RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (Full Version)

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Light Stridr -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/11/2011 14:19:31)


lol these threads humor me, if mercs are so OPd why arent you switched to one?

*coughs and points to char page (again)*

ok yes we have our perks but so do the other classes you just need to know how to use them,

all methods either class use can be countered by some form of merc.

i see so many bounts and mages trying to be mercs and then get mad cuz mercs are still OPd,

You've just admitted mercs are OPed.

well yea because mercs are best at being mercs go be a bounty hunter or a tech mage

Been there, done that.

Lectrix -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/12/2011 0:57:41)


My Win Ratio is just under 50%, mainly because of the first 28 Levels when I stubbornly refused to use a Malfunction Build.

My Tech Mage is now level 33, and yes, he uses a Malfunction Build.


if mercs are so OPd why arent you switched to one?

Some of us don't want to be overpowered... we enjoy a nice challenge every now and then. But as I said earlier in this Thread:


at a certain point, a challenge goes from being fun to being downright stressful. I think Tech Mages have now succeeded in crossing this line. Non-Varium Tech Mages serve as little more that a punching bag for players like 5 Focus Tech Mercs/Bounty Hunters.


mercs are OP in offense but not defense

I disagree. Have you seen seen 5 Focus Tech Mercs lately? The ones with so much Defense and Resistance that Smoke Screen and Malfunction are rendered (nearly) useless?

Mercs can have amazing offense AND defense. They can tank to the point where only Rage or a Crit will damage them properly. And they can still maintain their amazing offensive capabilities while tanking.

Bounty Hunters don't Block as often as many of you think. Considering that most of us have a Sideram and an Auxiliary (and in a Merc's case, Artillery Strike and/or Bunker Buster), few Players need to rely on Blockable attacks (with the exception of Strength Mercs). And against Mercs (with their Hybrid Armor), Bounty Hunters can only do enough damage if they apply Smoke Screen -- a GOOD Smoke Screen.

With Support Builds, Tech Mages are actually able to do a decent amount of damage -- at the cost of Defense and Resistance. Even with high HP, the best Tech Mages will not last more than a few turns.

goldslayer1 -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/12/2011 1:44:03)


Smoke Screen and Malfunction are rendered (nearly) useless?

yes i have seen these "new" builds and i beat most, however with inflated blocks and crits, its been an unlucky day.


Bounty Hunters don't Block as often as many of you think. Considering that most of us have a Sideram and an Auxiliary (and in a Merc's case, Artillery Strike and/or Bunker Buster), few Players need to rely on Blockable attacks (with the exception of Strength Mercs). And against Mercs (with their Hybrid Armor), Bounty Hunters can only do enough damage if they apply Smoke Screen -- a GOOD Smoke Screen.

i can remember about 50 fights today where i smoked low lvl BH that have about 45 dex. and then have about 12 when i smoke and they blocked me twice in a row. >.>
i can remember about another 50 that block me after i smoke
i can remember about 75-100 matches where i been critted 2-3 times
i can remember about 100 matches where i been critted once.


With Support Builds, Tech Mages are actually able to do a decent amount of damage -- at the cost of Defense and Resistance. Even with high HP, the best Tech Mages will not last more than a few turns.

a few tech mages today malfed a 50 and did a 70 aux crit right after.
and some critted with stun blaster.

and low defense? wait till they use their defense matrix and it makes str BH even after they smoke, hit 3s.

Thylek Shran -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/12/2011 13:30:32)

Mercs are the kings of 2vs2 but also VERY strong in 1vs1 !
I know because i play all 3 classes and no class is way more
strong than the others than merc. It was like playing with
varium when i leveled the merc up. Won 95% of 1vs1 even
vs +5 lvl higher mostly. Alot players called me a hacker
and cheater and was upset when they met me. Those who
knew me often did run when they saw my merc.

Mercs definetly are overpowered why do you think the majority
is playing a merc today ? Just go into 2vs2 and you will meet
to 80% mercs and alot of them have more than 110 support.

Sadly mercs ruin even 2vs2 beside 1vs1 for non varium players
that dont play a merc themself. But we no varium players have
NPCs isnt that great ? [X(]

I also know alot players that changed their class from TM and
even BH to Merc but not from Merc to another class.

Lectrix -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 0:07:34)

@goldslayer: We all know that Defense Matrix uses up a turn. And Support Mages don't have a strong Technician to counter Energy attacks, right? One way or another, Tech Mages tend to die quickly.

And just out of curiosity, how much Dexterity do you have?

@Thylek: Mercs have always dominated 2v2, and yes, they're also doing quite well in 1v1.

Let me tell you this from my 1v1 Bounty Hunter's perspective. Yes, he's only Level 28, but he has seen enough of the game to know which Class is overpowered (please keep in mind that I also have a Level 32 Tech Mage).

My Bounty Hunter's been through a lot. Until he started to come close to the Level Cap and began to encounter Level 30+ Players, he managed to defeat most of his opponents, even if they were several Levels above him. But there was one exception: Mercs. Thanks to Hybrid Armor, and very strong attacks (namely Artillery Strike and Bunker Buster), my Bounty Hunter struggled with nearly every Merc. Even Mercs who were several Levels below my Bounty Hunter proved to be a challenge.

Now that I am facing Level 30+ Players, I lose much more often. But I have (with a little bit of luck) managed to defeat powerful top-Level Varium Players -- or rather, top Level Varium Tech Mages and Bounty Hunters. Try as I might, nearly every Merc above Level 30 has defeated me. And I've tried everything: Smoke Screen, EMP Grenade, Stun Grenade -- even Venom Strike (which, by the way, has been quite useful against lower Level Mercs). Even against the strongest Tech Mages and Bounty Hunters, I have hope. But when I see a Merc, I know I'm about to fall flat on my face (or my back, depending on the animation).

charwelly -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 0:44:46)

I'm a merc and getting sick of people saying we are Oped,
It only has to do with your builds just saying you need a good defensive build...
Like 60 dex and tech simple to make one guys

BlueKatz -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 0:49:57)

good, we spend it on our stat

oh wait.. Mer have over 100 stat on tech or sup... or str

Luna_moonraider -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 1:51:42)

@ Thylek Shran

wrong in 1v1 if u see a strong str non var bh u will die. merc own at low lvls becaus ethe spam hp and spam hybrid a strong str bh will just cut those stone tank mercs into pieces. and btw i lvl from 1-26 using a str bh before power hour i played for 10h and npc and killed loads of high lvl using a smoke cheaphot build.

PumKing -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 17:19:46)

Lol, I love this, it is getting harder and harder for those who are and defend the postion of "Mercs are not oped" that now there are only two points they still stand by because they are so braod
1. it's only oped builds that are the problem <--- lol, indeed they are, but it is only a merc who is so bored of winning that they try some rediculous build for fun to see if it works, because at this point in the game even the most incompetant merc has full hybrid armor, and then either full bunker and/or artillary, and in 2v2 that is a deadly combination, no matter how bad your build is becasue of the percent damage ignore :P

2. something else that sounds like something different than this, but when you think about it, is really, quite basically, the same thing XP

He Who Lurks -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 17:27:11)

It's the weapons mostly. That Charfade's Club is a beast. If a TM had a 20+ support, and 4+ dexterity physical staff with 8 enhancement modifiers, and a dexterity/support requirement, he'd be considered OP'd. Azrael began OP'd support builds, make a new "Azrael".

goldslayer1 -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 17:34:03)


And just out of curiosity, how much Dexterity do you have?

i use several varieties of these builds
sometimes more dex or more energy.
i usualy have 82 or 86 dex.

drdonte -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 19:53:31)

Guys ya'll are overreacting a bit, about the whole"Well, merc have 3 unblockable skills out of 12............."Well a a bounty hunters have 3 too, but there not really strong attacks like the mercs.Especially cheap shot, has a VERY low accuracy for a % defence ignored while the merc have 3 attacks sure to hit WITH a percentage ignored too.Cheap shot is not one of the 3 unblockables im talking about.

goldslayer1 -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:12:19)

@dr donte.
they have mass, EMP, stun grenade, multi, and poison counts because the poison cant be evaded.
so that makes it 5 not 3.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:13:38)

@drdonte What are you talking about? Their is no accuray in ED. Cheap Shots block chance is based on the users block chance also cheap shot has the higest Defence Ignore in the game so I have no idea what you are talking about. What do you mean sure to hit? Nothign is sure to hit unless its unblockable besides that everything has chances and % for each thing to happen.

Lectrix -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:14:02)

@goldslayer: Then you must be having bad luck if you're getting Blocked so often. I only have 54 Dexterity on my Tech Mage, and I rarely get Blocked.

Ok, let me just put it this way.


In terms of 2v2, Mercs have everything laid out neatly in front of them; Tech Mages and Bounty Hunters have a harder time finding a good Build. Clearly, we don't have Balance.

This is starting to apply to 1v1 as well. The thing is, Mercs can easily create a good Build, while Tech Mages and Bounty Hunters have to struggle to find a good combination.

As PumKing said a few Posts ago:


even the most incompetant merc has full hybrid armor, and then either full bunker and/or artillary, and in 2v2 that is a deadly combination, no matter how bad your build is becasue of the percent damage ignore :P

We've all seen Tech Mages with no Malfunction, and Max Plasma Bolt, Overload, Plasma Rain, or Supercharge -- you get the idea. And there are Bounty Hunters who Max out Multi-Shot, Massacre, Cheap Shot, etc. Do those "Builds" work well at high Levels? NO! But a Merc can easily Max out their no-brainer Skills and have an effective "Build"! WHY?

THIS is why there are so many Mercs. With almost no knowledge of how the game works, Mercs can still be successful at high Levels, while Tech Mages and Bounty Hunters give up and quit!

Mr. Black OP -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:18:37)

max smoke and cheapshots work for a 2 turn win

goldslayer1 -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:20:10)

u ever got 2 turned by a malf plasma bolt mage?

Lectrix -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:27:10)

@Above: I am a "Malf Plasma Bolt Mage". And I certainly can't kill my opponents in 2 turns. Have you ever seen a Tank Merc? *shudder*

goldslayer1 -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:40:49)

i was one at one point -.-
like i said i try all builds and classes.

and maybe u just aren't using enough tech and malf.
but i can make some varium tech mage build that can 2 turn

Shadronica -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/13/2011 20:59:25)

This is totally ridiculous. I have a founder mage and a beta merc.

Yesterday my full varium, fully enhanced 5 focus tank merc got completely smashed. After 10 battles the only battle I won was against a non varium lvl 30.

Don't even think about telling me that I am a noob either! This game is just plain outright atrocious now.

Its such a shame that Titan and Nightwraith didn't listen to its player base back in Beta. Perhaps in the future they can monitor the features they stick in this game and make proper adjustments or just drop them if they aren't working. Alas, mostly all the players with common sense have already left the game and we have only a few shreds of decent forumites that will give an unselfish, unbiased opinion now.

m16dern warfare -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/14/2011 2:35:19)

mercs aint over powered, ive seen some mage builds that absolutely dominate, mainly the support ones

drdonte -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/14/2011 4:10:27)


Xxbbooxx -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/14/2011 4:14:33)

You have Stated that mercs are apparently overpowered, have you fought a Support Mage Lately?

BlueKatz -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/14/2011 6:03:04)

Nah, support mage is not that hard to deal with

Thylek Shran -> RE: INJUSTICE! (In other words, Mercs are Overpowered) (6/14/2011 6:51:12)


wrong in 1v1 if u see a strong str non var bh u will die. merc own at low lvls becaus ethe spam hp and spam hybrid a strong str bh will just cut those stone tank mercs into pieces. and btw i lvl from 1-26 using a str bh before power hour i played for 10h and npc and killed loads of high lvl using a smoke cheaphot build.

With my 33 TM I just killed a lvl 30 full varium str BH 10 min ago and he had good gear and smoke screen + massacre + rage.
I still life. [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]
My merc never had that much trouble with str BH either. Have some descent dex + phys armor, intimidate and they are weak.

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