RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 0:56:15)

Cinderella, why on earth was plasma rain put before overload and why was intimidation put before Deadly Aim, 2 points that could be used somewhere else. Why was the support requirement of max Dealy Aim raised to 42 support? Because when the Blood mage Runs out of energy while the other class regains energy the Blood Mage is left with a stick and the sidearm.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 0:56:21)

most people are complaining bout tanks so removing techni is a great way to make tanks less oped and the reshuffling of the skill tree i did will prevent a tank from having max hybrid max, max reroute and high smoke.

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 0:59:29)

I know alot will rather keep that skill because if you get malf you could use tech shield blood shield you lose hp.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 1:03:30)

blood shield will make the cyber hunter stand a chance against tlc merc. without technician a cyber hunter can at least nerf the bots of the tlc merc. with technician basically no1 can nerf the bots of the 5 focus tanks tlc mercs. changing technician to energy shield is another option but i would not do that because support mercs would gain another skill they can abuse.

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 1:10:07)

IDK about them give them FC and smoke and smoke and blood lust. Mages give them reroute and matrix and malfunction. then all class will be happy actually give merc energy shield and matrix.

PumKing -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 1:10:27)

considering that BM has no phys boosting skills, I really feel like they should be the ones who deserve to have the ability frenzy the most, after all, the whole story the YOU ED staff have supposedly put out is that blood mages have got a taste for blood in battle, and tactcle mercs are suppoesed to be a smarter form of merc so why would they have an ability that taps into a form of rage like that?

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 1:11:13)

How about this for the Blood Mage Delta Armor, instead of energy or physical how about Energy/physical giving the bonus points for defense and resistance with at least 10 enhancement slots or more since delta means change with 10 for dex and 10 for tech that will solve the defense and resistance problem and give the Blood Mage a Hybrid Armor without nerfing any of the merc class.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 1:18:51)

@ mir
giving blood mage reroute would make them have 3 passive are u nuts blood-lust+reroute+deadly aim = passive abusing blood mage.

yes blood mage need reflex boost they do not need technician imo.

same thing i said to ya in some other thread.

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 1:40:51)


@ mir giving blood mage reroute would make them have 3 passive are u nuts blood-lust+reroute+deadly aim = passive abusing blood mage.

Thats my point exactly luna " Are you nuts" not mean you are nuts. But nerfs are stupid this cycle of nerfs won't end.

yes blood mage need reflex boost they do not need technician imo.

you have no idea what mages needs reflex is stupid thing to have matrix is good. but reflex thats like reroute.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 4:52:56)


We are looking at a few ways to buff Blood Mages and Cyber Hunters, and give Tactical Mercenaries a slight nerf.

The thing is, in testing, we didn't necessarily try every piece of equipment with every possible enhancement possibility. I like defensive builds with a lot of support- I made a pretty effective heal loop build. In testing, Blood Mage was the most powerful class- both with others and myself testing it. So, yes, we did test the classes, and we believe that BMs and CH's need a buff, and that we need to reduce the synergy between technician and smokescreen- we'd actually hoped that using one would use up too much energy and time to make the other useful.

The synergy effect is not the problem. The problem is that this class
has hybrid AND reroute and also a cheap extra heal called Frenzy.
I thought this was only for testing when i saw the pre-released
screenshot of that and that reroute would get removed. I instantly
knew that this would make this class so OPed.

My advice would be to replace reroute and buff Frenzy slightly.
You could also replace Technician with Blood Shield or Energy Shield
but they wont have a dex skill then. Maybe give them Stun Grenade
to replace reroute because its the only dex skill that would fit and
Stun Grenades are a good tactical tool that need also some support
to work well.

- Reroute
+ Stun Grenade (dex; benefits also from support)

- Technican (dex)
+ Blood Shield / Energy Shield (support)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 5:00:30)

IMO i think they should remove technician and replace it with anything else.
but reroute is fine.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 6:51:08)

@ mir
changing technician for another skill is not a major nerf it is just a minor nerf.

you have no idea what mages needs reflex is stupid thing to have matrix is good. but reflex thats like reroute.

-_- well reflex an def mat trix are about the same they bot improve with support. i would say reflex boost is way better than a defense matrix reason being reflex gives a small reroute and it last longer than a defense matrix. also reflex boost give dex and dex is a good stat to help blood mages. while defense matrix just def a static defense boost which is good but not as good a reflex boost.

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 6:57:35)

Matrix is way better you know what why don't get reroute since reflex same.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:18:49)

how many time must i say this if blood mage have reroute the will have 3 passive have u every seen any class wif 3 passive in epicduel. having 3 passive means 5 focus blood mage would be super unbeatable. reflex boost is not permanent and u need energy to cast it and it just has 15% or maybe lesser energy gain. the main point here is the devs will never do such a thing putting 3 passives onto 1 class.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:20:18)

tech mage currently has 3 passives

Callisto -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:36:29)

Yes 3 but 1 can only be used with a staff and it's weak,blockable and obviously useless against tactical mercs.

Nebula -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:36:47)

@Gold Tech Mage has 2. What exactly do you think this 3rd passive is?

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:38:05)

asim is the 3rd passive but i do not count that as a passive.

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:39:26)

2 mages gold and luna blood mages and mages all same. Matrix is better. then crap skill boost reflex.

you know what why don't get reroute since reflex same.
I was being sarcastic.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:42:39)

The one thing about Blood Lust and reroute if there is an blocks you get nothing from it and if you inflict or receive little damage you get little from it. To keep it at three passives for the Blood Mage to be fair how about coming up with a new passive that combines Blood Lust and Reroute. You attack you get health you get attacked you get energy. Since the Blood Mage is the evolved version of the Tech Mage reroute should have been improved upon not taken away and an improved version is an energy/health regeneration

goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:45:21)

@hun king
if its going to be a mixx then it obviously has to have reduced effect for energy regen and HP regen.
like 20% for hp and 15% for energy when maxxed out.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:48:23)

i got to say thats why this game take so long to progress a few cry baby can't beat someone and take their anger out on the forum by spanning the same post until the devs get tired of them and do as their like. indeed get ready for a new class change.

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 7:54:08)

Hun Kingq I agree I feel blood mages are even worst then mages.

Nebula -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 8:27:39)

@Luna Assimilation isn't even remotely a passive. If anyone counts it as a passive they're stupid. A passive skill in this game is one that's in effect all battle, Assimilation is just a regular skill.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 8:35:46)

goldslayer1, why cheapen the Blood Mage like that when the mercs get energy regain of 30% at max Frenzy at max 72% damage to health and the Cyber Hunters static Charge 55% damage to energy Blood Lust for the at ax for the Blood Mage is 23% to health. I had Blood Lust at level 7 which is 20% and I got so little back it did not make a difference. I say 25% both as a mix.

Just as it was unfair to take reroute from the Mage class it was unfair to take Blood Lust from the Hunters class. Just as a mix for the Blood Mage, they could do the same for the Cyber Hunter but call it something different, like static life.

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