Kill the Beast Part Two (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Kill the Beast Part Two (9/9/2011 1:41:33)

Kill the Beast - Part 2!

Location: Battleon » Robina's Shop » Truphma Saga » 3: Kill the Beast! » Part 2

After our adventurer, Vephoma, and Eukara Vox discovered what the threat to Battleon was, the town experienced a short time of peace. But, soon enough, the townspeople were up in arms regarding the Ramleon again. Unable to believe that the Ramleon that they encountered in the forest was the culprit, the Adventurer and Eukara Vox set out to find the truth.
  • Go!

    «Scene: Battleon. New Scene: Battleon Schoolhouse.»

    Townsfolk: I thought you got rid of the beast!
    Townsfolk: Some hero you are.
    Townsfolk: I heard there are several of those monsters!
    Townsfolk: I want my mommy!
    Eukara Vox: I WILL have order in my classroom. My goodness, people, you are adults. Your children behave better in my classroom, even on test days, than you! We will not continue until you have been seated.
    Eukara Vox: We will not continue until you have calmed down.
    Eukara Vox: ..............
    Townsfolk: .............
    Eukara Vox: That is MUCH better. Children, would you please go outside and play for a bit while we grownups talk?
    Children: YAY!!!

    «Children leave. Scene shows window to outside, where the Children jump around a swing set, and then returns to the interior of the classroom.»

    Eukara Vox: That is MUCH better. Now, if we could do this in a more orderly fashion, would someone here please tell me what has occurred?

    «Brool raises his fist.»

    Eukara Vox: Yes?

    «Brool puts his fist down.»

    Brool: Um, Miss Vox, it seems that the creature you took care of is back. And, there are several reports that there are several. My fowl have been ransacked.
    «You»: We only addressed the one creature that threatened you. There were no indications that there were more in the vicinity.
    Eukara Vox: I see. Can someone give me a headcount of how many have been sighted?

    «Zora raises her fist.»

    Eukara Vox: Yes?

    «Zora puts her fist down.»

    Zora: My husband came in from hunting earlier today. He saw several of them. What looked like a male leading several females in a pack. He said he saw about seven in that group.
    Brool: I saw six yesterday, exactly like that. One male leading several females.
    «You»: From my experience, pack animals are very particular about their groups. If her husband saw one pack of eight--
    «You»: -- and he saw a pack of seven, then that is at least two separate packs roaming the land around our towns.
    «You»: And we have no idea if the female we attended to is a part of either of those packs.
    Eukara Vox: So, that is potentially sixteen Ramleons out there, maybe more. «You», I think we need to go...

    «Eukara walks forward as the Townspeople and Vephoma walk back.»

    Eukara Vox: ......... ? Where are my students?!
    «You»: !!!

    «Scene: Outside.»

    Eukara Vox: My students! My Substitute! Gone!
    «You»: Your substitute was out there with them? Maybe it is time you got a new one...
    ???: ggrrrrrrrowll....
    «You»: Townspeople, now might be a good time to secure your fowl, herds, flocks, and selves...
    Gadtoff: .......... That's a good idea!

    «The Townspeople leave.»

  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

    «You»: Okay, this isn't good. Your students and the sub are missing and we get the equivalent of a ransom note, by way of attack, on the playground from the ramleons.
    Eukara Vox: I don't understand why they are attacking us. This is unacceptable and needs to be rectified. I will be going to get my students now. You may come if you so desire.
  • Go!

    «Scene: Greenguard Forest.»

    «You»: It's awfully quiet. That is always a bad sign.
    Eukara Vox: Right. Anytime a forest goes silent, it means there is a massive predator nearby.
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

    «You»: Like that.
    Eukara Vox: It seems that the Ramleons have recruited help.
    «You»: Here they come!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

    «You»: Of course they have. But, where on Lore did the Ramleons come from? I've been sent on errands through the forest so many times and never have come across them.
    Eukara Vox: I... don't know. This creature is definitely different. Once this is all done with, I am going to have to do some research. This kind of mystery will eat at me.
    «You»: Speaking of...
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

    Eukara Vox: We are close if they are sending out defenses in waves like that.
    ???: I want to go home!
    ???: Shush, you will make them mad!
    ???: I want Miss Vox. If she was here, all these monsters would be whooped!
    ???: She's gonna be mad we got taken in the first place.
    ???: Not our fault the sub was
    ???: Yeah!
    ???: Yeah...
    Eukara Vox: My students!!
    «You»: Let's go!!

    «Scene: Another part of the forest with three Ramleons.»

    Ramleon: RAAWWRRRR!!!!!
    «You»: Awww, c'mon...
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

    «Scene: The part of the forest in which two Ramleons guard the Substitute and the students.»

    «You»: Well, we got through the first line of defense, but this line doesn't look all that promising.
    Eukara Vox: My students! Mr. Darkwood! Are you okay?!
    (simultaneously) Students: We tried to fight! But the Ramleons were EVERYWHERE!! Students: Yeah, Mr. Darkwood wanted to snack! Students: It's not our fault!
    Mr. Darkwood: I'm sorry, Ms. Vox, but I didn't do a very good job of watching over the children today...
    Eukara Vox: They're all still alive, Mr. Darkwood. You're not fired yet.

    «A Ramleon enters.»

    «You»: Uh-oh! This male seems to be in charge...

    «The Ramleoness you saved in Part 1 arrives on your side.»

    Ramleon: ROOOAARRR!!!
    Ramleoness: rrrRRAWWRRRR!!!
    Eukara Vox: Now this is interesting. Very, very interesting. I do believe we have reinforcements!
  • Battle with the Ramleoness's help!
  • Battle with Eukara's help!
  • Battle alone!

    Regardless of choice:

    Students: Yay!!!

    «The Ramleoness who helped you slinks away.»

    «You»: Interesting how that played out. We need to put up warning signs about this area. I don't think the creatures are leaving any time soon.
    Eukara Vox: Agreed. I will look into this further. For now, I need to get my students back to class.
    Students: Awwwww...
    Eukara Vox: For recess!
    Students: YAY!!!!!!!

    «The Students hop.»
    Ramleon Two

    Shop Weapons:
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm
  • Ramleon Polearm

    Shop Spells:
  • Summon Ramleoness I
  • Summon Ramleoness II
  • Summon Ramleoness III
  • Summon Ramleoness IV
  • Summon Ramleoness V
  • Summon Ramleoness VI
  • Summon Ramleoness VII
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Write-up thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Monster encounters thanks to In Media Res.

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