RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (Full Version)

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delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/2/2011 17:16:47)

Lol krakens make me laugh,epic chapter as always Arachid,I have a few thoughts about how this story will end but...........PLEASE DON'T LET ME BE RIGHT!!!! Personally I perfer being wrong about what people are writing. Also hmm...Drakkoniss might have commented in my thread,(at least I hope he did <.<)

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/2/2011 17:30:18)

Ah, the Kraken... Monster of the deep... Scurge of the seven seas...

I believe I will read this chapter now, because I am bored of lv grinding for a sec...

I forgot what the- Oh, yeah, she threw them at the Crocadilian's eyes...

Hmm... Experimental... Well, the high tech ship probably WOULD be of some use at the moment so I suppose I appreciate him returning... Almost seemed too short...

I also wonder how OC actually got the Kraken to attack, anyhow...

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/3/2011 12:54:23)

A pirate story just wouldn't have been complete without our squid friend. Can't wait to see what happens next.

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/3/2011 20:36:45)

T.T such a sad fate for the vampire mermaid and very unexpected x3,keep up the good work

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/5/2011 13:14:54)

I like it, but I couldn't help but notice similarities to the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Comments?

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/5/2011 13:30:04)

Oh, I definitely added similarities to the PoTC movies, but it was on purpose.

~Lady Zafara

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/5/2011 13:41:10)

Ah, very well then.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/11/2011 0:45:08)

I thought that her weakness wouldve been fire, instead of

Oh well then, it appears that I was wrong.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/11/2011 11:02:05)

Ah, Maelstroms... Such violent, destructive, invigorating little sea storms...

Provides quite a bit of fun every once in a while, but then again, it is dangerous for other people to be caught in one, so there's that...

*sigh* (<-Nostalgia) A good fighting spirit and personality that captain has...

DOH! I hate it when the mast of a ship gets hit... Makes it sooo annoying to get around... Well, with the other people, at least...

The center of a whirlpool isn't where I'd want to be, if I were you... The actual center is underwater... It dips under once the litlle spinny wave things get closer together on all sides... XD

Now, while I do believe it is concievably possible to survive that for you, especially with Zafara's aparent control of water, and the fact that at least SHE could breath it... Arafae and Wiiman could be lifted above the water by me, and all... but where would that leave us? Ridiculous...

Yeah... those undeath are somewhat annoying with the rising from destruction and all... especially magical ones...

Hmm... Yes, I had presumed destroying your life essence would do that... a pity he had such power, but then again, he would have to, to be able to have such power over his crew's existance...

Truly a pity... Ah well, back to the reading... (my lack of reaction there is not for lack of care, it is for presumption of lack of final character destruction, considering all the resources at play)

Whee! Instinctual knowledge of the forces he had yet to understand, let alone master...

Yeah, I thought that was the future version of him... Gah, it's annoying to not have as much power as I would... I almost hate myself for my ignorance and weakness at the time... and I actually did then, too...

Pity that the constrains and requirements of the timeline (do to it originally actually happening that way) mean that in stead of going back in time and stoping OC from destroying her soul, a visit to Death had to be made... Then again, visiting Death will also most likely lead to the gaining of some advantage over Overcast, too...

Oh, and I'm going to assume the changes in apearance are due to either the increasing of his power, the "overuse" of it, or both...

Also, my thoughts on how Zafara is brought back now include the sacrificing of Arafae's soul, part of it, or possibly enough of her life force to reduce her number of years she ought to unlive by a dramatic amount... say... a normal human life's span, perhaps?

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/11/2011 19:56:27)


Also, my thoughts on how Zafara is brought back now include the sacrificing of Arafae's soul, part of it, or possibly enough of her life force to reduce her number of years she ought to unlive by a dramatic amount... say... a normal human life's span, perhaps?

oh, there's going to be something special about how we bring Zafara back.
And little twist at the end of the story with Arafae that I don't think anyone will predict.

~Lady Zafara

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (9/11/2011 22:32:34)

... That would be much apreciated, should you be able to pull that off...

And I shall be waiting on that ressurection... Death and Life as ideals and consequences intrigue me... as does the way one would get arround such things...

And so, I shall comment on your story, after such a long time:

Nice line about latin. Very... insightful.

I could personally tell people how time travel works, or where you'd go, seeing as the hard facts would be overwhelming, but then again, I somewhat distrust magic, and I might not necessarily be the person Wiiman was speaking of... And at the time I would not have been able to, so it also depends on where you are in my timeline.

I like obsidian... It makes a good weapon, because it fractures upon impact many times, which makes dealing with the wounds medically difficult... It is also very nice just from a asthetic point of view.

Although the material actually makes me think of finely polished Stygian Iron... Then again, I suppose that depends on if Wiiman actually did that on purpose, or it broke otherwise. If the later of the two is correct, than obsidian is more likely, although it most certainly has special properties, I'd say.

Then again, I still think it likely to be obsidian.

Gibbs' moniker reminds me of giblets. lol

To be fair, good friends risking their lives for one another is not unheard of in my experience. Not at all. But anywho... That does apply in many situations... Oh, and I think he may have been talking about Wiiman.

But on to the actual matter at hand... My heart aches just reading these words from so long ago in life. It burns with grief over your death... and the circumstances thereafter... tears are almost brought to my eyes from the very rememberance of such pain.

The ominous words of Death's utterance shall ring true, I fear... The city shall have some nasty times ahead... It almost seems cursed to suffer time and time again... But that is a matter for another time, and another story, I think.

That is the one time I could have ever done something such as that... before and after, my soul would not have been mine to give, nor anyones to take.

I shall be waiting for the spectacular twist you described.


Now, let's see if I get killed off, like Blood Moon said, eh?

Hmm... That makes me think that Death may be Thanatos even more.

lol @ the reference XD

The strange look was over the kneeling, the soul taking...

Mmm... The Evil causes me problems, sadly, but there are still ways to deal with it. The mental prison I conciously created and forced it into helped to make it so that it was not unleashed just when I lost concentration, though... That, and the aperatus I have set up to stop things from getting out of hand, at least if I can get to it. *frowns, remembering the past*

Still, there is a gnawing melancholic feeling of unwholeness, constantly. An... emptiness... but enough of that. Let us get back to the story, eh?

Killing, eh? Funny term to use on the dead and damned, but I suppose not many more would be such a word that would fit correctly. Fitting, one might say, but slightly perturbing, for reasons stated earlier.

Ow... I feel a burning in my mind, just remembering that. He had pierced my heart both metaphorically and physically, that one.

A fitting end to the chapter, my love.

It would seem I was to die, then, but then again, I am here, so I say wait and see, people, for the finale, where it shall be revealed to you all, should you decide to read it, that is.

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/19/2012 23:14:05)

I would comment but I am to shocked at what you just did to Drak!

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/20/2012 11:33:06)

To be fair, that counts as a comment. XP

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/20/2012 14:02:24)

I seem to have lost the links I was gonna post when you next updated. Oh well.

"That, my dear boy, is Classified." he smirked.

He just said he was a god. I'm assuming that he can take whatever form he wants to.


Drakkoniss exploded into fire.

On a boat. Probably made of wood.


 "Push those little beasties back! Hit 'em where it hurts!"

Skeletons probably don't have pain receptors.


and saw Drakkoniss burning. 
But how?

You said that he exploded into fire a few paragraphs ago. 


because it fractures upon impact many times, which makes dealing with the wounds medically difficult...

It also make it very breakable.


It would seem I was to die, then, but then again, I am here,

Unless you are a zombie.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/22/2012 10:08:02)


You said that he exploded into fire a few paragraphs ago.

No, no. He was BURNING. Like, actually burning.
Exploding into fire is being surrounded by fire, so it's not actually burning you.

~Lady Zafara

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/22/2012 13:40:21)

OK time to read the final chapter! It better be good. I am excited to see the fate of Drak.


The fighting raged around us, as I ran to his burning body, some skin around the wound already turning black, and gripped the sword hilt to pull it out.

O.o Wouldn`t that count,as looting the body?


I pulled with all of my might (which was probably not the best idea), and yanked the sword free.

Wait this sword is in Drakes,body and we our trying to pull it out of his chest? Ya not a good idea.

Wow had no idea Arafae had that kind of power. Wait hwy didn`t she just do that in first place?


"This is for Drakkoniss...and Zafara...May Death have no mercy on you," she hissed, and ripped the sword out.

Well he did defy,the laws of death and killed his daughter so I doubt he would even consider mercy on Overecast.


Nice that he got his own ship,not nice about her dyeing. Wait whats a damphir? Wonder who`s voice who that was. Overall EPIC Finale CHAPTER!

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/22/2012 13:58:48)

Sorry I wasn't able to read it when it was first released. I had a party to go to. lol...

I'll do that and comment through edits.


And now, for the conclusion:

*chuckles* Petty friend... Oh, how little he knows, and how much shall happen. The boasting makes things funnier.

Makes you wonder if the swords were meant to be combined all along, eh? Destiny, fate? Oh, the things that can be understood, should you know enough. There are reasons for all things; It is just that most don't know them.

The jail time bit still makes me laugh. I mean, the line could be better, but meh.

... This is the part where people realise why the story was named after Arafae. XP

To hand the sword of burning flame to a man of ice: An interesting matter, almost like a joke; Such a matter has a pirpose, though. She was not a daft woman, that. Perhaps knowledge and understandin may be gleamed by some of you now. Perhaps later, after more information is given.

Much paler than usual for a vampire one would think would be quite dramatic, no?... Reading of her death again... saddens me. Zafara looks as if she were just a little girl, there. So long since last I read of her dying moments, and so long since the time of my interactions with her, yet old wounds die hard. A fitting end, to rewrite the begining...

I had actually known of her father before then, as well... A complicated matter, time travel. I suppose some might think badly of me for it as well, but one does not change such things trivially.

Wiiman knew and didn't tell her either, obviously. His reasons for doing so, I shall not reveal, but his is an interesting life. Perhaps Zafara or he shall tell someone, and give permission for them to say.

What's funny is that Wiiman (the future one) asked about how Zafara could be only half vampire, as well, which means he either doesn't know she is a full vampiress, even many years in the future, or she isn't. As this could be a bit of speculation and intrigue, I feel I'll let it be, and leave any of you to stew over it and make guesses.

Tossing it into the ocean could have led to it breaking, if it weren't enchanted to be durable. *whistles*

Makes you wonder, that ending, hmm?

Noone should ever see a vampire cry... That would make for a nice quote or siggy, but I wouldn't know how it could be implemented. I like how that was writen into it, though. It made for a nice show of emotional content.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/22/2012 14:53:56)


No, no. He was BURNING. Like, actually burning.
Exploding into fire is being surrounded by fire, so it's not actually burning you.

You could have explained it better, like saying a flaming aura exploded around him or something. I will comment on the final chapter eventually.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/22/2012 16:23:36)

I would possit that the sword and the usage of a piece of her soul gave her that power, Kinz.

Looting the body... XD And who says that is that bad of a thing? To be fair, they ARE pirates..

You know what this reminds me to be glad for? My innate resistance to magic.

Also, how do jars not make sense? I think I will allow Zafara to describe why she had a jar that did that, what requirements there were for using it, and a damphir is a being that is half vampire. Generally speaking, a human is the other half.

Hmm... You know, I also noticed that what happened to me was not mentioned in there. Probably best, considering we didn't talk about it, and all, but it also will leave the people reading wondering if I meet up with you afterwords, and talk to you about your mother's death, or if I was gone from your life next we met, having already left before the year was out.

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/23/2012 20:53:15)

Arafae died. [&o] That was sad...

And that jar of sand finally did something! Interesting.


Wonder who`s voice who that was.

I think it was hinted a few chapters ago that the 'real threat' is Clown. But I could be wrong about that.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/23/2012 22:07:08)

To be fair, it was stated in the very first chapter of her very first story that she died, if I remember correctly.

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/23/2012 22:10:17)

If the voice is Clown then explains how he got Overecast to get the Machatie.

Jessa K -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/24/2012 1:14:14)

Sorry I didn't comment on this on friday when I read it. I think I was really tired or something. Better late than never, though.

Very good and interesting story. I like it. There are some grammar problems; I could edit them for you if you want.

How could Zafara be a mermaid if both her parents were vampires?

I love the jar of dirt. A friend of mine said something silly about how she got a jar of dirt once...

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae Discussion (1/24/2012 10:15:53)

Yeeeaah... everyone tends to wonder about the mermaid thing. Personally, I think she'll explain it somewhere around the close of "Sisters in Arms", or possibly in the epilogue.

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