(HS) Classified Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Arachnid -> (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/10/2011 19:55:57)

This is the current discussion thread for the story, Classified.

~Lady Zafara

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/10/2011 20:02:25)

Well the top secret thing will certainly hamper discussion on it...

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/10/2011 22:43:33)

Just so you know, you use commas with dialogue that has something coming after it. Like this.

"That was a pretty good read," Goldstein said.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 14:32:04)

Apparently most of you know about me story...Did someone tell you?

~Lady Zafara

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 15:15:04)

Well, to tell the truth, the person who told me was *redacted*

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 15:15:46)


~Lady Zafara

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 15:58:23)

It's a word that means to take away, usually from an official document. As I was saying, the person who told me was *redacted* Not again!

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 16:08:11)

Tell me who it was. I need to know who I can't trust with a secret.

~Lady Zafara

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 17:30:04)

It *redacted* and he *redacted* and possibly *redacted* the village *redacted* everyone.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 20:09:36)

I saw the post when you updated the story, I told *redacted*. I'm guessing *redacted* told Goldstein.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 21:45:31)

Hey look, some random new thingy to check out... Ooooooh....


And the Cat's in the Cradle and The Silver Spoon; Little Boy Blue and the Man on the Moon;

And now that the musical intermission is over... back to the program...


Hmm.. Five years... takes place around O.P.E.R.A.T.I.O.N. Reborn, then, and I bet you coordinated things with Gray for that reason, along with the fact that I know you did talk to Gray before making it, so there's that... Or, if not before (How should I know the timeline?), I know you did notify him of it.

XD (Dress billowing in the wind... Yet another little explicit implication for some of the random things in your story... Oh, what will the people looking up think? <- Makes me laugh. lol)

I very much like the tone of the story so far, mon cheri... Almost has a post-Apocalyptic feel...

Good, you answered my initial questions concerning the "opening" of the city after such a long time, and quickly too... I think I will enjoy this VERY much... Which makes me feel almost intrusive reading this for some reason... but then again, while I am not sure it was meant to be known to all yet, my mind nags me to read it, and I must oblige

Oh, there are many things wrong with many people, love... But that's beside the point... mostly... Oh, I DO so enjoy this...

I have many ideas concerning said benefactor... I wonder when you'll answer my questions on the matter...

Hmm... So impressionable, you seem, sometimes... I would warn you, while Gray's philosophy is quite a good one in many cases, it can consume you and make you just as corrupt as those you seek to fight against... It's happened before...

It makes me even more wary that it is the new Gray that is teaching you... He has a maniacal streak about him, even more so than his father, and has not had me to curb him enough... or at least... I was not able to, and then, being unable to after Modo's advent... Oh, how I miss philosophical arguements with Gray the 1st... and the logic behind them most of the time...
He didn't even trust me when I was there to talk with him... Distrust and hatred cause many a problem in this modern society we live in...

Numb? Hmm... Intriguing...

Nure Onna, eh? Reminds me of a Naga, but then again, there are similar creatures in various mythoses...

Hmm... Paralisis by touch... I had assumed as much, considering the serpentine characteristics, anyway... I had sort of wished it was selective and sight oriented, though... I supposed that might cause a few too many problems, then again...

Thinking of him as Blue Gear, though he assumes the mantle of the Silhouette, eh? Probably would annoy him if he knew... He takes that quite seriously... Although I do not know what circumstances have occured between you to to alter oppinions one way or another...

O.o Mysterious... Trusting noone, though? They had one thing in common, they were good and bad; She said, "Faster, faster! The lights are tuning red!" Life in the fast lane: Surely makes you lose your mind; Life in the fast lane! Yeah... (That is what I think of your not trusting anyone, and your aparent personality shift... I like it, but I don't... It takes a bit of the girlishness out of it, it seems... Not that that is necessarily a bad thing [no offence, either way], it's just somewhat of a downer, emotionally... But I do like the dark stories and tales such as this is looking to be...)

What about skin? Skin that flakes off could have DNA, you know... Then again, there are probably other things that need more to be worried about...

Hehe... You think deleting such files will do anything? What about backups? Hard copies? Private people who are extremely paranoid? There will be evidence you existed...

Hmm... Aparently she does not realize Blue Gear is the Gray Silhouette... Interesting indeed...

Hmm indeed... So someone other than I finally has started to detect the monsters and creatures of ancient power and might stirring and becoming active again...

I won't comment on Blue Gear's device, seeing as he's smart enough to have one, obviously, and the idea is common enough...

Stone Golems, eh? Sorcery... I wonder if their master is near, or if they have none ... Interesting term for it, Balboa... I bet that it signifies they are "natural" creatures of magic, and not brought to life by a magic user's hand... or at least, not directly, considering the species could have been spawned long ago by one, whether it was an ancient god or a mortal weilding the power... Urg.. I still dilike calling them that, though there is no better teminology for them that people would understand without refering to pantheon or mythos...

Blue blood... hmm... No hemoglobin in vampires? I would have thought you'd have the battle instincts for that with your experience, but then again, magical things of that sort are difficult to judge adequately, and to be prepared at all is generally to be prepared for anything...

The maker, eh? Hmm... Makes me both think of a Certain Diety, and an enginier... Then again, to have the ability to create man, let alone the rest of this fully functioning world we live in, God would have to have knowledge and expertiese beyond that any man can yet comprehend...

A scar, even with Vampiric powers? Or do you at the time? Seems a ridiculous notion, but meh. I still think you do... Perhapse it's the magical power of creature... Meh, you need a better healer, regardless, if you still have to have a scar... I might have to deal with that later... I have both the medical powers to completely heal a normal scar, and the expertiese against magic to heal a magically bound and/or created one...

I think I shall comment more soon... Au revoir for now, M'Lady... Au Revoir...

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/11/2011 22:15:12)

Very interesting, Zaffy.

I sense that your story will coincide with Gray's...
It seems that I don't know as much as I'd like to either....

I have a feeling that your admirable stragithforwardness had a hand in this too...

Anyways, your story is absolutely great so far. Very interesting..... I wonder why so many monsters are after you.
Maybe they like you, hehehe if they do then they have a weird way of showing it. But then again, who knows what goes
on in the heads of such creatures, eh?

You obviously haven't gotten rusty when it comes to fighting, even after all those years....I love your taunts. LOL

Prophecy, eh? Very interesting...I wonder what'll happen next.....

Wow, I never expected Mr. Ice to be so techy. Many things must've changed since your other story....
Anyways, can't wait till your next chapter! Your story is great so far!^^

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 17:02:38)

I can not confirm nor deny that this thread is a figment of all of your imaginations.
I can neither confirm nor deny that it exists.
I can confirm that I will find out who told you...and when I do...
They will know why I am called The Red Death.

~The Red Death

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 17:20:50)

Arachnid: Still don't know how we are supposed to discuss this. Let me guess why you are now red death, was it that "Bloody Hell" was already taken?

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 17:47:11)

Hm...well if this is indeed a figment of my endless imagination then it certainly wouldn't be the first
time I've hallucinated.....

Shadow, I doubt that's the reason that Zaffy now calls herself "The Red Death".

Personally, I never thought much of it, but I guess that if I had to assume then I'd assume that she
named herself after the Red Death in "The masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allen Poe.

The Red Death was a myserious and contagious plague, that was known for killing people within the hour of it's contraction.
It is also known for being dark and ominous and there have been many diverse interpretations of the Red Death. If it turns out
that Zaffy is now calling herself that for a different reason then.....well, at least I got to teach you all an interesting fun fact.=P

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 18:20:18)

The Red Death is like the Gray Silhouette.
It's only me when I'm wearing the armor and helmet.
The name is from...
Celestin gets an A+ ! =D

~Lady Zafara

star screamer -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 18:33:50)

Nice story!
Didn't read it all yet!

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 20:37:40)

Star, too? Containment for this is getting to an almost scandalously out of hand... Might want to call in the Haz-Mat teams...

And now... to reading... and commentary...


Makes me wonder how well this will go even with the repository of info you have... New monsters can be created... Powerful ones can get moreso... Weaknesses can be quashed... Strengths can be augmented.. Dealing with these things cand be problematic, as I said...

Pfft... well obviously you are weak in the chest, considering the fact that that, even though not presumably still dictating and controling the way your life forces flow, it still anchors many, many, muslces along with being the connector and center of the mass in your body... and what else is interesting is the fact that the detector says nothing of the mermaid traits... and along with the fact that soul destruction is the weakness of most forms of life, it does not record other weaknesses they are susceptible to, aparently... strange...

Oh, and nice that you let vampires have reflections in your version...

I like the choice of weapons, seeing as positive and negative energies are able to effect most beings dramatically, if not to death in some... albeit obviously there are exceptions, but anywho...

Whoa... I'd almost swear that scene in the bar was stolen from DB, but then again it is a semi-steriotypical event...

I wonder how you drank a sip with the helmet on... then again, you might not have it on, but I'd think you would...

Rude hand gesture? Strange choice of event...

Hmm... Instantaneous electrical discharge upon contact? I wonder what that is... I'd guess possibly highly charged plasma, but then that would probably do more than that... Hmm, indeed...

Pfft... She's not tough, yet she just took down their tough guy boss... sometimes they seem to have far too little in the way of tact in the mercenary/peon field...

Oh, and yes... do indeed like that your char finally gets to debut her fighting ability at the current time...

Hmm... without that armor, while you would surveve, I wonder how well you would have done... I probably need to do more research into the extents of vampiric healing powers, and also the blood consumption and weakness levels/relationships...

This reminds me of comedy nad tragedy... I have been craving such good storytelling and dark themes for quite a while... Jae's story sated it, but she hasn't produced enough in that area as of yet...
Truly, very, very good...

Back... interesting... I wonder if that's for the current form, or what...

Oh, and the yelling is horrible... DOES NOONE HAVE COMBAT EXPERTIESE ANYMORE?!?!?!?!

Hmm... ancient dialects... Makes me think of latin, though I am not entirely fluent in it, and many languages are similar/stem from it...

Aww... Makes me think the Drakel didn't even want to fight you, and you DID just destroy his bar... then again, it didn't say he was a Drakel the first time, so that could be a different person... meh.

Never leave a shapeshifter alone and not dead if he/she's your enemy, silly... That was not a good thing to overlook, but then again, he is a horrible one for fighting, so meh....

Yards? Strange that you specify yards in stead of feet, but what the hack, idc that much. *Mind thinks 30k ft.*

I wonder how fast you went up then down... Hmm... you should really take care of that shape shifter faster... Then again, it's your fight, and you could just be drawing it out for fun; How should I know?

Hmm... Mind control? Or was he indeed just a scientist turned bar tender? The Drakels are not a stupid race...

O.o Ace of Hearts... nice choice... Reminds me of your bloodlust...

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 20:42:13)


Makes me think of latin


Aww... Makes me think the Drakel didn't even want to fight you

...*Cough* I might delve into that...I mean, it isn't what the story is going to revolve around or anything...*Cough*

I wonder how you drank a sip with the helmet on... then again, you might not have it on, but I'd think you would...

I did, there's a tube...Just thought of that now, actually! =P

Truly, very, very good...

Exactly what I wanted! ^^

~Lady Zafara

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 20:58:15)

@drakkoniss: the scene was given to her,not stolen,though i did make a different one for my character(which is still up for debate).

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 21:28:52)

Yeah, I sorta thought that you were going to deal with the reasoning behind the monsters fighting you (I SAY MIND CONTROL!!!!!!!), but that's a given, so I decided not to mention it when the thought crossed my mind. lol

And you are very welcome for the complement... ON TO DB'S STORY!!!!!!!!!!! <- I was distracted by remembering I needed to check Kira Glittercharm's Youtube channel, and had to post some religious information and council people on whether or not magic was right to use and all, while still trying not to seem like a jerk...

Good to know about that, btw, DB...

silver knight -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/12/2011 22:46:38)

hmm... Guess i stumbled on something interesting while looking through the classified folder in the herospire computer center... very intrigueing.

no told me of this place, but if you want someone to blame. Blame Shadowlord for mentioning Discussion thread, and You for mentioning Classified... equally to blame of course.

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/14/2011 14:28:16)

Hm....so many intresting creatures migrated to our happy little city. Heh heh heh.

Intresting...a Master huh? Makes me wonder...Makes me wonder.

I like this parralelism between your and Gray's story with the New Super City. Lets see...gang wars, monsters, bar fights...This cities off to an amusing start.


Very cool.

star screamer -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (9/14/2011 15:47:37)

I would have read the whole story, but I had to go to school, I wish to finish this story when I have the time.

Your friend, Chaos Screamer

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 11:40:02)

Wow, this is really good! Hmm, with the way that Agent Boston was able to go toe-to-toe with you I wonder if he's actually a Smasher himself and doesn't even realize it?

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