Three Regimes of Power (Full Version)

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Angels Holocaust -> Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 1:42:03)

I think that it's time for the game to finally restore each class back to their specialty. That way nobody can complain about who is oped. Focus can leave though, that's no longer needed. In Beta we had the legendary Heal Loop Tech mage, In gamma we had the Untouchable BH with shadow arts that blocked attacks and deflected sidearms, we can also remove their annoying requirements, and now we have the tactical mercenaries, it's honestly a fight that I would love to see. Who want's to bring back diversity to EpicDuel?

AxeOFury -> RE: Three Regimens of Power (7/2/2011 1:43:49)


Clutch -> RE: Three Regimens of Power (7/2/2011 1:45:58)

An idea definitely worth testing. It would be the greatest fight ever. Bring them back Titan!

edwardvulture -> RE: Three Regimens of Power (7/2/2011 1:46:44)

Stat Diminishments not leaving?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Three Regimens of Power (7/2/2011 1:48:57)

i had a few ideas of making some balance changes by buffing the weak sides of each class.
(im aware of xendran's and khimera's balance suggestion)
example letting venom strike last 4 turns instead of 3 this way it still stronger than poison grenade.
changing the damage gain rate on plasma bolt overload and and plasma rain aswell as multishot.
this will help BH and mages not complain about mercs on 2 vs 2.
and also maybe adding and taking out some requirements on certain skills.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Three Regimens of Power (7/2/2011 1:50:38)

so in other words i can use anything i want without requirements? sign me up

xxmirxx -> RE: Three Regimens of Power (7/2/2011 1:54:15)

IDK as long no nerfs

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 1:59:11)

The reason why I made this thread in the first place is because, each class now has their own oped builds that can compete. When heal loopers existed, the other classes couldn't compete with them. When shadow arts was released nobody could compete with them, and with tactical mercenaries, nobody can compete with them. Now that each class has a unique build we can finally see whose better.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 2:01:08)

wow thats a real good one.
and she makes sense
all classes had/have their good builds but u have reqs and nerfs limiting these builds.
and nerfing wont solve the problem.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 2:03:00)

Precisely goldslayer1, nerfing will only create an oped class again.

Remorse -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 2:03:10)

I agree angel, Classes should be able to beat each other evenly now, however i think robots should stay but focus can go, they could make robots improve like all other wepons rather than with focus.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 2:04:48)

IMO i think str BH will have the better upper hand.
why? no agility, no reqs on bloodlust or shadow arts, or mass with 155 hp and 87 str and 86 dex.
thats a real brain scratcher, it will give heal loop a good run for their money.

charwelly -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 2:13:51)

Battle of the best i like the idea

Clutch -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 2:16:54)


IMO i think str BH will have the better upper hand.
why? no agility, no reqs on bloodlust or shadow arts, or mass with 155 hp and 87 str and 86 dex.

Oh how I miss the days...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 2:44:31)

there quite a few builds for every class that was considered OP in their primal stage
here are a few examples

STR BH. no agility, no mass/bloodlust/SA requirements

Heal Loop. no agility, no reqs on their skills.

Str Merc. no stat diminishments or reqs on their skills.
Support Merc. no reqs on their skills like artillery strike.

altho merc has 2 successful builds in their prime they cant be compared or compete with heal loop or primal str BH.
they are both good but they wont come close the the old effectiveness of heal loop or str BH if they were to face off on their primes.

whats also good about no agility is also that 5 focus cannot achieve high HP like heal loop or str bh can.
so 5 focus would be VERY limited to the ammount of HP they have. thats a huge 5 focus nerf right there.
so it will drive 5 focus builds into using more creative high hp builds.

xxmirxx -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 3:03:53)

If mages get there healing loop back that means TLM will get healing loop to. Hell even bountys too I don't think I need to explain.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 3:06:25)

yeah but tlm doesn't have DA.
or defense matrix.
or malf.

Arcanis -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 3:10:02)

@gold:they have smoke,can use e primary and physical gun and zooka to loop. As a matter of fact,i already am using TLM heal loop build,it would be interesting to see how would it hold against old mage loop.

xxmirxx -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 3:13:00)

Yah but thats not healing loop. its point your able to heal continuely over and over again. remember TLM have smoke same with bh. gold think creatively you find ways to healing loop back if was at 3.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 3:19:58)

believe me i found some good builds for mages. i just dont want them nerfed again.

uria9 -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 3:49:09)

*cough* heal loop mage wasnt OP *cough* i beat them easy *cough*

goldslayer1 -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 3:55:43)

im not saying they were OP they required alot of strategy. but some people say they were OP.

Arcanis -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 5:12:49)

@mir:Thanks for defining heal loop for me [;)]

MrBones -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 5:16:27)

I have to agree with angels. (this is a first)

They could remove the nerf on skills. Remove the requirements. Put enhancements on robot and bikes. Let people have crazy builts.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Three Regimes of Power (7/2/2011 11:40:27)

Healing loop is Op???? I beat a lot when i was a non varium...

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