So... when did this game turn into all luck? (Full Version)

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Clutch -> So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:29:51)

So... what happened to skill? With everyone having the same exact builds... Its all about who crits, who blocks, who deflects, or who goes first... There are literally only a handful of builds in this game due to all the restrictions... In fact, i'll name them all in 5 seconds...

Str BH
Focus BH

Str Merc
Focus Merc

Focus TM
Support TM

... yep, thats it.... my point is, what happened to creativity? To coming up with unique builds that can beat the tanks? I thought, ok, agility won't ruin the game... ok, maybe focus won't ruin the game, I thought, okay maybe skill requirements won't ruin the game, I thought, ok, maybe diminishing returns won't ruin the game, I'm done thinking optimistically. People, wake up. This is ridiculous...

Mr. Black OP -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:36:05)


I thought, ok, agility won't ruin the game... ok, maybe focus won't ruin the game, I thought, okay maybe skill requirements won't ruin the game, I thought, ok, maybe diminishing returns won't ruin the game, I'm done thinking optimistically. People, wake up. This is ridiculous...
ikr all that just destroyed creativity

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:38:43)

not everybody is copy and past type like myself. I have never copy and past anyone built. luck has always been part of game. For example if you get 90 percent or there usually chance you get more blocks or crits. But when someone beats you they always say luck but if you get all blocks and deflection you consider it skill as far 5 forus builts go there actually more useful in 2vs2 for bountys. I myselfnever use support builts I just find them too weak.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:40:39)

i got into a battle, he blocked 3 times, critted once, and won, i had more dex so ya its luck he blocked so much, we had around the same support so crit was pretty lucky
and i wldve won if he ddnt block my rage cheapshot

goldslayer1 -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:41:59)

5 focus is really pissing me off lately.
its like the "get a block, crit, deflection and win" package.
specialy the 5 focus BH that block and keep regaining with bloodlust.

Synbad Syndicated -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:48:24)

have you ever fought a bh and a merc before and in one match you got block 6 or more times? i'm just waiting to see what chaotic destruction delta brings. as it's been a week since i've played epicduel and even as i'm writing the post i haven't played today. i'll be back on ED on independence day and august.

edwardvulture -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:50:55)

The devs nerfed the skills....and no one uses them anymore. Well not much anyways.

Goony -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 17:54:14)

Huh, pity the old forum has gone, I'd show you a few comments!

Game has been luck for some time now... Com'on Clutch get up to speed, there is no build that beats a tank except another tank!

And sometimes I wish I could record all my battles, I just crit 2 times in a row again... Criticals are out of control :(

Sparticus -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 18:13:48)

As an aside, there are "flavors" of each set you listed.

An example I can speak to is the Focus BH. There are tank focus BHs, high tech focus BHs, high dex focus BHs and so forth. Each has its advantage and disadvantage. To the untrained observer your original statement might seem accurate but upon further examination I think you will find greater diversity then first appeared.

As to the luck aspect of your post, this game has always been about the RNG. Nothing new about that.

Shadronica -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 19:08:52)

Well I logged in yesterday to play for the first time in a week or so and basically got my butt handed to me. Did I miss something in that week to 10 days?

No, I mean seriously this has totally become a kiddy game where anyone can win. I have all the good stuff fully enhanced and I made my 5 focus high tech merc build but I got tossed around like a rag doll battle after battle. My win % after 10 battles was 10%. I don't deserve this. I have an Emperor main account with a 92-93% win rating and an alt account with almost a 75% 2v2 win rating after 11,000+ 2v2 battles and a 94% 1v1 rating. I am not a noob by any means.

In actual fact a good friend logged in with me at the same time and he was getting hammered too. He is definitely not a noob either.

I actually had a joke that the dev's must have nerfed my account because I am so outspoken in this forum but sadly I realise that the battle engine is just being far too weird for my liking.

I could just be PvPing in AQW as far as strategy goes with a far less cost.

Hate to say it but the battle engine has been ruined by all the nerfs and enhancements.

I guess its fine if you are relatively new to the game because you wouldn't know any better.

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 19:15:27)

no offences taken but tank mages can beat 5 focus bounty and merc with right skills and robot its not impossible to beat. Your basically say Fay beee or others with 5 focus builts have no skill.

helloguy -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 19:43:20)


sk1tz -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 19:53:21)

game turned to luck with the introduction of...Drum roll please.....


I used to have a 150 hp build as a merc which even now would be great if agility was removed.

This is what would happen

Strength mercs, no longer can murk me in stun/zerker combo. I can heal twice. Gives more chance for them to miss.
Support mercs/mages/bh's. a crit wouldnt take HALF my life forcing me to heal. I could carry on attacking!

generally with agility it restricts your health, making a lucky crit or block a insta win most the time.
without agility, more health, chance to comeback and win from a crit or block.

Hence AGILITY promotes LUCK based wins.


voidance -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 19:56:47)

I wouldnt say everyone because I personaly loved making my own builds and many enjoyed using mine aswell but factions such as dsx do tend to use the same build but if you wanna be the best you gotta be cheap and ruthless. But if you think about it, there is a reason why a build is being used by mass amount of ppl. It's because they were well crafted and hard to beat, and when something is well crafted and hard to beat why wouldnt you use it? Well anyways what im trying to get at is either be glad your creative enough to make your own builds or join the "dark side" and use the copy n paste builds, because complaining gets you nowhere in this game.


Drakadh -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 21:35:20)

Most games are based on luck! >:L I cant believe you dont know that! AQW you'll need luck for the items to drop or a quest item to drop! DF/MQ you'll need luck to get the items you want from a mission. AQ You'll need luck to have a weaker enemy! I would include other games but it would be out of topic. :L If you say the game sucks because you need luck, then why play games? the only games I know that dont need luck are Quizzes.... which I pwn at :P


AQWPlayer -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/13/2011 23:21:45)


Most games are based on luck! >:L I cant believe you dont know that! AQW you'll need luck for the items to drop or a quest item to drop! DF/MQ you'll need luck to get the items you want from a mission. AQ You'll need luck to have a weaker enemy! I would include other games but it would be out of topic. :L If you say the game sucks because you need luck, then why play games? the only games I know that dont need luck are Quizzes.... which I pwn at :P


In AQW we have fun farming monsters, but in ED, we can't have fun getting pwned by luck.
In DF and MQ you don't really need to hope for an item to drop. You might as well buy another one in a shop.
In AQ you don't need a weaker enemy, I can pwn enemies within a relatively wide level range. (example: I'm level 93 and I can defeat level 110 monsters)
BUT, in ED you need luck to win just about every battle.

Xendran -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 1:16:33)

If you want to get away from the luck aspect, i'd suggest taking up 3d MMOs as opposed to turn based flash games. The luck factor there is much smaller as it comes down to your skill at timing blocks / dodges as well as placing attacks properly and learning enemy attack patterns.

DillBagel -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 1:48:31)

@Xendran 3D MMOs bring in the "lag factor"
The less lag you have, the more chance of winning, and the majority of people on average computers will get plenty of lag.

Xendran -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 2:05:47)

Shouldn't be pc gaming if your computer can't handle it. If your computer gets a low framerate, don't play the game. That's not the game's fault, t hats the fault of the person who has a crappy computer. If you want something that is guaranteed to not lag badly, play console games. PC gamers are for those who have proper gaming rigs and don't have to worry about dropping frames.
Also, it depends more on net lag, and it depends on the game for who gets the advantage from it.
In demon's souls, lagging allows you to pull off lagstabs and lag snipes but it can also get you killed.

In a game like vindictus, host lag is just terrible for everybody and makes the game unplayable.

PenyihiR -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 2:18:24)

I see Non varium Become More have creative Build than Varium player now..,
90% Varium player only use same build like other

m16dern warfare -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 2:30:29)

i saw this aweomse build yesterday. this tech mage had massive support, kept hitting with aux, heal looping, criting and deflecting. he killed meh trwice

edwardvulture -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 2:35:21)

I blame gamma bot in making 5 bonus builds way too effective.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 3:24:19)

Gammabot killed creativity , as you said all classes have 5 focus builds so instead of finding new builds ppl use 5 focus and have like %90 win rate.

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 5:38:20)

I find really funny you all hate gamma bots yet you still use 5 focus builts and gamma bots.

5rr5 -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 5:56:46)

And you understand this now HAHAHAH!! GOOD MORNING!

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