RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 9:02:50)

because its 2 in 1 passive?
and frenzy only works every 4 turns. not to mention it can be blocked.
plusu need high str to regain alot. if u only have about 44 str the most u can regain is 10 hp at lvl 10.

Monstrocon -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 9:08:16)

^ 25% HP? That's crazy, even better than Bloodlust that way...
All bounties might as well switch to BM if that was implemented.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 9:09:02)

hun king said it not me lmao.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 9:42:00)

goldslayer1, when I battle the new boss I used the skull fire blaster and got 42 damage once so that would be 10.5 round it it 11 health points other times I got 38, 28,19 but when blocked nothing. The mage class blocks the least out of all the classes and and the most blocked, everyone knows this. So a Blood Mage with low dex and tech, Frenzy will only be blocked once in a blue moon and Frenzy does not require a weapon.

Monstrocon, If you read my post on Date 7/3/2011 at 8:35:46, you will see I included the Cyber Hunter as getting a mix as well, the percentage that static charge gets back for energy could be left at 55% and the regain for life could be at 25%. The three new classes was to be a better evolved form of the old class so why not better health and energy regain. If the Cyber Hunter had that mix we might have seen more players switch from Bounty Hunter to Cyber Hunter.

So the total percentage of max health /energy regain at max

Tact merc 102%
Cyber Hunter 80%
Blood Mage 50%

As you could see the Blood mage still gets the least combined total.

ajs777 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 17:23:34)

again, just to be clear, im not saying TLM are OPd even though i think CH could use a tad buffing
its that Tactical Mercenaries are the ideal class for everything, and everyone becomes one making it boring fighting the same class over and over

and to the ED staff, however you go about adjusting the classes, please, no more stat requirements, stat reqs just make everything worse.

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 17:44:59)

ajs777 because most of us were mages or bountys before and we want try new classes. I think of CH almost like mage but for blood mage there like merc with no defence.

ajs777 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 18:55:28)


I think of CH almost like mage but for blood mage there like merc with no defence.

your comparing skills with the original three classes, blood mage is blood mage, cyber hunter is cyber hunter and again

i understand everyone wants to try new classes, but everyone is going TLM and in reality TLM really is the perfect class for anything, mind as well call this TacticalMercenaryDuel with the direction this is going

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 18:59:44)

Just battle a Tact Merc he hit me with a poison grenade 32 damage then 14 after that I heal he used the gamma bot laser and got 57 critical damage, So the poison grenade they should have never gotten, why did the programmers give them that, can any moderators answer that question?

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 19:08:18)

Well TLM are great class if your think of switching to 2vs2. but reality is TLM are best for non varium. Its not easy way out but only class that can do good in 2vs2 and 1vs1.

ajs777 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 19:27:11)

lol mir no duh its a great class, its the perfect class, and a perfect class will destroy this game

hun king, its the reroute and hybrid combo, not the poison grenade taht is problems

od -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 19:36:23)

Here's how I think blood mages could be slighlty buffed:
1. Make supercharge stackable with bludlust, and lower the tech requirment to 16 at first lvl and 2 for evrey next lvl
2. Give fireball a small (3-5) damage buff as now it's not much better then having high lvl deadly aim
3. Make plasma rain increase every 4.5 points of tec instead of every 5

this allows more diversity for bloodmages

xxmirxx -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 19:45:31)


lol mir no duh its a great class, its the perfect class, and a perfect class will destroy this game

theres no perfect class were equal but I do agree CH and BM need major buff. ajs777 I don't get why don't just switch to TLM and then learn weakness.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/3/2011 19:56:42)

ajs777, but still why give them another skill that inflicts 30+ damage and damage over time and they need to take away and the 6x focus damage of the gamma bot because over 50 critical.

They told us they want it make it balanced in delta and fun for all. It is so far off balanced that it has become a sad upgrade and it is not fun for all. If the leaderboards are nothing but mercs now soon it will be and I will never accept another challenge from a tactical Merc again.

Everyone says all my ideas giving better defense and improving skills would make the mage class over powered but the programmers ideas actions have made an over powered class even more over powered.

So now a Blood Mage will have to have high health, low energy, good defense, and good resistance so much for all the power of the Blood Mage.

So whoever says the Blood Mage or Cyber hunter is just fine all I could say in a nice way, you are full of it.

With out great defense you can't have great offense

ajs777 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 2:00:48)

max focus is +5 hun king and i do believe Blood mage is fine

mir, i have the ability to look at the skills of a class and be able to interpret what you can do with it, its the perfect class, not saying OP'd class, but its the perfect class for any scenario whether you want a support build, str build, 5 focus build, juggernaut, 1v1, 2v2, NPC its the ideal class for all scenarios, not saying its OP'd just that it almost everyone thats worth the fight is TLM and im sick of fighting the same class, i feel like i have to repeat myself the same thing to you over and over.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 8:22:07)

And 6x max focus is what, you must be in either a merc class or the hunter class and the Blood Mage is not just fine, if it is switch to a blood mage and battle a coouple of Tact Mercs see how well you do but other than that saying Blood mage is just fine, you're full of it.

All you non Mages that keep saying the Blood Mage is just fine as it is don't realise you are helping to kill a class because soon you will see very little too no Blood Mages in 1vs1 and 2vs2 and you will loose variety but I guess that is what you want only the merc classes and the Hunter classes in 1vs1 or 2vs2. Well Hunters as soon as the Tact merc figures the easy way to beat you pretty soon you too will not appear on the leaderboard and you too will have loss after loss.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 8:32:26)


And 6x max focus is what, you must be in either a merc class or the hunter class and the Blood Mage is not just fine, if it is switch to a blood mage and battle a coouple of Tact Mercs see how well you do but other than that saying Blood mage is just fine, you're full of it.

quit ur whinning blood mage is fine.
its a STR type class and str types dont get high % (unless ur a str bh) so deal with it.
i can tell u were never a strength merc fighting and fighting but always getting around 80-85%
and thats how bloodmage is. is not OP but it surely isn't UP. its not even close to UP.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 9:07:18)

GoldSlayer1, Well I see by your character page you're a tact merc and you want easy wins that is why you say the Blood Mage is just fine. Without defense and resistance what goo is strength?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 9:13:09)

ohh do u remember how weak str merc resistence was?
all it took was a simple malf gun and aux by a mage
or a smoke by a BH and then they would go into block mode.

seriously tho bloodmage isn't UP i was a bloodmage and it did just fine. better than str merc actually.
and strength merc had more defense
my point is. str BH didn't have defense (only by dex spam and mostly didn't use reflex) and it did very OP with bloodlust. so bloodmage is fine. IMO i think the magic BM build hasn't been found yet. and if better builds are found they could be OP.

dont judge me by what class i am. i class changed 4 times since delta.
and im sure i class changed more than u.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 9:21:41)

@Hun Kingq


With out great defense you can't have great offense

Just pointing out, strength mercs/BHs can hardly be considered to have 'great defense'.

Moreover the only evidence for mages 'blocking the least and being blocked the most' is purely anecdotal, because there is no such statistical evidence. Logically mages should block and be blocked as much as any other class, assuming they have the same amount of dexterity and that Shadow Arts/Smokescreen/Reflex Boost is not in play.

I do concede that the skill tree of Tactical Mercs is unnecessarily convenient though.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 9:51:51)

Because the strength merc did not have a good defense they did not have a great offense and that is why I beat so many. i am not saying the Blood mage is Under Powered what I am saying it is not just fine as it is or how it is set up. Remeber the amount of Support decides who goes first well with low support the Blood Mage is gauranteed to go last each time.

I had my strength at 50 + 43 getting good damage so I decided to lower it to 45 +48 and I got bigger damage.

So with players that is not of the Mage Class keep saying the Blood mage is just fine the programmers will not do anything to improve that class and for other claases to do that to one class that is greedy and wrong.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 10:01:45)


I had my strength at 50 + 43 getting good damage so I decided to lower it to 45 +48 and I got bigger damage.

thats epic facepalmbrick >.>
50 + 43 = 93
45 + 48 = 93

Cinderella -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 11:56:32)

Sometimes, you don't see every single possible issue in testing. We are not idiots who are like "derpderp everything's wonderful" or say everything's lovely and roses and kittens farting rainbows to keep our jobs. For example, Tac Mercs originally had FieldCommander. Yeah- imagine that.

I am not a sucky player- give me the same OP gear as anybody else, and I'll crush just as easily as any other OP player. I make a point to use some non-rare, old/outdated (according to some people), and even non-enhanced gear. I didn't even start enhancing until we had to make sure it didn't break with every engine update. Because I don't feel like my mod status should give me an advantage over people, I purposefully disadvantage myself. I was pretty even with the "most OP Tac Merc build" we could think of- as well as with the builds we came up with for Cyber Hunter and Blood Mage- WITHOUT all the OP stuff (ie I use Desert Marine F E, as opposed to the Bunny Borg). Heck, Randor the Red and I annihilated the armor hazard and he's a level 26 Blood Mage, still using the Beta Weapons.

In actual play, there was a little bit too much synergy between Tac Merc's skills. There's nothing wrong with the class- it has its strengths and weaknesses, but we'd hoped that those weaknesses would balance out the class.

I'm sorry that a PvP game by its nature will always have dynamic balance, and I'm sorry that until we roll a fix, that you may have trouble with Tac Mercs. I'm also sorry if this seems emotional, but I don't like being personally called stupid.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 12:06:35)

@ Cinderella

I never thought that I would say this but that's admirable of you to disadvantage yourself like that, unlike the other mods who use their privileges to do whatever the hell they want to do, like use every oped weapon in the game, class change as much as they want, use unlimited battle boost, and yes fire as many war cannons as they want. You are a shining example of what a mod should be, and that's helping the game, not furthering their own accounts and making themselves as godly as possible.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 12:08:58)

@yeah i agreed with you in all that you just say

Drago9999 -> RE: Epicduel just keeps falling (7/4/2011 12:30:03)

Most players change to the most powerful class without thinking of the consequences. Let me tell you guys some reasons why the tacticals are getting a slight nerf and why cyber hunter and blood mage are getting slightly buffed:

1. Cyber Hunters only have one passive. Static Charge would be useful if it were a passive but sadly, it isn't.
2. Tactical Mercenaries have a Technician+Smoke in combination with poison grenade and/or Artillery Barrage with the ability to regenerate energy via reroute. This skill tree is menacing and powerful. Capable of killing in 2v1 in short minutes.
3. Blood Mages don't have a defense barrier. This explains itself.

I admire your bravado, warrior princess. You guys are doing a great job. That's all that matters.

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