RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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Chongo the Chinchila -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/24/2011 15:20:53)

Anyone know what shop the pink panda and mushrooms pets are in?(if they exist^^0)

Naj -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/25/2011 9:37:57)

@Chongo; I checked all the shops that I could reach and didn't see any of those, you have seen them?

My Pony:

BronyMike -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/26/2011 6:32:41)

Say, I'm hoping to do vocal covers of just about every pony song I can get my hands on, and I absolutely love the PvP theme song. If a no-vocals version of the theme exists, I would love to try to sing overtop of it, and I'd be very grateful if someone would send or link it to me through a PM or email. If there is none or if BattleOn would like to hold onto the source files for themselves, I'll understand, though.

Rolith -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/27/2011 8:36:54)

Heya bronymike, not sure if we have a clean no-voice version of the track, but i'll see what i can find out. That'd be very amusing!

3 Vandoren -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/27/2011 12:00:36)

I believe I would want one of those, to.
Not to sing to, but to listen to while I sleep.

cdjblue -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/28/2011 4:00:00)

So... I was wondering. Exactly how are the random battles determined? The last couple of nights, it was mostly within my cupcake level, with nearby power levels...

and today, it decided to go all out. (As well as be random entirely with level 4 - 6 with random cupcake levels)

Not that I mind, but I'm sure other players would have trouble with that.

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/28/2011 16:05:26)

We have been asking to have the matching system be more diverse. It used to pull players from the entire player database so you would end up with level 4-5 players with 95 cupcake and beat them mercilessly. I'd actually enjoy finding some level 18-20 players once in a while. If things have not changed in the matching system, finding several level 20 players randomly was actually very fortunate.

Rolith -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/28/2011 23:23:19)

working on changing the matching to worry more about level then speed, and more about both then it currently does. This is a pretty big change, so no promises as to when it'll go live, but I'm planning on working HARD this weekend. Get a lot of the things on my todo list done.

The Hopeless -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/29/2011 21:13:07)

Oop. I'm sorry -- i wasnt aware.
Kinda sucks though..
I'd like to know that if what i'm working for is even possible.

SilverSoul -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/30/2011 19:26:18)

So uhh...are the first set of items in the Seasonal/Rare shop permanently rare now? Or are they gonna come back at one point or another, like PvP's anniversary? :O

Rolith -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/31/2011 10:47:12)

Not 100% never going to come back, but very unlikely. We're not making any promises to rarity of items, but get items while you can because they might go away for a long time, or forever, if they're in that shop.

PlanesWalker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/31/2011 18:03:34)

After seeing that shop unchanging every day I logged in, I've forgotten what was originally in it. XP

SilverSoul -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/1/2011 20:58:23)

Aww...oh well
'Tis fine by me. Grabbed the witch stuff, so the void of not being able to grab something from the first rare shop is now gone XD.

ElectricRoses -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/2/2011 6:49:50)

I grabbed the witch stuff too, I'm hoping the level matching gets a little better soon, I actually keep gettin level 1s and 4s all the time D:

EST OverLord -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/2/2011 7:19:12)

1700-9CCD if u want to fight meh

BronyMike -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/2/2011 15:36:38)

Any luck with the no-vocals track?

PockyFairy -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/3/2011 22:41:59)

Really enjoying this game!!

Feel free to friend me~


My pony :

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/6/2011 17:15:51)

I already asked this once but it's worth repeating. For advertising, socializing and as a demonstration of support for AE games could you please make a forum profile slot for Pony VS Pony. I realize not all AE games have a slot so I'll just keep asking to remind everyone.

moneybags -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/6/2011 19:09:03)

@Sparticus: I'm sure it's on the To-Do list. AQW and ED was added not *too* long ago, and HS still needs profile slots too. The Cap'n is a busy guy but I'm positive he'll get to it once other priorities are completed.

Poniker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/7/2011 17:32:52)

Been playing this game for a bit now. Its a fun way to take up some spare time. I wish there were more slots for stuff in the shops, like separate places for the front and back legs.

GriffinFire -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/8/2011 10:02:37)

@Poniker - Agreed. I wish my pony could wear socks without taking off her collar. [&:]

Jenemi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/10/2011 6:18:35)

I really don't understand why we can't wear socks/shoes and a collar or earrings and a hat. I don't understand most of the layering choices to be honest--but it gets kind of frustrating :(

Besides that, I only joined 2 days or so ago and have been trying to save for the Halloween Pets. I don't know why special limited stuff is so expensive, but it's kind of depressing :(

I heard I already missed some items as it is... does anyone have pictures of them maybe?

Sparticus -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/10/2011 9:00:08)

Taken from Rolith's Homepage: Oct 10th, 2011


Pony Vs Pony

PonyVsPony is going to go to 2.0 today. I’m running some last minute testing, but once that’s done, we’re going to roll it out. After that I can get started on some big changes coming to it. This updates going to have all the changes that were on the PTR plus a bunch of fixes that those changes introduced. Hopefully those of you who haven’t played the game lately will see some big improvements to stability, speed, and some fun new features!

I’m also working on Wild Orbs, which can belong to any color chain, adding more strategy and variety to the game play.

We’re also working on Master Account level achievements, which will earn you Exp and Levels on your master account, as well as stickers to use in the upcoming Sticker Book.

Soon we’re going to be revising the friends system too, offering you an easier way to view your friends, remove them, and get a reward for checking in with them every day.

Goldstein -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/10/2011 21:29:59)

Okay, I love this game. But for some odd reason, my amount of battles doesn't reset every day. I've only been playing for two days, am I just being stupid or something? Anyway, my friend code is 94200-DA63.

raff -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/12/2011 17:07:03)

My battle limit always stays at 5, is that normal?

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