=HS= HeroSmash Expectations (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 1:09:41)

What are your expectations for HeroSmash? What are you looking most forward to? How do you think the story is going to play out?

Discuss all your expectations and speculations for HeroSmash here!

Topic idea thanks to shadow fox.

Qin -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 1:11:28)

I Expect more events to be acknowledged, fathers day's soon [8D]

Ancientz -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 1:24:00)

I really expect darkness powers. And anything related to darkness. Oh and I also want PvP and ingame clans and lairs and alot of stuff. I also want a SideKick system...

King Storm -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 2:33:47)

i wouldn't mind having PoHouses or Guild Headquarters... with the hQ obv a guild would be needed :P more npcs and more areas. hopefully it wouldn't be as deserted as epicduel. also a optional desktop client would be awesome ^_^. Hopefully there will be a part where a lightning boss comes into this[only because my username has storm in it ;)]

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 3:11:22)

What I want:

A sophisticated villain.

More to good and evil then blind good and evil.

That's it really.

Velmur -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 4:55:52)

Definitely looking forward to secret identities the most... they'll be too fun to play around with.

alpha strike -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 5:03:57)

@King Storm: I do too hope for a lightning boss since my HS name is 'Shocked'

Illusionistic Eye -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 5:14:09)

I expect Dungeons and dynamic boss fights requiring a certain lvl for access and more synergies for abilities.

Devastate -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 5:22:31)

Unique Story line (Full of twists)
Pet System
More Bag Space
Holiday Events
Marvel or DC themes for powers :)

Velmur -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 5:29:40)

Hah, what would be interesting is if they created a different kind of story. If you were a hero, you could type in another character's name and have them be your main villain and have you be your main hero. Or the other way around. Would make it quite interesting and fun.[
We also need sidekicks or minions. Having a ton of halfling god minions running around would be pretty fun...

Devastate -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 5:50:28)

Or a Sky High theme. Opposing forces would learn their powers from there.
The mentors are to be placed in their respective "houses" wherein they could offer quests and give rewards. (Sell items too)

Casper_* -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 7:02:46)

I would like to see some more RL Lootz pertaining to HS on HeroMart, one shirt is not enough for me =D

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 9:09:09)

Im looking forward to player suggested powers. Also Im looking forward to black dragon wings that can be bought with fame.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 9:17:17)

I hope Demo can make a comeback somehow, or that we both discover that both of them were lying about their intentions.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 9:21:39)

If they are both lieing then I get to kill both of them for the sake of what is right.

Jae10 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 9:26:12)

< Since Super City is a city, there should totally be a Mayor! Maybe a war between Good & Evil to decide the type of Mayor we get. That would be kinda fun actually, ~^^~

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 9:28:46)

I vote grey for mayor as he will crack down on crime really hard.(plus he is one of the only humans i know)

zanathos -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 9:34:42)

I am really looking forward to Guild/Clans/ Leagues/whateverit'sgunnabecalledinthisgame, In the style that Herosmash is, I think that should come before PvP.

I think it would also be cool if we had a forge, where you can create new powers by mixing certain attributes of others. However it has to be a thing only available to Founders and Current Members, and the Forged Powers would be SmashCoins. It brings in revenue for the game, while staying loyal to those who supported it in the beginning.

In the forge, you could take attributes of up to 3 skills and mix and match them to create a new one, Like say the Defense buff of metallic skin, the fire offense buff of Fiery Core, and the DoT of Fire Blast to create Sulfuric Armor, a skills that decreases enemy's attack towards you, Increases the skill of Fire moves, and place a strong 5 second DoT.

I also would look forward to seeing all Smashcoin moves level up with you, such as the Highest level of the Rare Team 10 powers. I also think all rare powers should level up with you, so they don't lose their importance.

Turquoise -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 9:43:33)

^Powers leveling up with you would be nice.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 10:03:33)

I expect the game to allow PvP in any zone with the exception of specified noob zones... there could be servers where this feature is disabled, so people won't complain.

I also expect more martial art attacks, energy blasts, light and darkness attacks, and transeformation abilities.

Also, destructible scenery.

@Below: Yes; Definitely skillpoints. I will do a mixxed strength and luck (possibly speed) build, with high HP.

Jae10 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 10:13:57)

Sweet...destructable scenery would be cool...but with some super, ultra rare drops

DeathLezZ -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 10:21:46)

Skillpoints and Clans would be nice..

GriffinFire -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 10:33:47)

I'm most looking forward to the secret identity system. :3

Vick Vega -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 10:42:16)

I want a lair! and an apartment penthouse![;)]

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (6/7/2011 10:44:38)

I expect character stats. Like they have in AQW you know STR,INT,Dex and so on and I expect enhancements and more special awesome cutscenes!

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