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Vector -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 12:46:08)

thinkin' the same thing, night, and you took the words out of my mouth :P

Wonder if Zaffy would mind putting my character in this? I have a very interesting idea about hypocrisy for Agent Boston >:)

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 12:57:14)

Hm...very interesting new chapter, Zaffy Red Death.

Hm...looks like Phoenixes aren't quite as tough as they used to be...a pity.

Well, Agent Boston sure does seem like a hypocrite.

Insulting Wiiman's organization when he doesn't even know much about it? Pathetic.

I'm a bit surprised at Boston's fighting skills, though.
I hadn't expected him to be able to put up such a fight...

Calling Smashers the monsters? How hypocritical of him. Humans today are so sure of themselves...
even when they themselves become the monsters they try to destroy.

I'm a bit disappointed that Zaffy cough...I mean Red Death(that might take some getting used to) was
defeated by Boston even though he cheated... I expect more from her, you know.

I'm curiouse to see what will happen to Gray. His fate perplexes me...

Vector -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 13:17:04)


Calling Smashers the monsters? How hypocritical of him. Humans today are so sure of themselves...
even when they themselves become the monsters they try to destroy.

dear heavens, you don't know how true that is...

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 13:42:36)


No notification about a new chapter?

I SHALL READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skyscraper of Liberty? Makes me think of a certain statue...

Ah, the oblivious idiots that live in some cities, eh?

Most people are also not immortal... I wonder if you'd still be alive if you fell from a skyscraper, and if you'd regenerate...

I wonder just how much of a fight a phoenix would provide... Not a particularly storng creature, but agile...


Yeah, I know... Phoenixes respawn, but it would still have been funny...

Round One: FIGHT! XD

I love the crazy little fight scenes you guys (or guy and girl/people, if you prefer...) think up. lol

He should have been more careful, though... Anouncing his presence like that could have easily allerted Gray Silhouette to him being there... Then again, he probably wanted that, but he should have been more tactful about it so he could know who he was speaking to, at least, first...

Glad to know that you do know that's Blue Gear and not the original Gray... It still leads me to wonder if you were tought by the original, and if so, how that could possibly happen, and how he could trust you knowing you were working for Clown, or the emotional state you were in at the time... among quite a few other things... although I suppose you could have thought of Blue Gear as Gray Silhoutte when thinking of your training, or not known they were the same person, or something... Hmm... I do think you do know, though...

Oh I don't quite think Agent Boston quite comprehends the scope of the Mastermind's plans...

Interesting though, there... I do think it is indeed quite possible that the temporal mage is being manipulated. The Mastermind is quite... controling.

Even if "Mr.Ice" does not know he's being manipulated, it is quite possible... quite possible indeed.

Still, his frame of mind intrigues me... And it is true in many cases that the ends do justify the means, but not always (in fact, in most cases where moral ambiguity is involved, IMO), and while I do think Wiiman would find someone to attempt to fill the role of Zafara, she could never be truly replaced.

And yes, in many cases, one must be able to profit off of horrible events such as massacres to be able to prevent worse events from happening. One must be able to manipulate the circumstances and outcomes... *sigh* Sometimes the business of doing good can make me sick, mostly because you have to acknowledge the bad things were either unavoidable or were mistakes/the result of them that couldn't be fixxed... and sometimes you just have to make the best of the situation... even when you hate it and what you have to do to make the best of it, in and of itself...

Pity to see the corrupted mentality he now bosts... and it still reminds me of those same few people...

Hmm... I am betting his training involved manipulating his opponent to use their own strength and carelessness against them (no offence)...

But, seeming to be human, I wonder how much punishment his body can actually take... perhaps he uses drugs or machines to augment his strength and endurance...

I still say you need to improve your combat technique... it's too sloppy for my tastes, as you can tell by your story, as well... the sloppiness, that is, not my tastes thereof...

Maybe his anger will cause him to slack in his combat efficiency and technique, and make things more even/slanted in your favor, though...

Personally, I don't consider you canibalistic, either... Both because of your changed physical make-up and the fact that you sometimes cannot control yourself... :/

Hehe... lack of control... I was thinking more along the lines of your lack of judgement... unless you were under Gray's instruction to infiltrate Clown's business at the time, and had judged it as a necessary evil... Hmm...

Yeah... I didn't think he'd be able to take too much of that, considering his humanity...

Hmm... full recovery? Interesting... I am betting on nanites, unless he has a healing factor, which may be the result of govornment experimentation's fruition...

I find it funny that he doesn't understand you are different than other smashers... in so many ways...


I also find it strange that you guys don't seem to understand his change of personality/ "hypocricy"... I find that quite reasonable, given his situation.

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 13:43:20)

I agree with all above statements though I must say that it takes a monster to destroy a monster. Like in Grey's case where he became a brutal vigilante to deal with Clown and in David(the energy being) Blitz's case who accepted the fact that he is a monster and embraced his chaotic side in order to do *what is right*.

off topic: Arachid can you comment on my new story,there is a chance that my character will be battling females and I don't want to come off as sexist.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 13:47:08)

Read mine, please?

I feel he probably knows he's a monster in his heart, but justifies it. Just as DB says. Quote: "It takes a monster to beat a monster." Unquote.

That is his philosophy, and I believe that other than the massacre at the police station, the destruction and death both accidental and purposeful that were caused by smashers have caused him to hate them.

Oh, and I completely see how he could beat her. No offence... I am suprised by the T.A.S.E.R.'s effectivity, though... TOM A. SAWYER'S ELECTRIC RIFLE FTW!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Sir Night -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 17:18:00)


I still say you need to improve your combat technique... it's too sloppy for my tastes, as you can tell by your story, as well... the sloppiness, that is, not my tastes thereof...

That one I have to disagree with. To me it seems like it would get boring fast if everyone were a master martial artist who never made any kind of mistakes in their fighting. Especially considering that the fighting style of an immortal like her is bound to be somewhat different than that of a human anyway.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 18:21:02)

I do plan on honing my fighting abilities a little more...
But...not quite how you'd think...

~Lady Zafara

Vector -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 18:40:48)

i usually don't think about how someone does something, because half the time i get so bizarre that there's no way i'd be right. ^^;

anywho, regarding my post at the top of the page, would you mind if you put my character in the story? he could be like the evil company's secret project that turns against them for an unexpected reason...

Celestin123 -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 19:17:16)

@Zaffy: Hm...alright. I wonder just how you plan on doing that other than the usual method(s) of training...

@Drakky: Given his situation? I have little sympathy for Agent Boston.
It's mostly his fault that he got in that situation to begin with.

He was the one who decided to investigate something that a normal human should not have been investigating.
And even if he did have a good reason to investigate that matter, he should've been prepared and known
such a situation would come and not merely go on vacation at such a dangerous time.

Boston set himself and his family up for danger and failure.
Mastermind merely took advantage of Boston's carelessness and irresponsibility.

Although, even though It's mostly Boston's fault... I do understand how someone like Mastermind
could make you go against your ideals without even knowing it. So it's not ALL Boston's fault.

@David: That might be true but Boston isn't trying to destroy any monster.
He's just being used and obeying Mastermind's commands no matter how twisted and unjustified.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 20:26:21)

@Sir Knight:Oh, yes, I know what you mean about the martial arts bit. I am saying that from a professional point of view, and she would not necessarily choose to have a similar style, anyway...

For one, she could use her scythe in combat more, secondly, she could use her gun in combat more, using her agility to keep her distance, and honing her accuracy with practice, even with movement.
She could use her water powers more, obviously, and she could also use them in conjunction with tech to improve the offensive capabilities of it. She could also take a route of using even more tech for offensive and defensive capabilities. Those are guesses at what she means to do to improve, btw.

I understand how one would normally think she's quite capable at her level of fighting expertiese, but I choose to criticize it because she both wants to take a similar career route to Gray Silhouette, and the fact that she will almost certainly want to, after the trouncing she recieved at the hands of Agent Boston. And yes, I understand what you mean. Immortality sortof slows your reflexes and you allow yourself to take more hits, because you know you can. I know what you mean there. By her age, though, I think she should have learned to fight better than that, although I suppose it depends on what you do with the time... She still fights quite well, but I merely meant she needs a bit of polish, not that she fights like a 2 year old, or something...

I also see what you mean from a story telling point of view. I know how it could get boring. She still has many different combat routes she could take to differentiate her character from the others, like I stated above.

@Zafara: Good to know.

@Celestin: I do not have sympathy for him, I understand how he could get to that situation. I can see the horrors one might do or be convinced are right in such a situation. That does not mean I condone them. I do not see how that is wrong. He was investigating corruption in the agency. That could have compromised it, and weakened it in future opperations or time of crisis, or even destroyed it all together. He could not have known the nature of the situation, and most of these things tend to be just an individual or a few people, who eventually get cought if they leave a trail, like he did; Sometimes they go higher up. Many agencies would be proud of his initiative in such a situation. It's nearly unknown to have something like this happen where somone of such power is backing such an effort, unless it is the head of another country's govornment or the head of a similar agency from such a country, which would wish to sabotage the effectiveness of their enemies. It was completely his business. He was, of course, in over his head, but it was effectively his duty to investigate anything such as this that might occur, if not his normal job...

Being prepared for anything such as that would imply that he had thought something of it other than simple corruption. It seems he did not expect anything larger. In such a business, there is always a possibility of it turning out to be something bigger, but I am guessing he was just in the preliminary stages of investigation, and may not even have thought much of it at the time. He almost certainly thought he had covered his tracks well enough not to be detected snooping around, as well, or so he would have thought.

As I have been saying, and as with the situation of the trap with Mr. Black, there was probably little he could have done if he suspected anything larger, as well, even if he somehow was suspicious of something bigger, which one normally wouldn't have been. One would have obviously been cautious, and probably would have told his superiors (which he probably did [which may have been how he was found out]). He probably would have suspected the possibility of something bigger, but would have not made any conclusions yet, and would have been in an unsure state of mind; Curious, judgemental, perhaps, but not worried, yet.

Especially if he was in the preliminary phases of investigation like I think he may have been, there would normally have been little to fear.

Oh, and he thinks he's destroying monsters. His frame of mind and oppinions regarding smashers are skewed at best.

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 21:18:57)

Hm...what has Boston done that is technically evil?

1.He killed a clown boy...criminals.

2. He fought Lady Zafara, who was a blood thirty vampire...which I feel does make her a cannibal.

3...uh he kicked an annoying cop. A cop who was going to annoying.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/2/2011 21:44:34)

He killed a cop for puting himself in a possition that would have hindered his opperations. It is more his personality and emotional make-up that I am concerned with. You can just tell on these things, sometimes.

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/3/2011 7:03:29)


Heh heh heh. Judging the book book by the cover....amusing. Next you'll say I'm dangerous and am mentally unstable...oh...wait...I ALREADY AM!


Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (10/3/2011 12:33:04)

I suppose that depends on the type of party... XP

Kinzdor -> RE: (HS) Classified Discussion Thread (12/7/2011 17:57:17)

Wait I though you were following Grays son not Gray. Didn`t he die?

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