RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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DeathSpawn -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/3/2011 21:28:47)

This seems pretty obvious. Personally I never liked bots to begin with but to make it 3 is simply screwing peeps over that have adored the build for so long. If it remains at 3 then they would need to buff gamma bot specifically otherwise the build will be rendered useless and will disappear altogether.

This will in turn leave room for the support only role for these future releases they speak of since it obviously encompasses something utilizing the 3 turn cooldown otherwise the 2 turn cooldown would've been a dead giveaway to begin with.

We already have a problem of fighting the same builds over and over. Lets not make it worse...

Infinity Everlasting -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/3/2011 21:29:06)

The update is amazing, though robot cooldown should be reduced to 2 so that it can maintain at least a portion of its original power.

Stabilis -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/3/2011 21:40:24)

Hot Topic

When we nerf the robots, they need a compensation to go along with it. That should be making the robot harshly weaker but giving at least the special attack unblockability. What do you think?

Sageofpeace -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/3/2011 21:52:44)

if is a two turn cool-down is a slight Nerf thats true but if is 3 is HUGE Nerf does are FACTS

MrBones -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 7:55:46)

IMAO. Like Ashari said, the GammaBot was too good and left no place for new robots....ahahah

Now we will have to buy the new robot coming out soon.

But oh no no they are doing this this for the sake of balance kids !

Greed knows no boundaries

Dendavex -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 12:00:56)

Why make robots
If you are gonna nerf them
This confuses me [>:]

Remorse -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 12:08:49)

I am a 5 focus user,

And Im happy with the robot nerf.
I think it is a brilliant idea, and will make players think more in battles rather than just spamming robot attacks.

And also you mention compensation, the compensation is that Str builds have also been nerfed with their skills.

This mean the to Oped battale startegies, (str Builds, and 5 focus) will now be weaker for the benefot of the game.
Now theirs not just one Oped build much more creative builds will come back and or be created.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 13:29:10)

@MrBones Exactly. They nerf Gamma Bot so now we will all go buy the new powerful bot then the same patern if you been playing ED for a long time you should know the patern.

Guys nerfing bot is not going to help balance nietheir is making the skills like beseker or masscre improve with weapon dmg going to help creativty. Dont you see? It is the same patern. They make everyone rush to get the ultra rare then they nerf it and make it useless in a few weeks or so then watch as very soon they release a powerful new bot and everyone goes and gets that and so on. 5 Focus was the only balanced build. It fits the true saying "best defence is the best offense" it may not have any true trade-offs like it should be but if you are at least going to nerf it then unrestrict the other old creative builds by removing stat requirements. I mean also look at the how beseker and masscre will now work. They will work with weapon damage now. So now their gonna probably realease a new powerful primary weapon so that now beseker and masscre will now be buffed then nerf sooner or later. I only been here for nearly a year and some of you guys have been here way longer then I have. I mean can you not see it?

The one build that will be left is spamming builds. I bet you a new era of Super Oped STR Builds will now come just watch and see. I really hope some of you guys would agree but I may be the only one who sees whats coming. If I am wrong then maybe then ED can truly change then. But if I was right then I wont see change coming. I am not trying to flame you devs and mods but this a very true pattern which is indeed a fact that we have all seen.

Feral Ninja -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 15:42:07)

...Ok... There goes my build.

5 focus is pretty much dead now. Gamma Bot is useless... So basically, you only need Assault Bot now... And only for the debuffing... >_< (AKA, no need for 5 focus for assault Bot)


frosty123 -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 15:54:01)

They destroyed a build as of what cost? The opnening of the new builds. Epic update didnt do much harm except of course the gamma bot. but it would be epic if it was unblockable and 3 turns. :)

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 15:58:52)

@Feral Ninja Yup they force us into 5 Focus builds now they destroy it whats next?!

Illuminator -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 16:16:36)

I highly doubt that this will destroy 5 focus builds. 5 focus still gives you good defense with good damage from your primary, sidearm, and aux. And you will still be able to use 1 bot attack. It will allow other builds to be able to compete with 5 focus a bit better by lowering 5 focus damage output a bit.

Robots were not supposed to be a primary damage source, they were supposed to be auxiliary: supplemental or extra. Thanks to robots most players don't even use their primary weapon to attack anymore because it is weaker than a robot strike. The gamma bot will be like a more powerful bazooka that can be either physical or energy depending on the situation. I expect this to make people think a little bit more about which attack to use, and maybe people will start using their primaries for damage output again. That is why it's called a primary, it's supposed to be the primary source of damage.


The one build that will be left is spamming builds. I bet you a new era of Super Oped STR Builds will now come just watch and see.

Hopefully the change to % skills will help prevent that. Things like Double Strike, Berzerker, and Massacre will give the same bonus to STR abuse builds as non abuse builds. And they will hopefully actually be more effective at a level above 1.

endtime -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 16:25:36)

It is awesome that this happened. Five focus builds are strong, but the battles are extremely boring and the blocks annoy me so much. This way, I can use more enjoyable other builds without pesky opposition from five focus opponents.

Feral Ninja -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 16:49:35)

5 Focus requires 5 stats. (And higher tech for more Bot dmg.)
Aux requires 1 stat. (Support, which is overpowered in combination with certain builds.)

Gamma Bot is useless now.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 17:01:15)

@Illuminator I udnerstand that but it is destroyed. In order to have a succesful 5 focus build you need even stats and decent HP and EP and you use to be able to attack and debuff back to back or phsyical attack and energy attack back to back. No one wants to do one bot attack or special attack/ability every 3 turns. Most people will just resort to the fastest way out and the other Oped builds just jumping to spamming builds. Just like Feral Ninja said Aux Multi/Malf builds require just one stat support so most people will go the fastest way without trying to think before they attack. It is obvious most of the Bot users(like me) dont like the bot nerf and the others who dont use bots and hate 5 focus build and bots are happy so since 5 focus is useless in our eyes we wil most likely go other builds leaving 5 focus for the dead.
I will for one try it out when this new update(even tho I hate it) and if it has destroyed my build I will go to another one.

bluerain28 -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 20:39:44)

Gammabot is useless now? So it means, players who says that only rely on robots? Thats why you win win because of the robot?

Robot is only to support, not to be the main attack. It should have a cooldown on the first place. The dev's never thought of how it will be op'ed when there will be no cooldown. That's when they realized that they should have made the attack of the bots with cooldown of each attack because its too op. But thought late.


No offense sir, but I think your complaining coz your a paid player. You dont want to that youll be defeated to a F2P coz you got the coolest gear that makes paid player almost undefeatable. [:D]

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 20:53:06)

Support mercs will have the greatest advantage after this update, because the bot was non deflectable. It was a nice counter build to level the high crit ratio, Artillary Strike and aux.

What I would like is the criticals to be valued from both skills set and balance of stats over just one stat on support.

ND Mallet -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/4/2011 20:58:33)

@Jzaanu Support didn't help the bot any since it was useless if it got blocked. And support had the greatest advantage in the first place anyways.

I like the idea of a bot nerf since it will close the gap between varium and non varium some. One of the biggest threats I face of a high level varium player on my alts would be 5 focus with Gamma Bot. They would hit 30-40 for one attack and then they usually hit just as much with their aux.

drinde -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/5/2011 5:50:10)

Awesome. I will return as a Multi-Bounty to haunt 2v2 Focus Users.

DarkNight1223 -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/5/2011 5:53:55)

I'm actually quite interested, due to over 80% of the varium players in EpicDuel EITHER have a strength build, or a Robot build. I would love to see what happens next.

altimatum -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/5/2011 8:25:56)

^like any other nerf, mass flaming.

drinde -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/5/2011 10:25:21)

Prepare to see Focus Users get frustrated in game if they forget the update! :P

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/5/2011 12:18:55)


The ND Mallet Guy
@Jzaanu Support didn't help the bot any since it was useless if it got blocked. And support had the greatest advantage in the first place anyways.

Support Merc used their hybrid as a foundation, so they used less dex. A 5 focus bot build was one of the attacks that could never be deflected. High support always had a defense of high rate of deflection, so guns and aux against those builds were very risky. As Bots could produce damage on support builds, and less likely to be blocked against support mercs due to low dex in their build.
I think you had misread my text. :)

Take Care

elm street -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/5/2011 14:56:27)

i think people misunderstood me and probably because rage clouded what i was saying. i could care less about the bot being nerfed but here is the problem. Im trying to be a tank because i despise a str build. probably because i was a tank my whole ed career. The problem now is that you have str abusers that can hit mid twenties on me when i have 27-33 +12+1, when smoke is gone they are not a problem but smoke for a str tlm lasts through all of their specials so its a hard storm to weather. all im looking for is moderate damage for a tank so that once he weathers the storm so to speak he has options to contrast str that would now be hitting around 10. 2 out of 3 main weapons are reliant on str so unless you use str for raw damage you have no option. you cannot be purely defensive to contrast str builds when you urself hit 3 damage all but ur aux and robot turns. with tanks out of the picture you only have str builds dominating other str builds through luck factors.

H4ll0w33n -> RE: Robot Nerf Discussion Thread (8/5/2011 16:20:31)

the robot nerf seems great imo

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