RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (Full Version)

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Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 18:01:39)

My discussion thread is silent...


~Lady Zafara

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 18:19:25)

No worries, Arachnid. I read your last chapter and it was awesome as always!

*Last part removed as it was probably a spoiler* Sorry...

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 18:31:32)


EDIT: Oh, no problem at all. I'm writing a chapter right now, and I'll say he's...What he is.

~Lady Zafara

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 18:37:23)

LOL! The second i heard the word hairy, in my mind i kept hearing.....

"Werewolf! He's a werewolf! I know he is!"
"Shut up! Can't you see I'm trying to read!"
"I dont wanna read! I'm bored!"
"If we dont read on then we wont know if he's a werewolf!"
"O.O.....Read on please."

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 18:39:38)

Celest, you're crazy! =P

~Lady Zafara

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 19:16:21)

Awe crap! A scene in this chapter is very similar to a scene that will be coming up soon in my story. Now it'll look like I copied you. Oh well...

EDIT: Hmm, then again it is still a couple chapters away. Maybe I'll be able to come up with something else between now and then...

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 19:28:20)

@Sir Night: Dont worry! I'm sure that it'll still be awesome!

@Zaffy: LOL! It's not my fault i'm insane!xP

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 21:40:41)

@Zafara: No commentary on what I said on the last post of last page? Glad you made a new chapter, btw! Celestin has multiple personalities, to be specific, and they seem to be floating around in there fighting for dominance, although probably fighting wouldn't be the best word...

O.o TWO chapters!!!


Gibbs... reminds me of little bitty fleshy bits of people who I blow apart...

Hmm... I wonder if he has clinical lycanthropy, or the curse that goes by the same name, or if he is of another species entirely...

Hmm... I wonder if that ship is naturally able to fly (which I doubt), or if he has either telekenesis (which may be indicated by the blue eye-glow), or is using magic, which is likely, considering the fact that I now know that this most likely takes place on Lore...

Hmm... I wonder if OverCast's sword has special propeties that make it more deadly... I should have been able to save him without resorting to the bite of a werewolf to add a regenerative factor... Then again, I may not have learned to heal by then... Although the fact that I was able to heal myself disagrees with that... I am going with either OC having powers that made it difficult, if not impossible to heal him (or at least fast enough to save his life) or his sword having special properties to that effect...

Yeah... I assumed it was from Zafara's point of view the second the word "mother" was comprehended by my mind.

I wonder if my powers are altered by the fact that I am in the Lorean universe, as well... that could explain that...

Enemy and friendly, eh? A bit reckless... I hope you have some plan to keep them safe, although I suppose the situation is a bit worse, after the loss of Wiiman... We could have still taken them, but I could not predict casualties... Probably slightly more than if Wiiman was there, but if the men you knocked off the vessel die, that wouldn't quite make up for it, though it could be of quite a bit of use, considering you have do reckon immortal enemies differently than mortal ones, and... I am blathering on too long, and we will be playing the game shortly, so I won't continue too long. lol

All of them dead? I wonder if I, Gibbs, and Arafae were among the ones knocked off...

Exuro... I wonder if I can loot it off him... I do so like fire...

I already assumed something of the sort from Excalibur...

Well, of course he can turn too quick for a human; He is not one.

Fast... Just as I would expect...

Nice strategy, seeing as it was the only way you could win, aparently, in that situation, at least at that point in time... albeit you could have easily washed the wrong people off... I wonder how much control you had over that wave...

Hehe... Good, experimental seems to have a solution... I thought you'd do something about that situation, considering he isn't aparently a werewolf NOW... lol

Less work for me, I suppose... I wonder how long it would take me to come up with a fix...

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 21:50:38)

Everyone is using overcast now x3. Awesome story,trade comments?

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 22:37:06)

Is OC the main villain for the story all together, or just this chapter?

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/12/2011 23:56:55)

in my story he is the main villian altogether but idk for Arachid's story.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/13/2011 11:07:26)

In my story, he's going to be the main villain. I have most of the rest of the story planned out ^^

~Lady Zafara

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/16/2011 22:49:27)

Interesting new chapter,kinda weird that you said at absolute zero time stops which is scientifically impossible though maybe below zero is cold enough.

Vector -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/16/2011 22:50:01)

( ) reveal abilities
(X) reveal purpose

one down, one to go lassie! then nobody's head be hurtin so much from thinkin too hard! :P ah well, i'm still likin it so far [:)]

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/16/2011 23:41:15)

Delta: Superhero story, normal science doesn't apply.
Vector: Or the plot could get more confusing.

With a last name of TIMEMAGE I kinda expected him to know that. At least a little. I mean seriously.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/17/2011 11:10:36)

Technically, it has been proven that time slows near absolute zero.
Never has that temperature been reached, but we can assume that it full on stops.
I'm glad you all like the chapter! ^^

~Lady Zafara

Vector -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/17/2011 12:29:28)

that makes me wonder now... what would the absolute maximum temperature be? [&:]

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/17/2011 16:26:26)

negative 9000 degrees it's so hot that it is bone chilling cold[>:]

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/18/2011 18:37:58)

Unless you invented a new temperature scale, there is no such thing as -9000 degrees.

She is in fact correct. At around absolute zero in temperature, energy and matter do not act as they normally would, and there are changes in how time effects them, and they react to it.

I cannot say for certain that time would stop at litteral absolute zero, however, because of the fact that it should be impossible for anything to properly measured do to the temporal effects, the matter or energy would cease to be absolute zero (most likely) if it is effected by anything at all, due to being virtually void of energy (albeit technically still having Zero-point energy [ the absolute minimal possible amount of energy matter can have { as far as we can tell (at least while opperating under quantum mechanics [even if time is working differently, there is still a certain way things opperate within a world with an opperating temporal dimension) } ] ), albeit it is theorhetically possible for it to have kenetic energy (I believe), if nothing else acts upon it while that energy is being used, albeit I could be wrong...

Entropy is reduced to as little as possible at that temperature, btw, in case anyone needs to know that...

Anywho... to the release, then I will read this chapter, if I get the chance.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/19/2011 0:45:18)

I -think- You broke science. Again.

Although it was a good chapter.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/19/2011 14:45:20)


I cannot say for certain that time would stop at litteral absolute zero, however, because of the fact that it should be impossible for anything to properly measured do to the temporal effects, the matter or energy would cease to be absolute zero (most likely) if it is effected by anything at all, due to being virtually void of energy (albeit technically still having Zero-point energy [ the absolute minimal possible amount of energy matter can have { as far as we can tell (at least while opperating under quantum mechanics [even if time is working differently, there is still a certain way things opperate within a world with an opperating temporal dimension) } ] ), albeit it is theorhetically possible for it to have kenetic energy (I believe), if nothing else acts upon it while that energy is being used, albeit I could be wrong...

And thus, the world shall never know.

~Lady Zafara

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/30/2011 23:28:18)

Who said your story was getting boring? I didn't think so. I thought all of your chapters were good.

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (8/31/2011 18:18:07)

Epic new chapters,glad you decided to add the 14h one x3.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/2/2011 11:14:30)

*Oveanic Voyage themed music plays in the background* *foghorn sounds*

Well, it seems that, for some reason or another, I have enough free time to actually read your story... Sry, DB, but with you releasing chapters so much, it has caused me to be unable to read other peoples' stories, and increased the tedium level, and so it is with great semi-heaviness of heart that I must tell you that I won't be reading your story for a bit... I will be doing it immediately after Zafara's and Jae's stories (possibly Strebbor's too).

And now back to the show...

Whoa... I just had a flashback to Courage the Cowardly Dog's them song... Creepy...

I like the narative point of view... It's refreshing having the story told from the perspective of Wiiman's part in it, especially with the brief change to your PoV for the chapter, as well... It feels weird to say, but I appreciated the part about you crying over his transeformation, too... Vampires can be so stoney (emotionally) when it comes to sadness, and too many people have not included the sense of read and sheer horror that is involved in the werewolf transeformation process... You did it pretty well, if I do say so myself... I admire that.

You'd think he'd have him too far under to regain conciousness, but then again, with those sort of therian transeformations, it's too hard to tell... Pity science does not have any such field to study similar phenomina... if they exist, that is... Albeit clinical Lycanthropy, and a craving for blood definitely do exist in the real world...

Yes... I had assumed Experimental had come from the future...

At least there are logical limits placed upon said Chronomancy... I would have thought the term "Chronomancy" would refer to a more direct route, that is quite inventive, and very refreshing.

And also, the fire bit makes sense to a degree, as well, because fire is basically a chemical reaction that produces heat and light radiation, both of which could potentially be used quite effectively in the speeding up of it, though it is difficult to say how one could travel backwords in time, or at least to explain it in a way you would understand (momentary RPing from my char's perspective [ He knows ALOT about that sort of thing...])... Is it just me, or did Experimental momentarily maulfunction, saying controller (singular), and then them (plural), refering to the same person/s? Then again, he is a cyborg, not an android, so it could be a human bit of him shining through...

I also suspect that the reason he calls him master is that he sent Experimental from the future to himself in the past... That's been the most obvious and logical explaination from the begining...

Well, 13 accomplished nothing in my quest to further my knowledge of how that world works/when in the storyline it is/ our parts we shall play, other than the training of an army/war bit...

Ah, time travel...I just love how it complicates things... lol

I wonder if he even still has werewolf abilities, or if the opperation Experimental was doing was completely successful... I both doubt it, and expect it was... Maybe only a partial success...

Hehe... Simpler times, those were... Not as much wisdom, had I, nor the experience I do now... And I was temporarily relatively less intelligent, as well, which added to the anger issues (knowing you used to be smarter REALLY puts a damper on your mood, and makes you feel horrible)... Powers lost... Opportunities gained... You'll probably understand later... If I ever get around to it... *groans*... I have way too little free time lately...

I did still have quite a few tricks up my sleeve, though, and super strength was among them, along with my healing and fire powers, my ability to fly, my knowledge of swordsplay (though not a power, with super strength it is the equivalent of one, if you are good enough...) also super speed, though that was quite (relatively) limited... Basically your average super heroing repertoir, instead of the extaordinarily greater amount of power I have at my disposal now...

Oh, times past... Gives me that weird nostalgiac feeling... And also reminds me that I shouldn't spoiler anything... Which reminds me that I had been saying that I talked about Experimental's master being Wiiman in the future before it was said in the story... Lucky I was behind a few chapters...

With war coming, and the nature of the war...

Flying pigs... rare? Popicosh... or however that is spelled...

Aw... Your story got cought up too fast...

Yes, I think madness will do nicely...

WOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Krakens. They make good snacks, if fried and seasone correctly... Except their brains and beaks... the brains just taste weird, and are filled with chemicals you wouldn't want to consume, and the beak's better served for a mastead, or some decoration like a knife handle, or what have you...

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/2/2011 11:28:44)


They make good snacks, if fried and seasone correctly... Except their brains and beaks... the brains just taste weird, and are filled with chemicals you wouldn't want to consume, and the beak's better served for a mastead, or some decoration like a knife handle, or what have you...

I'll keep that in mind! xD

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