RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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SuKanzoo -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/3/2023 21:12:18)

No, I've seen other people be able to sign in with usernames rather than their emails. I don't know why the game didn't approve my sign-in when I thought it was dead previously.

Icetex -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/4/2023 20:45:27)

Thats What Not Your Wiki States:


Login Screen
After the game loads, the login screen will appear. It includes a large Pony Vs Pony logo, its game version, two fill-in boxes where you can enter your Username and Password, a large "Login!" button which brings you to the next screen after your sign in info is filled, a "Register!" button which links to either a page where you can make an Artix account if you don't have one or your Artix Entertainment Master Account screen if you're already signed in on Artix's website, a "Forgot Your Password?" button, in simple font, which links you to an Artix page of what to do when you've lost your Artix account password; and two save buttons, one next to each fill-in box, which will save what's written on that box next time you visit the game. When you put your cursor over the words "Username" and "Password", a pop-up message will appear for each of them.

If you sign in with your username or password spelled wrong, you'll enter an error screen with a "Reset!" button. Clicking it will take you back to the login screen. Any other error messages in the game will also bring you back to the login screen.

PVP always required your Artix Account
Not sure how still playable for you PVP no longer loads up on my end

SuKanzoo -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/5/2023 11:41:30)

I don't actually know about these different login forms on Artix since PVP was the only Artix game I cared about. Because I've only been able to access the game with emails, I don't know about the username form, but since I know that's another way to sign in, I wrote it like that. After all, that was written years ago.

Icetex -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/7/2023 15:03:23)

🤔Fair Enough I suppose perhaps at one time before an Artix account was a thing
you could login in with your username
but that must been only in 2011/2012/2013

Rindepie -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (12/20/2023 6:36:02)

is the game finally finished? dang :( im gonna miss it

Icetex -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (12/20/2023 21:21:55)


Yeah it was shut down sometime after June of this year (most likely September)
I'm going to miss it certainly for me personally it was an inevitability of its fate because AE stop caring about the game

Rindepie -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (12/21/2023 20:56:15)

i was hoping to play until my pony was level 20, i think i stopped at.. 12? I got major burnout near september, so knowing that it kinda still stings.. i was trying to do the impossible in such a short amount of time now
i hope they do return to the concept of it, maybe not pony related but still cutesy with a side of violence!

Icetex -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (12/27/2023 10:38:13)


Try Battlegems its successor

SuKanzoo -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (6/6/2024 15:03:00)


I've written all of the item descriptions in the game (except for past Special Shop sets) on my PVP wiki!! Additionally, I've made completed pages of all of the main aspects of the game!

One thing I must explain is that the game's explanation of its navigations, that used to be written on the main wiki page, has now been moved to the new "Game Page" page. The gameplay is also explained, not on that page too, but on the "Battle Board" page. Clicking the link above will send you to the wiki's main page where you can click the linked images to view the pages for the wiki, like the two I've mentioned.

Also, as you might notice, there's a "Potpourri" section on the main page as well. Although there are still things that are worth checking out on its pages, they're still under construction. So the wiki still isn't completed, but the main and important things are. I can also add more gifs and see if there's any touch-ups I can make, but for now, I need to take a rest from writing all those descriptions. They weren't hard to do, but my OCD made me work as slow as molasses just to make sure everything was written just right. Not to mention, I'm just one person.

I'll see you all later and I hope you enjoy the archives.

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