Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/10/2011 9:00:08)
Taken from Rolith's Homepage: Oct 10th, 2011 quote:
Pony Vs Pony PonyVsPony is going to go to 2.0 today. I’m running some last minute testing, but once that’s done, we’re going to roll it out. After that I can get started on some big changes coming to it. This updates going to have all the changes that were on the PTR plus a bunch of fixes that those changes introduced. Hopefully those of you who haven’t played the game lately will see some big improvements to stability, speed, and some fun new features! I’m also working on Wild Orbs, which can belong to any color chain, adding more strategy and variety to the game play. We’re also working on Master Account level achievements, which will earn you Exp and Levels on your master account, as well as stickers to use in the upcoming Sticker Book. Soon we’re going to be revising the friends system too, offering you an easier way to view your friends, remove them, and get a reward for checking in with them every day.