Illuminated Shield, Incandescent Shield, Luminous Shield, Brilliant Shield, Dazzling Shield, Radiant Shield, Blazing Shield
  • Misc: Illuminated Helm, Incandescent Helm, Luminous Helm, Brilliant Helm, Dazzling Helm, Radiant Helm, Blazing Helm

    Level: 70
    Power Level: 70, Mastercrafted for Guardian characters
    MP Level: 70
    Price: 50,000 10,469
    Sellback: 25,000 5,234
    Location: Solaris!
    Element: Light

    Melee: 39
    Ranged: 37
    Magic: 39

    Fire: 78%
    Water: 95%
    Wind: 85%
    Ice: 95%
    Earth: 90%
    Energy: 85%
    Light: 65%
    Darkness: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 310.4% Base & Random with 562.4% Stats
    BTH: +8 plus Stats
    Rate: 80%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 232.8% Base & Random with 421.8% Stats each
    BTH: +8 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    GUARDIAN BONUS: The character gains access to the following skill:

      Solar Call!
      Hits: 2
      Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; otherwise as Weapon»
      Element: Light
      Damage: 388% Base & Random with 703% Stats each
      BTH: +8 plus Stats each
      Cost: 103 SP

    FULL SET BONUS: If you're wearing the Solaris armour, shield, and weapon (the misc isn't necessary), then the normal attack and weapon special deal 110% damage, and the skill does 105% damage. (This is available to all players.)

    This mighty suit of armor has a bonus Light skill for Guardians!


    Numbers from In Media Res. Description and tier names from bszoke88. Base element and skill name from Apocalyptic Silence. Write-up by Jakau Ryuu. Image thanks to Yozai.

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